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Topic: Favourite quote? (Read 7807 times)
What's your favourite quote from Star Control? (you can find them at (I advise you NOT to take voices into account, nor fonts or background or music)
Mine... hmm... from Arilou I like Our motives are multiple, our desires complex. Part of what we do on Earth is for your own protection. There are parasites. Creatures who dwell Beyond. They have names, but you do not know them. They would like to find you but they are blind to your presence... unless you show yourselves. The Androsynth showed themselves, and something noticed them. There are no more Androsynth now. Only Orz. and No. In a way, ignorance is your armor, your best protection. They cannot see you now. They cannot smell you. Much of our work with your people involved making you invisible... changing your smell. If I tell you more, you will look where you could never look before and while you are looking you can and will be seen. You do not want to be seen. but they can't make it to the top.
This Druuge quote: You may be surprised to learn that we are deeply spiritual beings, Captain. We worship our god with great enthusiasm. You want details? Why certainly. We Druuge are especially fortunate souls. Most aliens we have encountered have, at best, a tenuous relationship with their gods but we Druuge have an iron-clad contract! Our document reads as follows: Whereas the Druuge (hereinafter known as `the Worshipers') wish to establish a long-term relationship with an omnipotent and all-knowing deific entity (hereinafter known as `God' or `god') which shall mutually benefit both parties, the parties agree to abide by the following terms and commitments for the rest of eternity. The Worshipers hereby promise to perform faithfully and to the best of their ability the following 1. Worshipers shall make regular and sincere obeisance to God, including but not limited to prayer, sacrifice, and the building of large structures. 2. Worshipers shall make every attempt to convert non-believers (hereinafter known as `Them') making sure to obtain signed documents from same attesting to said conversion. 3. Worshipers shall not enter into an agreement with another deity, without written permission from God. In consideration of the above correctly performed obeisance, God shall provide: 1. Continued existance with little or no modification to the perceived reality of the Worshipers. 2. No fewer than 3 miracles (Force Majeure), whose exact nature and timing shall be left to God's sole discretion. 3. Worshipers shall enjoy some form of life after death which shall remain a complete and total mystery to the Worshipers until such time as they die. We, the undersigned, hereby swear to fulfill our obligations as defined above. Signed, The Druuge. (God, being omni-present and all-knowing is considered to have signed this document, by default.) but it's not exactly my favourite.
No, I love this Kzer-Za quote: In our twenty thousand years along the Path of Now and Forever we have dominated thousands of species, yes but we have saved hundreds from extinction. You imagine the threat of unknown invaders, or alien pestilence borne on the solar wind. We have seen these. But you do not acknowledge your own worst enemy, yourselves. We have found dead worlds without number, planets ravaged by atomic fire or gaian collapse. These planets were not rendered sterile by outside forces. They bear sad testament to the effects of unrestrained instinct and emotion or simple ignorance. We will prevent such mistakes. It makes them much less evil and more understandable. It makes them much wiser.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
I saw a video on Youtube that if you take only High Capacity Fuel Systems and go to the Druuge and ask him to fill your fuel tanks for an artifact, he will go like crazy. Is this true? Here's the video link
Yeah, it's one of these quotes, based on how many fuel you can hold:
Aieee! I am ruined! You have sucked my full tanks until they are dry! Cruel Monster! Bloated Villain! Slicer of innocent throats! What shall I tell the Manager?! My spouse?! I shall certainly be assigned to tend the furnaces. I shall burn in the atomic fires! Aieee!
This will look very bad on my record, Captain. You have hurt me deeply. I had expected an understanding between trading partners, between equals but NO! The moment my back is turned, you fill your bloated tanks far beyond a reasonable limit. I have learned an important lesson from you today One I shall never forget.
You have received a fair exchange for your device, Captain. Perhaps more than fair for you. I will not be able to brag about this exchange, but then again I need not worry about feeding the furnace.
Well done, Captain. Quite a fair exchange. Good job. (hee-hee-hee).
