Zebranky food

Posts: 8

Well, the previous three messages in this thread are all spam (promoting a product without really checking whether it actually solves anything discussed in the thread), and the last relevant post was from 2006.
Once upon a time - in 1998 - I also worked on this problem. Similarly without much success at cracking the speech compression.
Here's my Turbo Pascal program (from 1998) that extracts the wav files from the voc file, and reports some statistics on how much they were compressed.
{$M 2048,0,68096} Uses Objects, Strings, WinDos, Crt;
Const AppTxt: Array[0..63]Of Char = '<APP BYTES>';
Var s, s2: Array[0..63]Of Char; Buf: Array[0..16383]Of Char; Bread: Word;
f, t: TBufStream;
Count: Word; a, b: Word;
Size2, Size3, Total, Size, Posi: LongInt;
Ratio2, Ratio3, Ratio: Real; Best2, Best3, Signa: Word;
C10: Word; C10A, C10B: Real; C11: Word; C11A, C11B: Real;
Var wFormatTag, nChannels: Word; nSamplesPerSec, nAvgBytesPerSec: LongInt; nBlockAlign, Bits: Word;
Begin f.Init('e:\pelit\sc3\star001.voc', stOpenRead, $FE00);
f.Read(Count, 2);
WriteLn('Voice clip count: ', Count);
Total := 0;
Ratio2 := 0; Ratio3 := 100;
For a := 2900 To Count-1 Do Begin f.Seek(2 + a*4); f.Read(Posi, 4); f.Read(Size2, 4); If Posi = 0 Then Continue;
{ Repeat f.Read(Size2, 4)Until Size2 <> 0; Dec(Size2, Posi); } If Size2>0 Then Dec(Size2, Posi); If(Size2 < 30000)Or(a >= 3000)Then Begin f.Seek(Posi); f.Read(Signa, 2); f.Read(Size, 4) End Else Size := Size2;
If KeyPressed Then Break;
Write(a:4,': ',Size:5,' bytes'#13); {If(Size >= 30000)And(Signa <> 0)Then Continue;}
If a < 3000 Then Begin f.Seek(Posi); f.Read(Signa, 2); f.Read(Size, 4) End;
Str(a+1:4, s2); strcpy(s, 'd:\sc3_wav\sc3_'); For b := 0 To 3 Do If s2[b]=' ' Then s2[b] := '0'; strcat(s, s2);
If Signa=32 Then strcat(s, '.wac') Else If Signa= 0 Then strcat(s, '.wav') Else strcat(s, '.___');
Inc(Total, Size);
TextAttr := 15; Write(s,': ');
t.Init(s, stOpenRead, 512); If(t.Status = stOk)And(t.GetSize = Size)Then Begin t.Done; Continue End; t.Done; t.Init(s, stCreate, 512); t.Done; t.Init(s, stOpen, 2048); t.Seek(0); Size2 := Size;
Write(#8#8' Size:',Size:7);
C10 := 0; C11 := 0;
Repeat BRead := SizeOf(Buf); If BRead > Size Then BRead := Size;
f.Read(Buf, BRead);
For b := 0 To BRead-1 Do Begin If Buf[b] = '' Then Inc(C10); If Buf[b] = '' Then Inc(C11) End;
t.Write(Buf, BRead);
Dec(Size, BRead) Until Size <= 0;
t.CopyFrom(f, Size);
Size3 := t.GetPos; { t.Write(AppTxt, strlen(AppTxt)); t.CopyFrom(f, Size2 - Size - 6);}
WriteLn(' Free: ',DiskFree(Ord(UpCase(s[0]))-Ord('A')+1));
TextAttr := 7;
If(Signa = 32)Or(Signa=0)Then Begin t.Seek(20); {'RIFF', size, 'WAVE', 'fmt ', size} t.Read(wFormatTag, 2); t.Read(nChannels, 2); t.Read(nSamplesPerSec, 4); t.Read(nAvgBytesPerSec,4); t.Read(nBlockAlign, 2); t.Read(Bits, 2); t.Read(Size, 4); {'data'} Size2 := Size3; t.Read(Size, 4); TextAttr := 3; Write(' FORMAT '); TextAttr := 9; Write(wFormatTag); TextAttr := 3; Write(': '); TextAttr := 9; If nChannels=1 Then Write('MONO') Else If nChannels=2 Then Write('STEREO') Else Write('Chans: ',nChannels);
TextAttr := 9; Write(' ',nSamplesPerSec/1000:0:2,' kHz ',Bits); TextAttr := 3; WriteLn(' bits');
TextAttr := 3; Write(' Size: '); TextAttr := 9; Write(Size:6); TextAttr := 3; Write(' File: '); TextAttr := 9; Write(Size2:6); TextAttr := 3; Write(' Ratio: '); Ratio := Size2*100/Size; TextAttr := 9; Write(Ratio:0:1); If Ratio > Ratio2 Then Begin Ratio2 := Ratio; Best2 := a; C10A := C10*100.0/Size; C11A := C11*100.0/Size End; If Ratio < Ratio3 Then Begin Ratio3 := Ratio; Best3 := a; C10B := C10*100.0/Size; C11B := C11*100.0/Size End; TextAttr := 3; WriteLn('% of original'); If Signa=0 Then WriteLn('*** NOT COMPRESSED, NOTE!') End;
t.Done End;
TextAttr := 7; WriteLn('LEAST COMPRESSED ITEM WAS NUMBER',Best2:5,' (',Ratio2:0:1,'% OF ORIGINAL, :',C10A:0:4,'%, :',C11A:0:4,'%)'); WriteLn(' MOST COMPRESSED ITEM WAS NUMBER',Best3:5,' (',Ratio3:0:1,'% OF ORIGINAL, :',C10B:0:4,'%, :',C11B:0:4,'%)');
f.Done End. From what I deduced back then I saw that the compressed files still contained bits of recognizable audio, which suggests that it's either not entirely in one format, or it includes LZ-type elements to it.