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Topic: One year since April 16 2006 (Read 4478 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Hey everyone!
I was looking at my calendar, and I realized that it has been a year since the post on TFB's website that they want to make a new Star Control game, and that they want all of us (their loyal dedicated fans) to show our support.
They've received thousands of letters, and some artwork has even been made as inspiration.
I was just wondering, what your thoughts and feelings are towards the year that passed since their legendary post.
I enjoy writing letters to them that they could use to show Activision that Star Control cannot be ignored any longer, and I plan on writing more... Star Control rules!!!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
You speak the words of truth.
But Sadly, truth is not what interests mig masses.
My thoughts about the possible sequel: My hopes were up when they announced they wanted to make a new Star Control, but lately I've found it more difficult to believe.
*sigh* *sigh* *sigh* The petitions are still too few. Unless Spielberg, who's a Star Control fan, makes a donation, there's no hope. And Spielberg ISN'T a Star Control fan. I sink into a chasm of depression that leaves me speechless.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I sent an e-mail a few days ago asking if there's any news. If I don't get reply by Friday, I'm sending them a snail mail letter.
As a matter of fact, I think we should all send snail mail letters in. It's a long shot, but hey, it could do something, and shows more emotional investment and time than an e-mail.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
Activision is a big publisher, who are well known for their Marvel games and Tony Hawk series. If they truly an amazing publisher of great games as they claim to be, they will allow TFB to create a new Star Control game, without being pressured.
The Metal Slug series is still being sold for consoles as is, without any additions, or new levels, or anything. Star Control is a concept that no game up to this very moment has ever used for their games.
If TFB and us fans remain dedicated, we will see a Star Control game in the future. It's just a matter of how much we're willing to type, write, draw, etc.
Snail mail is cool. The feeling of paper in your hands from an envelope from someone else in this world. I've written a few paper letters as well. If anyone does take a moment to write a paper letter, please take a few minutes to decorate the envelope; it helps it stand out, it grabs attention, and it shows them how creative you are, and that you thought of this to show them how fun Star Control is.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Heck, we might as well send a few directly to Activision as well:
I realize this is unlikely to do anything, but I'm gonna do whatever I can.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 07:06:34 am by JWJ »
Since there are 7500 petition signers, a donation might be possible. How many money would they need? 1,000,000$? That's 133$ per signer. Reasonable, huh?
Posts: 1044

Typical game budgets nowadays are more on the order of $40-50 million. And as it stands, I don't think too many of us are willing to part with that much money on that kind of a longshot.
This needs not be a typical game. In fact, other games recently released by TFB don't have that much budget, I think. Anyway, as I said, there's no need for hyper-modern technology here, just as it wasn't necessary for SC2.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
I don't think they're too worried about budget. When Paul Reiche III was being interviewed about Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, he seemed to have an idea of how the game would come out, and what their plans were towards finishing the game. They've always had the money, resources, and staff to finish the game. I think the only thing they've ever needed more of is time for game completion! In any situation, they still did an amazing job with Star Control II, and I can't think of anyone else who could have done a better job using the same story, aliens, and ships, with the philosophy that "no ship is perfect". It's not just graphics; it's the game as a whole.
Posts: 1044

While a Wii VC release would make lots of us fans happy, I think TFB would be hard-pressed to talk the management at Activision into allowing them to invest that much time and effort into something that would generate so little return. If this does get released, it's probably going to have to be a big release with the intent to make lots of money. Suffice to say, that's probably not that healthy for the future of the series.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Downloadable games on all three systems are usually either quick, arcadey games or ports of old games. Calling All Cars and Geometry Wars are hardly deep epics like Star Control 2 - just quick pick-up-and-play fun. Even if it goes go light on graphics, a game as big and in-depth as Star Control is going to require a lot of commitment to make, and $8-10 would hardly be a fair price for that.
Yes, they worked on SC2 for six months without pay. But circumstances are different now. I'm pretty sure both Fred and Paul have families now (I know Paul does, at least), and it would be downright irresponsible to do something like that when you have other people to look out for. They also have other people working under them now who need to be paid.
That said, it would be nice if the genesis version of SC1 were put on the Wii's virtual console. I would buy it, and it would be a good opportunity to get a couple of my friends, who like console games but don't play PC games much, into Star Control. Porting Ur-quan Masters to XBLA or Virtual Console would probably be a lot of time and effort, UQM isn't even fully completed yet, and I'm not even sure if they're legally allowed to do it since the game is freeware.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2007, 08:19:57 pm by Naesala »
Frungy champion
Posts: 68
I bet if we all started doing pushups while waiting for the next comment about Star Control from somebody high up, we'd all be pumped enough to muscle SC3(4) out of Activision.
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