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Topic: Qualms about voice acting (Read 5659 times)
I know some people have worse or less worse qualms about voice acting. They are right in some cases, according to my opinion. That is:
- VUX: while playing the original Star Control 2, I AVOIDED encounters with VUX with a passion 'cause they unnerved me SO much with their disgusting appearance, insinuating dialogue and VERY repulsive font (especially the font).
The current voice just COMPLETELY nullifies the effect. If you want voice acting for the VUX, a calm, insinuating and high pitched voice is what you need. - Syreen should have a warmer voice (not a porn star voice, as somebody named - rightly - their current voice), as is their captain portrait, font and... um... general nature.
- ARGH! Utwig are INSUFFERABLE (unless the voice is very well done -deep, sober, solemn, wise, elderly -, silence is what fits them)
- Kohr-Ah (no voice would be best, silence is sinister while staring at their bonepit).
Other voices really serve to enhance the atmosphere. Notable are... well, all of them, though I personally prefer the Mycon and the Yehat voices. The Slylandro voice really FITS them, though it sounds strange at first. But seeing how naive and curious a species they are, it's the best for them.
1) Lukipela: Yeah, I meant it as a topic for DISCUSSING these qualms. I was simply a bit lazy to write it down. 2) Yes, the voice recs are brilliant except some of them (which are horrible). UQM voice acting is very... extreme. 3) Lukipela: The problem is that some voices are bad. 4) Neonlare: No, Madeleine Wild is a professional voice actor.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Your numbering system makes no sense. As far as i can tell 1 and 3 are directed at me, whereas 2 and 4 are directed at Neonlare.
Also, you didn't really answer my question. You just said some of the voices are bad. As I stated, if you want to create custom speech packs, I don't understand what the problem is. Produce enough, and you might even be able to talk the devs into adding a menu option for them, as they've done with the Precursor music.
So, once again, where do qualms and problems come in. Why exactly don't you just found a project and do this? Of course, it's possible that you are doing exactly this and I'm just misunderstanding. if so, apologies. Or are you aiming to replace the original content? In that case I'd say you're up the creek without a paddle, since deleting original content completely would be a no-no.
What's up doc?
I've mostly did that voice-pack for my own sake. It's not too good, as even I say. It's at least a bit better than the original voice. As to founding a project... I don't think I'll ever do it, and there are only 3 screwed races, so...
My numbering system? I grow tired. It's 10:34 PM.
Frungy champion
Posts: 68
I tend to not take anything Valaggar says about the voice acting seriously. He hates ALL of them. He seems to miss the dramatic purposes of all these races. They aren't supposed to sound ultra-realistic, they are supposed to convey the mood you're supposed to be feeling. Personally, I had no problem with any of them at all.
-I felt the VUX voice fit in quite nicely. The high and whiny thing makes sense with their nature.
-Syreen fly around in a fucking dildo.
-Have you ever talked to an emo person in real life? That is what they sound like.
-No voice would not be best. When I was listening to their idea of the Path of Now and Forever, the voice is what grabbed me in. WIthout that enunciation that the actor maintains, most people are going to be lost. As entertaining as staring at a cartoon bonepit must be, you need to always look at it although you were seeing it for the first time. Foreign Films get their own category in the Oscars for the specific reason that the quality goes down if we only get subtitles, and can't feel raw emotion in the voice.
I think the major thing you need to realize is that the Star Control dialogue was mainly written as a comedy. Comedy's are made to be overly-exaggerated and played up.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2007, 02:31:22 am by Grakelin »
Zebranky food

Posts: 22
Valaggar, did you make this topic (at least partially) in the hopes that I would finally answer you as to what I think of all the SC2 the voices? Heh. Maybe I'll post my opinion on each tomorrow when it isn't after midnight.
