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Question: |
What would you do if you suddenly made a LOT of money? (note: you don't have to spend it immediately, you can e.g. found a company etc.)
Keep it for yourself |
Use it for the poor people |
Use it to help TFB make a Star Control sequel |
Use it for sponsoring science/technology etc. (founding a game company included) |
Keep it for yourself, but grant some for the poor people |
Keep it for yourself, but grant some to TFB |
Keep it for yourself, but sponsor science/technology etc. too (founding a game company included) |
Keep it for yourself and your family and friends (founding a game company etc. may be included) |
Topic: Poll: If you suddenly got lots of money... (Read 5648 times)
I'm curious how would YOU react to such an unexpected fortune. You can't do more than one thing with that money, it's intentional (otherwise everyone would do everything with it). I'm sorry to say, but I'm too compassionate a human being not to help the poor... *sigh* I guess it's because of morons like me if a Star Control sequel is due so far in the future, in 2090.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

At this moment in time... Give it to the Virginia Tech victim's families. I'm shocked and horrified.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Keep it for myself. Then use it in realitively small proportions so that it never diminishes when augmented with some conservative investing (which while producing a small proportional return, would be a big actual return, since I would not suddenly start living in a greatly less frugal way as the chumps who usually win the lottery do).
With everything secure on that front, I would use it intelligently in small proportions to advance environmental and game universes/designs that I like.
Mostly nothing for science and technology or the poor. Extreme human population size is THE problem the world faces, and sending blind funding to the above two categories will only make it so much worse and that such is too huge of a price to pay for the ultimately selfish feeling of "doing the right thing" when it leads to more suffering and loss in the long run.
In fact, helping poor people will neither increase or decrease the poor people's numbers - since the extra ones anyway die at very young ages. (posting this in a hurry, any flawed reasoning is copyright to Accolade)
Frungy champion
Posts: 67

give it practically all to ppl that need it more badly than me.
Not all due to be able to produce more with same idea. Food , cloth , water... in my country come if you work hard, but it's a fact that it comes, not like iin other places. And what makes me happy is in no sort of way and expensive car or restaurant, or uber hyped technology -tho i could do better with a core duo2, but my usual way of doing is..can do a lot with little, and this is sort of wider concept. Maybe improving my english would be something I'd do with the only thing that money could give me which I'd really apreciate... time to use as I'd like.
Frungy champion
Posts: 68
I would probably use it to supplement my acting and writing lifestyle. I might start a company, but it's not going to make games. What a bad idea that would be in today's megacompany crunch down. More likely, I would do something on a smaller scale.
All this other cock and bull about feeding the poor and advancing technology is quite frankly not my cup of tea. Though, every wealthy, influential person needs some sort of cause to support, so I'd do something with global warming.
Too bad you don't have that money...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
I would do the following with that money:
-Get myself the best desktop I can buy -Get myself the best laptop I can buy -Get myself the best pocket computer I can buy of each major OS -Start an electronics corporation to produce pocket computers and game/simulator controllers -Start my own game development studio(there's a fictional world or two inside my own head that I want to be realized in some fashion, plus I want a Rocket Jockey sequel) -Get the greatest game ever(for me, that's our beloved SC2)ported to every modern OS out there(starting with Palm OS and Windows Mobile, then Linux for ARM CPUs like on a Zaurus, then perhaps Symbian...what else is out there?) -Start a merchandising company to produce things like plush headcrabs(Valve's offerings didn't quite cut it for me), and more importantly, Fwiffo plushies! (I haven't forgotten about my plan to take over the world with Fwiffo plushies!) -Use the rest to further spacecraft and space station development so that we can stop overcrowding this planet so much(or, in the meantime, build floating cities that can spread out among the ocean and make actual land much less crowded)
You've got some really big things in mind... apropos, why do you need the best desktop if you just play SC2? You can buy a not-so-good video card, since you won't need it.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
-Use the rest to further spacecraft and space station development so that we can stop overcrowding this planet so much(or, in the meantime, build floating cities that can spread out among the ocean and make actual land much less crowded) That would be insanely expensive, as is everything that involves space. And you would only be able to put a very, very, very, small percentage of the 6-12 billion people there would be at that point, into space trailor parks, be they in orbit or across the surface of a hostile world. It wouldn't make a dent, but if it could, the dent wouldn't last half a decade (the people left behind would quickly repopulate the 'empty' space).
Floating habitats are just another pokemon bandaid over a deep, infected wound. They'd push some of the urban sprawl into the water, ruining many once natural beach and coastal regions and probably sending a few coastal dwelling species into extinct, if not for a couple of folks called Hurricane and Tsunami that will send the inhabitants and investors of such a technology out to sea. And as before, if it could make a dent, people would fill it in real fast.
Posts: 520

Use it for sponsoring science/technology etc. (founding a game company included)
I don't really know what to do with money, I grew up without it. Sure, I could buy a new computer and a game console, then pay some bills, but that would be a minor precentage of "lots of money" (which I imagine being in the millions atleast).
Maybe I'd buy a licence for an old game I like, such as Paradroid or Utopia, then hire some peeps to code for me. Or I'd do something like Mark Shuttleworth did with Ubuntu. Or I'd give it to space research which I believe has longterm collateral benefits.
Frungy champion
Posts: 99
We are all *happy campers*
1: Get my teeth fixed. 2: Get a house 3: Buy the biggest, baddest, Alienware rig I can design 4: Contact TFB and see what I can do to help poke SC-III in the butt. :p
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