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Question: which race would you surrender too?
Ur-Quan   -7 (20.6%)
Umgah   -2 (5.9%)
Spathi   -16 (47.1%)
Vux   -0 (0%)
Mycon   -1 (2.9%)
Ilwrath   -0 (0%)
I would fight to the death.   -8 (23.5%)
Androsynth   -0 (0%)
Total Voters: 32

Author Topic: Terms of surrender.  (Read 12429 times)
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Terms of surrender.
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:14:50 am »

Let’s say you are a captain during the war and for some reason had to surrender, which race would you surrender too?

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 01:47:37 am »

I would go with either the Spathi or Fight to the death or The Ur-Quan. The Spathi would be far more inclined not to kill me outright and I'd doubt they'd be into torture. All other races listed would see me to an untimely demise:

The Ur-Quan: They'd probably make me serve aboard there vessel during the First Alliance War or kill me if I'm found outside the slave shield of Earth during the New Alliance of Free Stars.

The Umgah: More than likely I'd die from a practical joke gone wrong.

The Vux: They'd be too repulsed to even consider taking me prisoner. I'd die of disgust if they did. Wink

The Mycon: Considering the environment in which they thrive at, my survival of Juffo Wup would be null.

The Ilwrath: Out of all the races listed, These would be the ones I'd least likely surrender to. Torture by they're hands doesn't sound like all that much fun.

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 03:01:02 am »

Fight to the death!!

I like to think you killed a man. It's the romantic in me.
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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 06:10:58 am »

I'd surrender to the Spathi and assimilate into their culture Smiley

Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 06:59:34 am »

Since this is in the context of the Hierarchy War, why are the Androsynth not an option? Other than that, I'd expect the results to go something like this:

Ur-Quan - They would stuff you aboard some temporary prison until the rest of humanity is subjugated and then put you with the rest of your species as either a combat thrall or Star Base maintainance guy.

Spathi - They would turn you directly over to the Ur-Quan. The Spathi may be the only sympathetic species within the Hierarchy, but they won't risk their own asses to hide members of a rogue species.

Androsynth - The result would be the same as with the Spathi, but these guys would be smirking a hell of a lot due to the symbolic victory over their old slavemasters.

Umgah - The Umgah could do damn near anything so this would be a roll of the dice. This would be my choice because if you're at the point of surrender you're screwed anyway.

VUX, Mycon, Ilwrath - A fate worse than death.
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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 09:18:17 am »

Since this is in the context of the Hierarchy War, why are the Androsynth not an option? Other than that, I'd expect the results to go something like this:
When I wrote this up in word I had the Androsynth as an option. Apparently I missed copying them over. They are there now.

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 02:34:48 pm »

In fact, Spathi won't accept your surrender. Who knows what diabolical tricks you may have prepared...
But if they, somehow, would, I'd surrender to them. Then attack them with vegetables, anything, and take over their ship.

Else, fight to the death is a good option - rather than slavery or torture.

Surrendering to the Mycon, too, may be something... intriguing. With their advanced biological skills, they'd implant spore sacs in your brain and make you part of Juffo-Wup - like they wanted to do with Zelnick to thank him for revealing the location of the world in the Organon system.
High temps won't be an issue - they must be able to build some decompression room.

And VUX, of course they won't accept them to surrender. That's why they're fighting you - to get your ugly appearance out of their minds. With you on their ship... YUCK!
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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 03:51:26 pm »

Hmm, I said 'fight to the death' at first, but the more I think about it, the more it seems like being taken captive by the Umgah could be interesting. Theyd totally trick my body out, with like tentacles and everything!

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 06:04:43 pm »

The way I see it, you have only 2 races on that list that amount to anything more than "surrender = death (or worse)". The Spathi, as Shiver said, would immediately turn you over to the first Ur-Quan they came across; they may not kill you immediately, but they wouldn't stick their (already endangered, thanks to the Ur-Quan's warnings) necks out for an enemy, especially not a sneaky, devious Hunam. Other than that, you could surrender to the Ur-Quan themselves; considering that they see all other races as their inevitable slaves, they would likely accept. Chances are, you would languish in a brig, or be put to work in a slave crew, at least until Earth was slave shielded (whereupon you would likely be deposited underneath the shield like everyone else).

