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Topic: Tips for all newbies (Read 16058 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

How's my breath?
For those of you who have NEVER played the game before, or can't remember at all, here are some tips I thought of:(although these are all from the original)
Mining: Ignore the largest planet types for mining, they are all gas giants. However, some giants have moons to mine.
Ignore all Commons and Corrosives (Blue and Red minerals). They are a waste of cargo space.
Visit the hottest stars whenever possible: White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red (In descending order of heat). They yield better results (but more dangerous conditions). Their sizes range from Supergiant, giant, and dwarf. (Don't think there're any others). Logically, size matters, so a red supergiant is still hotter than a white dwarf.
Planets to investigate: All orange and purple planets of any size are always worth investigating. The orange ones are mostly metal and radioactive worlds. Purples are generally exotic worlds (or else completely worthless). Medium sized orange worlds (Shattered Worlds) are the biggest finds of all (next to Rainbows), but are only found in Mycon territory. Medium Purples are also a great find.
Valuable Green and Yellow planets of all sizes tend to be either Lithium (Forgot name?) or Treasure worlds, containing Rare earths and Precious metals respectively. Rainbow worlds are medium yellow worlds, always the first planet, but there are only ten of them. Other precious medium yellow planets include Plutonic worlds, which are even richer than metal worlds because of their large variety of rare and semirare resources.
Small yellow worlds tend to be urea worlds, which are worthless.
All small red planets can be safely ignored. 99% of them are worthless. (I remember 1 or 2 small ruby worlds, but their yields were too small to bother) Some of the medium sized ones are Ruby Worlds (Exotics)
Small Blue planets aren't normally worth checking out. Check the medium sized ones. (Noble worlds, or Water worlds)
You can ignore all the white planets.
Mining tips: The age-old tip: MINE THE ALPHA CENTAURI SYSTEM!! The Ruby Worlds there are INCREDIBLY rich and capable of supporting your early mining efforts easily.
In my early games, I will always have at least 2 crew pods, 3-4 fuel pods, and all the cargo bays I can carry. Then I simply raid the Centauri system, the stars nearest to the Ilwrath (some have ridiculously rich worlds) and most of the Spathi systems. Also, the Orz giants are good places to go.
Have at least 6 thrusters and 6 turning thrusters before you go anywhere farther than Rigel. The best is to fill up your thrusters ASAP.
You can still take on super-dangerous worlds with incredible resources by noting where your lander goes after choosing a landing spot, then compensating. Drop the lander on the mineral, take off, come back. Don't try this on planets over 1500 degrees Celsius though.
Searching for life (Bio points for the Melnorme):
Always check the planets with green bands around the stars first. Green bands always carry the best conditions for life. Then when scanning, check for an atmosphere. If there is no atmosphere, discontinue scanning for life.
Grey and even occasionally orange bands can support life too. Water worlds with atmospheres in the green band almost ALWAYS support life. Blue, then green, orange, yellow, purple and red (in descending order) have corresponding occurences of life. White rarely carries life.
General Tips:
Earthling cruisers are pretty lousy. Work to get the Slylandro Probes off your ass as early in the game as possible to survive the early game. You can find a clue with the Melnorme, but just go to one of the stars near Vega (I won't reveal it) and look for the Probe's masters in one of the most unlikely places.
Also, get the Portal spawner as early as possible. (The Warp Pod you need is in a system whose name is similar to a certain mythological winged horse....)
Rainbow worlds are the most important finds in the game! Always remember at LEAST 3 or 4 of them.
Master the Utwig Jugger. I effectively took out the 12 or so Ur-Quan/Kohr-Ar ships guarding the Sa-Matra, then half of that thing's defences, with one Jugger. The other took care of the rest.
That's it for now... if you have any more questions, ask me.
One thing I forgot, and can't seem to find anywhere online, is what all the scan data means. Some of it is obvious, like temperature, but others are rather obscure and their meaning I can only guess at. It makes mining frustrating because I can't always tell how dangerous a world is before I land. More than once i've unknowingly dropped my poor crew into a mess of a world that would make Hell look frozen, or Thor like the god of Static Electricity. 
The only other things that are bugging me is just stuff i've long forgotten, but will (hopefully) eventually rediscover. For example: How to fight and not get my ass completely wasted  Or, a better example: Where the hell I should be exploring and who I need to talk to, because random wandering sure as hell doesn't work (I remember that much! )
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

