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Topic: A problem with the Hierarchy (Read 4608 times)
If the Ur-Quan use slaves from all over the galaxy, shouldn't I be seeing ships belonging to races that aren't even located within the confines of the game? If not in SC2, then definitely in SC1. I am calling plot hole on this.
Posts: 520

You mean Kzer-Za Thralls? I suppose some could be slaves on the selfdestructing Dreadnaughts and that way you'll never see them. As for Thrall ships, the Kzer-Za might prefer to only use Thralls local to the space they're currently in.
But yeah, it is a bit of a plothole. They could've included some random encounters in the Kzer-Za sphere that were ships from out of town. It's always good to hint of things that goes on outside the screen, it makes the universe much richer since imagination tend to fill in what's missing in creative ways.
(but you shouldn't take it so far that the player feels like he's been left out.)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 09:09:01 am by Arne »
Well, generally, it's best to slave-shield them, actually, since they can revolt otherwise.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
In SC1 the point can be kept as races like the Thraddash were kept behind to 'watch the front lines' so to speak, in SC2 however when the Kzer-Za brag about thousands of slave races, it's a plothole I think.
You're just tiptoeing around the issue it you really think "they slaveshield them after mopping up an area" is a valid answer. If *I* were a battle thrall so help me I would want to burn, loot and murder until the end of time and not be gyp'd out of that experience after a few decades go by.
The Ur-Quan are certainly clever enough for that, it just strikes me as suboptimal to throw away so many assets. The other problem with this is that the Ur-Quan despise dishonest behavior. Are you sure their code of honor would even allow them to re-write the rules their slaves are under so suddenly just for the sake of expedience? That doesn't sound very Ur-Quan to me.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 09:30:43 pm by Shiver »
After all, there's no point in letting battle thralls in a conquered region of space. And I think they'd vote to be battle thralls, even if they were going to be slave-shielded after a while. At least, they get to be free a little longer.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm not sure if the explanation of "they slaveshield thralls when they're done with them" is a good one. It's possible, but the problem is that it seems dishonest, and the Kzer-za hate lying.
One plausible reason is that the Kzer-za usually do bring their thralls along, but didn't when they came to our region of space. Perhaps they expected to meet the Kohr-ah again soon, and felt that having a ton of thralls around would be too much baggage getting in the way of their second doctrinal war.
Another thing - SC1 not being entirely consistent with SC2 is hardly anything new. While SC1 is a good game, the story there really just exists as a backdrop for the action and strategy and to flesh out the alien races a little in the manual. I doubt they had thought of the Kohr-ah, the Dnyarri, the sentient milieu, the Thraddash, the history of the Syreen homeworld, or many other things when they made SC2. SC1 conflicts with SC2 in several places.
A few examples: it takes place 500 years later, most notably. The Spathi vs. Mmrnmhrm scenario is different from what the Spathi tell you happened in SC2. One scenario mentions "Ur-quan spies have finally found the Yehat homeworld", but we know from SC2 that the Ur-quan are definitely not the type for subterfuge, nor does SC2 give you any impression that the Yehat territory is hidden. There are several other things as well.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 06:08:46 pm by Mormont »
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