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Topic: SC2 speedrun (Read 4651 times)
Well, it's IRL... anyway, seemed pretty good to me at a glance. Though, about his way of saving the victory ditty time - like the encounter siren, isn't it disabled by disabling music and sound? Also, they don't take that much time as re-filling your fleet. Maybe he should have used the fastest cyborg, it may have saved more time. (apropos, he would have got a little time bonus by using UQM's star search feature, not present in DOS SC2)
And is this reasoning valid:
In Mycon-Pkunk battles, the Pkunk's insult words are selected randomly. Hence, your decision of whether or not to insult, will influence the enemy ship's spawn location. source-code-wise?
And the Chmmr isn't the fastest ship vs the Sa-Matra, the Yehat is.
His findings on the low reliability on the Auto Pilot are very interesting and greatly redeem manual HS piloting.
A little final critique: Star Control 2 is not made for speedruns, but for being savurated slowly.
There aren't much 'sidemissions', though. That's what I'd which more if there would ever be a sequel. Well, not sidemissions - SC has a pretty straightforward goal, it isn't that kind of RPG where you get all sorts of unrelated quests. A longer and even more twisted storyline would be good, though. (and free-style, i.e. more options)
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