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Topic: Missing Mycon Dialogue Speech on the verge of FIXING!!! (Read 5140 times)
Paul Reiche III has kindly donated raw speech for the missing lines, but we need to edit them. Raw file: A bit edited (lower, some reverberation, but that "wetty" effect I didn't know how to implement):
So now we basically need an idea about what effects must be applied so as the speech sounds as much as the original Mycon speech as possible.
I'm not fooling anyone. Mail him at paul at Apropos, check your inbox too if you want to see his mail.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 04:52:42 pm by Valaggar »
I think Paul can confirm you this.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
Well personally I think it does sound like the original Paul/Mycon voice, but slightly different due to the fact Paul would sound from now and 15 years ago.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 06:37:54 pm by Elerium »
This one has a bit higher pitch. I believe that the only reason for which it doesn't sound the same is that we haven't yet applied the needed effects (since we don't know what effects to apply).
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
Well, I had been told that Paul and Fred were out of town until today, and the .wav file has an info entry which lists yesterday as the date of editing. And his voice sounds nothing like his appearance on Lan Party not so long ago, even considering he'd intentionally be skewing it. That said, the email you sent me looked rather genuine.
Anyhow, I said it before, as far as I'm concerned, if you can make it so you don't realise the voice doesn't belong there, I'm fine with using it in the game. That holds here too. If this actually is his voice, it would still have to be properly processed to be used in the game.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
I don't know why the .wav says that it's edited yesterday (less even WHERE it says that), but when I sent the email two days ago, I got an AutoReply saying that:
Hi, Sorry to have missed you, but I will be out of the office until the morning of April 18th (Wednesday.) For studio issues, please contact Alex Ness ( 415-209-1703). You can always call or text me at 415-370-3121. Thanks, - Paul So your information that Paul was out of town were correct, but he in fact was to return yesterday, so that edit date is no problem.
The voice - well, I don't know what sort of equipment he used to record it, maybe it was broken. Or maybe your memory is not THAT perfect.
Anyhow, I said it before, as far as I'm concerned, if you can make it so you don't realise the voice doesn't belong there, I'm fine with using it in the game. That holds here too. If this actually is his voice, it would still have to be properly processed to be used in the game. Now you're really getting to the meat of the problem. I'm still wondering what effect should I use - maybe I should dig some old Mac audio processing programs, seeing as how likely it is that the processing took place on a Mac.
Has anybody any idea as to what program was used, or what audio programs for Macs were available at that time?
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 08:29:04 pm by Valaggar »
As bad quality as it is, it will do for two lines - and the effect will probably reduce the difference too.
Ah, aha.
Anyway, that's the new best I could get: I might do the actual add-on tomorrow; now the Ultron reminds me that I must go to bed. (yes, it was really necessary that the Ultimate Itself come to tell me this!!!)
Alright, I've just got a NEW best. I've made the add-on (text, speech and synchronization included!). It can be downloaded (for free ) here: Missing Mycon Dialogue Fix
(NOTE: if you downloaded BEFORE this NOTE was written here, re-download. There was a little synchronization error that I've just fixed.)
(NOTE TWO: If you downloaded BEFORE this NOTE TWO, re-download. I've realized that "We are the Mycon" should be in mycon043.ogg, despite Sa-Matra quotes say otherwise.
(NOTE THREE: If you downloaded BEFORE this NOTE THREE, re-download. I had forgotten to add the text and sync for "We are the Mycon")
(NOTE FOUR: If you downloaded BEFORE this NOTE FOUR, re-download. Pitch problem for "Juffo-Wup springs forth" fixed.)
I've also sent a new e-mail to PR3, humbly asking him if he can do the "We do not interpret the will of Juffo-Wup. Only the source is so empowered. Unless instructed otherwise, Juffo-Wup requires that we remain here." line. I hope he won't be unnerved (too much) by this.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 03:52:16 pm by Valaggar »
I wonder, is it good enough to be included in UQM 0.7.0 along with the missing lines?
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