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Question: |
which race would you surrender too?
Ur-Quan |
  7 (20.6%) |
Umgah |
  2 (5.9%) |
Spathi |
  16 (47.1%) |
Vux |
  0 (0%) |
Mycon |
  1 (2.9%) |
Ilwrath |
  0 (0%) |
I would fight to the death. |
  8 (23.5%) |
Androsynth |
  0 (0%) |
Total Voters: 32 |
Topic: Terms of surrender. (Read 12528 times)
The Spathi Safe Ones say clearly: "anyway, in a moment of panicked genius, the Captain blurted out `Hold! What you are doing to us is wrong! Why do you do this thing?'"; exactly the Words.
The Spathi don't speak English so even that "exact" phrase is just an approximation made by the Vindicator's translator system. Not to mention the various other nuances that the translator catches - Umgah grammar mistakes, Ilwrath word capitalization, proper names, "Dill Rats", "Doggone and Quasar", "Dwe" etc., other stuff like that.
The translator is a very fine device, which is no wonder since it is Precursor of origin. So the Spathi have some weak psionic abilities, similar to the humans showing high esper ratings - i.e. those 6 crewmen at the Starbase who fell unconscious when the Pkunk were "assimilated" by the Yehat - or rather the Yehat were assimilated by the Pkunk.
Not to mention the various other nuances that the translator catches - Umgah grammar mistakes, Ilwrath word capitalization, proper names, "Dill Rats", "Doggone and Quasar", "Dwe" etc., other stuff like that. And on top of that, it recognizes that once you've changed the ilwrath language, irrevocably and forever, it begins translating from that changed language back into proper English. Truly a powerful tool. Such an unexpected weakness in the translator (it translates everything else just fine and only here it fails) would be nonsensical. Also, if it can remember to translate the Words the same for Melnorme and The Safe Ones, why wouldn't it remember to translate this? I'd rather say that it is either a discrepancy or the Ilwrath are too stubborn to change their language.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
No, it's a strength! You changed their language. Period. The translator figured this out and changed its dictionary to compensate.
Posts: 1044

I always thought the Ilwarth either had a very short attention span, or were just paying lip service to Dogar and Kazon until they finally command them to kill someone else (or perhaps, they get so excited by the command to kill someone else, that they quickly forget about minor language changes).
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142

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Umgah: Why not. If they're not going to kill me, they're probably going to 'play' with me and my body parts, so it might be fun (assuming that I wouldn't feel any pain)
Wow, mental images there. I'm sure there are many fine intertubes sites on that very subject....
I always thought the Ilwarth either had a very short attention span, or were just paying lip service to Dogar and Kazon until they finally command them to kill someone else (or perhaps, they get so excited by the command to kill someone else, that they quickly forget about minor language changes). Yeeaah... I kind of get the feeling that no matter what they're told, they just do what they want anyway, unless they're forced out of a course of action (the Kzer-Za stopping them from going to Earth to try to kill everyone). So they follow directives to have more sacrifices, or go attack the Thraddash, but they don't care about the language thing so they don't do it.
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