How's my breath?
Well, for the planetside conditions...
Atmosphere: Is there one, and a deciding factor on the availability of life.
Weather: How many bolts of lightning per second. ;P
Temperature: Anything at 100 or above will cause hotspots.
Tectonics: 1 is minimal. 10 is like the Kobe Earthquake x 5
The other stuff isn't too important.
As for the wandering part... well, I can tell you some of the stuff these races are for... *SPOILERS* you'll need to figure out what to do with them though. . . . . . . . .
Spathi - Basic starting out. Plus the Umgah Caster (Not necessary, but the caster is useful.)
Umgah - Dynarri Druuge - Rosy Sphere Pkunk - Clear Spindle Chmmr - Duh... Utwig - The Utwig Bomb (FLASH!) Supox - The broken Ultron Thraddash - The Aqua Helix Orz - The Taalo shield Syreen/Mycon - You'll need their help to get to the endgame
The less important things are:
Arilou - Portal Spawner. Major time saver. Slylandro - GET THOSE PROBES OFF MY BACK! ZoqFotPik - Erm.... nah. Just forget them. Yehat/Pkunk - Good for some extra ships at the end. Related to the Shofixti. Shofixti - There's a trick involved in fighting him... the reward is very convenient. VUX - Related to the Shofixti, you need to get the mother of all monsters. Ilwrath - Great for a few laughs... use a caster.
I don't remember anything else...
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

How's my breath?
Oh, a note for people who want to play with point defense systems in their game: Every PDS you add to your ship increases the damage the PDS can do by one point.
If I remember correctly, an Ur-Quan fusion blast does 6 pts of damage. Using six PDSes, you can cancel out the shot in one go. Try using that as a weapon.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
If I remember correctly, the Melnorme said that only 3 point defense is the maximum effectiveness. Unfortunately, you never need more than one because at full power, you can kill an Ur-Quan before it even gets in range.
Also, about the newbie tips, I started out a couple months ago and figured all those out pretty quick. We newbies aren't that newbie.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
my bad. Point defense just seems so silly when you can have a duo or trio of hellbore cannons that can vaporize the comp before they get to even close in on you.
Jimmy C
ZoqFotPik - Erm.... nah. Just forget them.
They can help you find one of the keys to getting the Syreen on your side. They can also tell you where to find the ultimate target of the game- if you took too long wandering around that is.
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

How's my breath?
Well, that PDS one was for fun. Imagine what it would be like to take on 3,000,000 Ur-Quan Dreadnoughts and not lose a single crew because you could intercept all their shots, then disgrace them by killing them at point blank.
But that aside, the tips are for those who don't have time to figure out everything at one go... I should know... (grumbles)
Ah, so the ZFP have THAT use eh? I never took that long to finish a game, except on my first try (when the game ended in another less pleasant way. :-/ ) Thanks...
Zebranky food

Posts: 25

Rankka Ankka
"The Warp Pod you need is in a system whose name is similar to a certain mythological winged horse...." --------------------------------------------------------
I'm obliged to participate at this point, because the hint is wrong. While you can find something valuable in that system it is not what the little green men want you to find.
Zebranky food

Posts: 18

How's my breath?
hm...? Sorry then... hehe. Was it Corvi? Been a while. Please correct me.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Jari Luukkonen
well where i find Umgah? and where is Spathi orinary homeworld?
One question that I have is this: Are you expected to battle in the early part of the game? Everytime I leave into hyperspace, I'm accosted by a robot that "comes in peace". (Then procedes to attack me).
I can never seem to win super melee.. is there some trick I'm missing? I find the combat model very frustrating... I can't seem to steer my ship!
Anyway, thanks!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
What? You have to thrust forward and then live with the momentum you've gotten? Or is it the abrupt maximum speed problem?
Are you using the supox blade or the slylandro probe or arilou skiff? Those have different maneuvering characteristics.
Just remember that to slow down you're going to have to turn around ahead of time. If you're cooking along at max speed far from the planet, you can turn by continuing to thrust and turn.
Also, perhaps you're experiencing key jamming?
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