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Topic: What happened to the Tobermoon in Oort's Cloud? (Read 20856 times)
void dweller
Zebranky food

Posts: 2

ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!!! Dimensions in Star Control are NOT the dimensions we know from geometry and physics, i.e. not width, length and height. They are REALMS OF EXISTENCE. Read I do know that. The word "dimension" has two meanings - "a measure" and "a separate universe". I used the first while never forgetting about the second. I just used our well-known everyday equivalents to describe the process of the penetration so that unaware readers can understand what I'm talking about. While talking about "dimensions" meaning them to be "another universes" we can replace the "upper dimension" and "lower dimension" with *above* and *below*, "4-dimensional axis" with "difference factor value" respondent for the "difference value", or "length" of the "interdimensional barrier", and so on. Let it be so then. And Orz, for example, being an interdimensional entity has/have a higher number of "dimensions-universes"(not measures!) to control/spread into then humans do, for the late restricted only to one (this world). (Since Orz are *fingers* (parts) of "something" manifesting the part of itself in our world as many illusions of separate individuals, but _not_ separate individuals (*many bubbles*) like humans are). That creature can exist simultaneously in several dimensions (now meaning the "universes"), that what I meant.
Btw, concerning those burns on the Tobermoon's hull.. I still don't know the way Orz mariners get inside the ship they boarding. Good point! Orz may have been the wrong-doer. Maybe he had already displaced the Androsynth, since they began the IDF experiments "over 10 years ago" and we don't know how long they lasted. The Tobermoon launched on August 11, 2134, so 20 years ago, but still... deep burns are the way the Orz marines get into enemy ships - they burn holes into their hulls (see SC2 manual). And it's clear that they mainly damage living beings, since they board the ship, thus allowing them increased accuracy. The bodies can then be evacuated, if they hadn't been completely disintegrated by the marines' weapons. Absolutely! The mariners burn holes, now I've found the line in the manual stating the fact. Thanks. 
And the other question is - how do they kill the enemy crew? With natural/artificial weapons built-in into their exoskeletons? Artificial weapons. *Snagging* doesn't make sense, as it would deal much more damage and, also, could be used from *below*, not necessarily TrueSpace. Yes, you are right, I think! Orz can't *pull* anybody unless he or she "sees" (and "is being seen", accordingly). Obviously, the Tobermoon's crew didn't "see" (it's very unlikely that they had had any information about "seeing" and the Androsynth "IDF" phenomenon), so they couldn't be *pulled*. In my opinion Orz *dance* with those who can't be *pulled*, so they *danced* with Tobermoon... Maybe its crew had chosen the wrong dialogue options... 
But the the manual also states the damage to be "burns" and not "holes". That's a big flow in the theory of mariners disintegrating the crew (although the writers may have concealed the details, veiling the damage as "burns" to make the matter more mysterious). Who knows
As I've said before, I *never* repeat myself...
Posts: 1044

Then why did they visit Unzervalt? If they were motivated by the factors you evoke, Draxas, then they would have modified The Captain so that he doesn't leave Unzervalt, not in such a way that he develops tremendous Precursor technology skills, such as the capability of using the Prec. computer of the starship factory at Unzervalt or repairing the Ultron without knowing how it looked initially. And interfere with how their favorite experimental subjects turn out after all those modifications? The Arilou are never clear about why they visit and modify humans; perhaps their eventual goal is to allow our race to interact with Precursor technology on an otherwise unknown level. If that's the case, why would they undo a remarkable step in that direction?
Even if that has nothing to do with anything, the Arilou would be loath to attempt to interfere with Zelnick's development after he demonstrates his talent. In that moment, he instantly became the biggest celebrity on the planet, and all eyes were on him; the Arilou would have a very tough time paying him a visit without being detected, and there would inevitably be problems when his gift abruptly vanishes. While the Arilou may not have liked the idea of humans returning to space, it would have been an ill advised move for them to attempt to prevent it, and they wouldn't have had the joy of seeing their "children" develop talents even they were unaware of (perhaps).
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
... and especially when removal of said talents would make the survival of humanity nearly impossible.
Without the Tobermoon stopped at the Oort Cloud, the humans couldn't survive. And that was after the Arilou made the necessary modifications to Zelnick/decided not to change his natural talent. Why would they change their doctrine so easily? I mean, why wouldn't they help the humans with stopping the Tobermoon too, as they did with Zelnick?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The following thing is also a good idea: Maybe the Tobermoon has been attacked by the Black Spathi Squadron. You know, they're probably mad, otherwise they wouldn't be so brave Spathi. The deep burns are caused by the main weapon (which really looks caustic), and the ship was boarded by the mad pirates (you know, they're fighting just ANYONE now, because of their insanity).
Posts: 1044

Don't be silly. The Black Spathi Squadron is just a myth, they don't really exist.
Why, just because they don't appear in-game? Who knows, maybe excessive adrenaline levels makes them wrap around to bravery.
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