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Question: |
What theory about the creators of the Mmrnmhrm do you support?
Evil species that lives westward |
Evil species slaughtered by the Kohr-Ah |
Evil species imprisoned by the Kzer-Za |
Evil species, battle thralls of the Kzer-Za |
Evil species that hides from the Ur-Quan |
Not evil species that lives westward |
Not evil species slaughtered by the Kohr-Ah |
Not evil species imprisoned by the Kzer-Za |
Not evil species, but battle thralls of the Kzer-Za |
Not evil species that hides from the Ur-Quan |
Evil species that died from a mysterious cause, before the Ur-Quan arrived |
Not evil species that died from a mysterious cause, before the Ur-Quan arrived |
Precursors |
Keel-Verezy |
Evil species that lives westward (but the Mmrnmhrm are made good to raise the challenge level) |
Evil species slaughtered by the Kohr-Ah (but the Mmrnmhrm are made good to raise the challenge level) |
Evil species imprisoned by the Kzer-Za (but the Mmrnmhrm are made good to raise the challenge level) |
Evil species, battle thralls of the Kzer-Za (but the Mmrnmhrm are made good to raise the challenge level) |
Evil species that hides from the Ur-Quan (but the Mmrnmhrm are made good to raise the challenge level) |
Topic: Poll: The Mother Ark and the Mmrnmhrm (Read 4964 times)
I'm surprised no one made such a thread before, but WHO and WHY built the Mother Ark?!
My guess is that it has something to do with the intended result of the Chenjesu-Mmrnmhrm Process - which would perhaps be a superorganism, a Living Procyon? Maybe the creators of the Mmrnmhrm sought perfection and built the Mother Ark as a seeker of it? Because that's what the Chmmr were intended to be, after all - perfect beings.
My other guess is that they are safeguarding the souls of their creators until they would find a suitable body for them.
And by the way, they could be the vanguard of the returning Precursor race.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2007, 06:07:15 pm by Valaggar »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
The history around the Mother Ark, like the Orz and Precursors, still have plenty of mysteries. According to Hayes, the Mother Ark produced millions of Mmrnmhrm then stopped for some reason. And for some reason, it wasn't repaired.
I don't think TFB ever said anything addition about it.
Now we have a poll too.
As always, if there's a leftover option, specify it in a post in this thread.
I didn't expect Hayes' opinion to have such popularity, frankly! Now, about the "subversive" program - no, they know their purpose from the birth, they just chose to fight the Ur-Quan since they interfered with their purpose. Excerpt from the SC2 manual: "These non-hostile mechanical beings were assembled for some kind of mission by a distant alien race. When born/built, each Mmrnmhrm awakens filled with knowledge and purpose, though to date the Mmrnmhrm have not revealed the exact nature of their long-term mission."
Of course the colonization purpose is the most obvious, but I think there's more to the story than meets the eye...
As to the ship design - why wouldn't it be fit for fighting alone, let's say? I mean, it's more of an all-around ship design, made to hold its own in whatever fight, even without allies.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2007, 08:39:04 pm by Valaggar »
Frungy champion
Posts: 95
I didn't expect Hayes' opinion to have such popularity, frankly! Now, about the "subversive" program - no, they know their purpose from the birth, they just chose to fight the Ur-Quan since they interfered with their purpose. Excerpt from the SC2 manual: "These non-hostile mechanical beings were assembled for some kind of mission by a distant alien race. When born/built, each Mmrnmhrm awakens filled with knowledge and purpose, though to date the Mmrnmhrm have not revealed the exact nature of their long-term mission."
Of course the colonization purpose is the most obvious, but I think there's more to the story than meets the eye...
As to the ship design - why wouldn't it be fit for fighting alone, let's say? I mean, it's more of an all-around ship design, made to hold its own in whatever fight, even without allies.
Are they loyal to their theoretical masters? There's no guarantee to be obedient to your creators, especially when you haven't seen them for a thousand years and have a history and culture of your own.
Yes there is, if you are a robot. Even sentient robots can be programmed as to never revolt.
Posts: 1044

Granted, there may be other Mmrnhrm elsewhere, assuming that the Mother Ark is just one of many similar constructs. However, I think it's fair to say that the Chenjesu no longer exist separately; unlike the Mmrnhrm, they evolved naturally on a single world, and all participated in the process when their world was slave shielded.
I once again agree with Draxas.
Ah, and if we were here, the Chmmr will almost certainly travel down the path that the Kzer-Za travelled and free each and every race under their domination. Then there is a 1/2 chance that they will find the creators of the Mmrnmhrm (because they could have been exterminated by the Kohr-Ah). Or... what if the Mmrnmhrm are creations of the Keel-Verezy? Another option - their creators come from the "western" region of the galaxy (west from the Ilwrath). The only region that has not seen Ur-Quans.
And jucce: They could not have reprogrammed themselves if they had a program that stopped them from doing such a thing.
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