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Question: |
What do you think about the Utwig voice?
It's brilliant. |
It's good, but not what I expected. |
Decent, but could be much better. Not what I expected. |
Bad, but not intolerable. |
Horrible and intolerable. |
Topic: Poll: The Utwig voice (Read 6841 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
I hate it.
Posts: 817
My first brush with Star Control 2 was on the 3DO. All games coming out around this time were taking advantage of CD quality sound and breaking new ground in game content. To me all the talking parts were awesome because in most games there was no speech. You had to read your RPG's.
The Utwig were what I expected from a depressed race who lost there prized possession.
If you want to look for bad quality of speech in games, try Resident Evil series. It's like they put together broken parts of words to come up with full sentences. Plus the dialog as a whole was poorly written...but this is just my humble opinion.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
I never though it would be like that. (though of course they are sad since breaking their relic) They sound like they are ill, they have somekind of sickness. And even after returning the Ultron they sound the same, quivering 'n' annoying.
Posts: 701

I ticked second option down. I like the voice, it amuses me. I can't remember how it sounds when they get their ultron back though. I wish I had an ultron.
If you don't know how it sounds, then why do you vote?! Anyway, look in content\packages\uqm-0.6.2-voice.uqm(it's a .ZIP archive)\comm\utwig, the .ogg-s past utwig041 (included) are those for the "happy" Utwig. (play .ogg files with Audacity)
Zebranky food

Posts: 22
Rant time!
As a disclaimer: What is written below is only my opinion, nothing more. If you like the 3DO voices, that's fine. You can enjoy whatever you wish.
I love the Utwig very, very much. However, whenever I hear the 3DO voice I want to find the voice actor who did it and punch him in the face.
I first played SC2 without voices. The Utwig never, ever came off as being that obnoxiously whiny. Sad? Yes. Morose? Yes. Suicidal? Yes. But never like a whiny, spoiled brat preteen who didn't get what he wanted for his birthday. The 3DO voice makes dealing with the Utwig entirely unbearable. That, my friends, is a true tragedy.
To this day, I refuse to play the game with voices. Not just because of the Utwig voice, but that was "the straw that broke the camel's back", as it were.
As to what I pictured them sounding like: One of the few things that SC(not)3 did right, to me, was their interpretation of the Utwig's voice. It's pretty much how I pictured it. Not perfect, but very close. I'm sure you can find clips of them on YouTube if you've never played the game.
The Japanese Utwig voice is also a thing of beauty, but in a bit of a different way. It's definitely much more pleasant to listen to than the english 3DO version. They sound like they're in mourning and about to burst into tears at any moment. They stop being as weepy after they get their Ultron back, but there's still some sadness in the voice. I could upload a few voice clips, if you like.
Yes, please! Upload 'em!
As to what I pictured them sounding like: One of the few things that SC(not)3 did right, to me, was their interpretation of the Utwig's voice. It's pretty much how I pictured it. Not perfect, but very close. I'm sure you can find clips of them on YouTube if you've never played the game. Hmm... that voice is too high. And where's all the solemnity and the ceremony?! I'd rate it on the same place as the 3DO voice.
To this day, I refuse to play the game with voices. Not just because of the Utwig voice, but that was "the straw that broke the camel's back", as it were. Huh? The other voices are very good. Even the Slylandro gasbag voice is good, though it seems a bit strange at first.
Zebranky food

Posts: 22
Yes, please! Upload 'em! Okay, I've uploaded a few of them here. They're in a .zip file. If you open them in Windows Media Player you'll see a little blurb on the side that will give you an idea of what they're saying.
Hmm... that voice is too high. And where's all the solemnity and the ceremony?! I'd rate it on the same place as the 3DO voice. Oh man, if that voice is too high for you, then you'll probably hate the Japanese voice. Not that it's toddleresque or anything, but the SC2 alien voices are... Well, you know, standard Japanese voice acting high. Except for the Kohr-Ah, which is piss-your-pants low and scary. 
I think the SC3 one has a decent amout of solemn ceremony to it. Different strokes and all that, I guess.
Huh? The other voices are very good. Even the Slylandro gasbag voice is good, though it seems a bit strange at first.
Er... Well... I think I've already been a little offensive during my little rant about the 3DO Utwig, so I'll refrain from going on and on about the others. I don't want to start any big arguements when I'm so new to this place.
You won't start any argument, just tell us what you don't like. We're curious.
As to the Jap Utwig - they sound very well if applied the following effect (similar to my Utwig voicepack): 1. Make a duplicate track of the voice. 2. The first track is -10.5 semitones, the second -7.5 Too bad they're not speaking English...
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