Ha-ha, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! A fine deal, Captain. An excellent bargain... for me! Ho-ho-ho! When I offered you all the fuel you could hold, you could have drained every drop I had. Cold sweat dripped from my palms as I watched my workers begin the transfer. And then it was over... so soon! So gloriously soon! I shall be promoted at least three full steps! A new office! A benefits package! Fortune has smiled on me today! I feel so lucky, Captain, that you did not have the forethought to arrive here with a dozen empty tanks. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
How much fuel must be sucked from their tanks for the Druuge gentleman to scream he is ruined?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 345

Culture 20!
Its all such good dialogue. I suppose my favourite would be Zelnick himself Some of those convo options are just great! Heres some other races
Dynarri You are imagining things. The Umgah are fine, just busy, extremely busy. That's why I am answering the `Caster today.
Kohr-Ah Our Path of Now and Forever is self-justifying, it needs no confirmation. We cleanse. That is all. There is no more. (haha on that quote site, the first quote paragraph is like a blooper real  I usually avoid contact with the Kohr-Ah, so does that line actually occur?)
Pkunk Greetings and various apropos felicitations! We are Pkunk. Hatchlings of light, spiritual soul beings of the vast cosmic oneness wayfarers on the river of destiny, students of the mystical dimensions purveyors of blissful love, birdlike manifestations of glorious light energies from the astral plane. How about yourselves?
Slylandro (Gasbags) Great. Now you've done it! Just look at Sullen Plummet. You've embarrassed her so badly that she can't even regulate her ballast.
(and Zelnicks line after hahah, Look I'm sorry I asked about your....glowy bits)
Thraddash So when Culture Three came around, they had a problem. How were they going to impress everyone as being EVEN TOUGHER? Their answer? They would arrive at a battle, stand on a tall hill where everyone could see them and chop off one of their own limbs! Then they'd wave it around, screaming and shaking it at their enemies. It worked! It scared the hell out of their opponents! They ran like crazy!
Umgah Well bloat my belly! It a human Earthling!
Hi there, human! How old fluid sacks today? What?! You don't HAVE fluid sacks? Har! Har! Har! What do you call your mate then?!! Har! Har! Har!... you don't HAVE mate? THAT'S EVEN FUNNIER! Har! Har! Har!
We found that pretty hard understand, so when nobody looking, we clonk one on head bring it back here to homeworld and slice it up for detailed study.
HAVE IT! GENETIC MODIFICATION!! YES! IT PERFECT GIFT!! Listen human Earthling! We add some extra eyes! A few tentacles! Other organs of whatever size and shape you desire!!
Umgah(under Dynarri control)
I like to think you killed a man. It's the romantic in me.
My Utwig voice pack has AT LEAST one good point - it includes the missing speech. Credits included.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304

A paranoid android.
Ilwrath explaining why Dogar and Kazon communicate on channel 44:
"...Besides, They Knew We Were 'Captain Satellite' Viewers."
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 10:56:38 pm by AngusThermopyle »
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
Maybe not the best quote, but definitely high on my list. Also one of the rare cases of humour in line breaking.
DATA: This is newly-promoted, junior scientist Hawkins reporting. Dr. Chu -- y'know, he's the leader of this section -- he's still in sick bay. He's been there ever since that thing took a swipe at him and he got too close to the cage. I guess it's got like, triple-jointed arms or something... with spikes and razor-plates all over. Uh... data? Oh yeah, right, right Subject is a Xenoteratomorph -- a big honkin' one, I might add. It eats everything -- plants, animal tissue, wood ceramics, plastics, asbestos fibers several types of metal chairs, a desk and about half of everything a security officer wears. What is doesn't eat, it chews, and what it doesn't chew well, it breaks up into tiny little pieces. What... summary? Oh, oh yeah SUMMARY: The sooner you get that thing off this starbase the less likely it is that that thing will get loose and kill us all. Uh... I, uh, I guess that's it.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
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