Every other race has ulterior motives that would make your fate considerably less pleasant. The Ilwrath have voiced their appreciation for human prisoners many times; an extremely slow, painful, and torturous death awaits. The VUX would blast you rather than accept your surrender, because there is no way they would ever tolerate a human on board one of their vessels, even as a prisoner. The Mycon likely would implant spores in your brain, assuming they didn't just "void" the "non" right off the bat; this would alomst certainly result in death from your perspective, though your memories may join the Mycon's collection of ancestors (perhaps this is what they mean by becoming a part of Juffo-Wup). The Umgah would almost certainly use you as a part of one of their pranks, and considering the casual disregard that the Umgah show for life during their pranks, this does not bode well for you. And the Androsynth would probably behave in a similar fashion to the VUX; they despise humanity too much to even accept your surrender, and would leave no trace of your existence.

Depending on the circumstances, though, maybe fighting to the death would be your best bet.
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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2007, 06:51:49 pm »

Definately the Quan. I think the Spathi would probably not take the risk
of having captives and the rest would mutilate/torture captives. At
least with the Ur-Quan, you have the choice of being earth-bound.

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2007, 10:37:20 pm »

It's very likely that the Umgah would use you for pranks, but you could be in on them. As Hayes says "It's unfortunate that the Umgah fell to the Ur-Quan so early in the War because I suspect we would have gotten along well with those big blob creatures; at the very least it would have been entertaining."

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2007, 01:13:11 am »

I don't think it'd even be surrender. An Umgah has you in its sights, ready to anti-matter you to oblivion, just say "Hey, wanna pull a prank on the so and so" and you're in the clear.

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2007, 12:02:23 am »

I'd join the Umgah if I had the chance because, hey, free tentacles.

I'd probably say the Spathi would probably be the easiest to surrender to- just convince them you're harmless/crippled, and then once you're on their ship, whip out a gun at take over. At least, that's what I would do.  Wink

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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2007, 02:10:04 am »

Since this is in the context of the Hierarchy War, why are the Androsynth not an option? Other than that, I'd expect the results to go something like this:

Ur-Quan - They would stuff you aboard some temporary prison until the rest of humanity is subjugated and then put you with the rest of your species as either a combat thrall or Star Base maintainance guy.

Spathi - They would turn you directly over to the Ur-Quan. The Spathi may be the only sympathetic species within the Hierarchy, but they won't risk their own asses to hide members of a rogue species.

Androsynth - The result would be the same as with the Spathi, but these guys would be smirking a hell of a lot due to the symbolic victory over their old slavemasters.

Umgah - The Umgah could do damn near anything so this would be a roll of the dice. This would be my choice because if you're at the point of surrender you're screwed anyway.

VUX, Mycon, Ilwrath - A fate worse than death.

I think this assessment is just about right, only that the Androsynth may decide to kill you instead of turning you over to the Ur-Quan.  Like Commander Hayes says "Deep down in our hearts we all knew that the Androsynth had a damn good reason for hating us,  Our grandparents kept them as slaves for nearly 50 years."

I'd say either the Spathi or Ur-Quan if continuing to fight meant certain death.  If I had a glimmer of hope of surviving the fight, then fight on would be my option.
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Re: Terms of surrender.
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2007, 05:58:29 am »

Overall, I feel that my best bet would be with the Ur-Quan. They're the most consistent of all of the races listed, and they have no fatal quirks. The Spathi would be a good second, but their irrational fears could lead to a bad end. Virtually anyone else will likely result in my death: With the Ur-Quan, I'll most likely just be thrown into prison until the war ends; then they'll toss me under a slave shield. With other people, though, I could end up being dismembered (slowly and painfully), blasted into atoms, converted to serve Juffo-Wup, or blasted into atoms in a "humorous" way.

So, yeah. Ur-Quan all the way.
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