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Author Topic: SuperMelee tournement  (Read 4400 times)
Zebranky food
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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2007, 04:49:22 am »

Maybe we should plan on getting together on the uqm-arena sometime and setup a game.  I've only been logging in there for the last few days, but there always seem to be about 10 people logged in.  Problem is that few if any respond to any chat.  I think that they stay logged in to sort of keep a history of any activity there, and that's about it.

In any case, let me know when you are available to play, and we can plan something.  That goes for anyone else who reads this.  I'm usually available and willing to play a few quick games on any given night, and I'm usually home and up late (due in part to having small children).  I'm in the Mountain Time Zone, but if nothing else, I would be willing to schedule some weekend competition.  Just let me know.
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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2007, 05:38:39 am »

Good to hear. I find that Sunday is a good day to find people on - but it can be hit or miss. Weekday evening would also be i would suspect but i am at work when the world (US/europe)  is having its evening.

There are about 4 or 5 people who are ALWAYS logged in but NEVER do anything. There are a few reliable ones thet pop on every now and play, or say stuff (notibly Tiberian, Shiver, Elvish_Pillager, AusMe, AngusThermopyle, AmigaNut & edmund).

I wont be around this weekend but i will the one after - in fact i will probaly hold a KO tournament then.


Play online melee here!
Zebranky food
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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2007, 06:04:55 am »

Really?  Where do you live?

Yeah, I actually managed to strike up a game with edmund last night.  He was nice enough to endulge me, even though he warned me of the lag beforehand (being that I'm in the States and he is in NZ).  The lag wasn't horrible, but it was potentially annoying.  So, I have a feeling that he didn't give it his all in the interest of ending things a bit more quickly.  Definitely a good player though.  That leads me to a question....

When things are laggy, do you increase the network delay at all, or do you keep it at the default (2)?

In any case, hopefully some of those people get involved in your next tourney.
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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2007, 11:05:41 am »

There are about 4 or 5 people who are ALWAYS logged in but NEVER do anything.
*Whistles innocently*

The biggest problem with UQM Netplay is, that it's a one-on-one only game. On other games, multiple people can join servers, and that'll make sure that *if* there's activity, it's all concentrated on one server.
Another problem is, that when I *do* want to play, I can't because there's no-one to play against, and if someone asks me to play a round, I've likely already found some other thing to do, thus I won't have 'time' for some Netplay.

To 'fix' UQM Netplay, it'd be nice to concider any of the following:
*Change the way servers are currenty handled: instead of letting one person host and the other join a game, make it so that there are (dedicated) servers where multiple people can join, and from which people will be able to spectate games. Possibly, you could add 'gamemodes' or servertypes:
-Standard one-on-one: Whenever a round ends, all clients are put into spectator mode. As soon as two people decide to 'join the game', a one-on-one round between them starts.
-Credit round: All clients are given a certain ammount of credits (say, 40) when the join the server. Games are being played constantly, and at any time, people can decide to spawn into the game with a certain ship (which they have to buy) after anyone in the game loses their ship. Say, when two people are fighting (Avatar vs. Dreadnought), and one person tends to lose (say the Dreadnought), a third, spectating player can decide to wait in the queue with an Orz Nemesis. Once one of the two dueling players dies (the one piloting the Dreadnought), he is put into spectator mode and the guy waiting in queue with a Nemesis spawns, ready to battle the Avatar. This way, there'll be a non-stop game going. You win credits for destroying an enemy (more credits awarded for every following kill), and every minute or round or something, spectators will get credits so they'll be able to buy ships later on. Disconnecting and reconnecting will not give you the starting moneys again.
*More stuff, but I have to go now.. Wink
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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2007, 04:03:29 pm »

Ok, I'll make the mailing list thing a poll.

As for noone being active on #uqm-arena. There are indeed a few people who rarely play there, but there are also those who are waiting for someone to show an interest in playing, but while they wait, they're doing something else, and are not immediately responding. So logging in, waiting for someone to say something, and then logging out again, doesn't work. Also, in my experience, if you want to find people to play against, it helps to announce that you want to play, instead of saying "anyone there?".
And the activity varies with the time of the day. But I agree that it would be better if there were enough players there so that there's always someone there to play against.

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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2007, 09:33:01 pm »

Really?  Where do you live?

Yeah, I actually managed to strike up a game with edmund last night.  He was nice enough to endulge me, even though he warned me of the lag beforehand (being that I'm in the States and he is in NZ). 

Yeah he's my brother as it happens, i'm in NZ too - same town, different suburb.

Looks to be a positive (if embryonic) response to Meep-eep's poll which is encouraging. I'll post info about the next tourney soon.

I wont be around at the arena till about the 31st or 1st regardless.

Play online melee here!
Zebranky food
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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2007, 03:08:09 am »

Yeah, I guess that I thought being logged in to the uqm-arena meant that you were intersted in some net play.  So, it would follow that if anyone was there to respond, that they would be interested in playing a game.  However, I will try being more direct about my interest to play, and see if that helps.

About more people being logged in there, maybe a link to the web/cgi page for that channel would help direct people there, especially those that do not use an irc client.  It is a nice utility, why not advertise it a bit?

Yeah, I haven't seen the poll yet, but I will definitely cast my vote.  Thanks for setting that up Meep-Eep!

Cedric: I look forward to your tournament post.  However, how do you deal with the lag?
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Re: SuperMelee tournement
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2007, 04:18:56 am »

About the lag: it is sometimes an issue, usually not though

Play online melee here!
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