I tend to not take anything Valaggar says about the voice acting seriously. He hates ALL of them. He seems to miss the dramatic purposes of all these races. They aren't supposed to sound ultra-realistic, they are supposed to convey the mood you're supposed to be feeling. Whoa now! Just because you don't agree with what he says, doesn't mean that his opinion is invalid. Besides, I'm the one who hates almost all of the voices, not him. He actually likes most of them. If you stone anyone, it should be me. 
I'm not sure that I agree with your last sentence. If it was true, then (for example) that means that I'm supposed to feel outraged and disgusted when talking to the Utwig, completely ashamed for the Spathi, Pkunk, and Shofixti, and feel unwanted when I meet the Slylandro.
I think you'll agree with me that that's probably not the way that it's supposed to be.
-No voice would not be best. When I was listening to their idea of the Path of Now and Forever, the voice is what grabbed me in. WIthout that enunciation that the actor maintains, most people are going to be lost. As entertaining as staring at a cartoon bonepit must be, you need to always look at it although you were seeing it for the first time. Foreign Films get their own category in the Oscars for the specific reason that the quality goes down if we only get subtitles, and can't feel raw emotion in the voice. I don't have nearly as much of a nostalgic love for SC2 that most of you have, because I only heard about this game a year ago. I first played it with no voices, and even my music was all buggy, but I still loved it at first sight (play?). I wasn't "lost". It was, and still is, the best sci-fi game that I've ever played in my entire life, and my feelings and theories resonate and are shared by everyone on here who has loved SC2 for much longer than I have. Knowing this, I don't think that the lack of voices would kill interest in SC2 as much as you seem to be implying.
It kept me wanting more, and that's high praise coming from someone who had previously given up on all things sci-fi.
I got curious and listened to the 3DO voices about...oh...a week or two after going through the end of the game, so it wasn't as cemented in my mind as it would be for those of you who have played it millions of times. And wow was I totally, unpleasantly surprised. If I had started out with the 3DO version of the game, I can say without any uncertainty that I would've run away screaming. Many of the voices just...didn't fit to me.
For example: With just text, the Slylandro came off as very excited about alien visitors and eager to learn everything that they could about their physiology, culture, and that sort of thing. With the voice added, however, Content to Hover sounded painfully bored with the Captain's presence and insincere when he asked to know more about humans. It obliterated what I considered to be a defining character trait.
Of course, after saying all this I must also say that I have no problem with the Ur-Quan Masters project at all. Hell, I wouldn't be here if I did. I understand that you want to make it as close to the 3DO version as possible, and have no qualms with putting the voices in there if that is your goal. Likewise, I have no problem with those who may vehemently disagree this me about all this. It's cool that you like what you do. I'm not hear to convert anyone.
However, I'm not going to let the notion that you can't really "get" this game without the help of voice acting go unchallenged, especially when I've personally experienced evidence to the contrary.
Nothing personal, Grakelin. Really.
Yes, Grakelin. I'm really honest when I say that the other voices are very good. And no, it's not about realism. The voices are made in order to enhance the atmosphere. Well, what happens when the voice produce ANOTHER atmosphere?! Then the voices are bad! That's what happens with VUX, Utwig, Syreen.
-Syreen fly around in a fucking dildo. And that voice is just a little bit of that sensation. A really hot and excited voice would do.
-I felt the VUX voice fit in quite nicely. The high and whiny thing makes sense with their nature. Well, it's NOT a high and whiny voice. And, as I said, my feeling of extreme annoyance completely disappeared due to the lack of subtlety in their voice.
-Have you ever talked to an emo person in real life? That is what they sound like. Any enemy of the Utwig is an enemy of mine. (no worry, I'm joking!) The Utwig are NOT emo. Don't let yourself grabbed by the initial illusion. Full stop.
-No voice would not be best. When I was listening to their idea of the Path of Now and Forever, the voice is what grabbed me in Now, well, the Kohr-Ah voice acting is not bad. It's just not that good. It's not that silent.
Indeed, as CeeVee said, the voice actors feel like they're just reading a text sometimes - they have no intonation in those moments, they don't feel what they pretend to be feeling.
No, I was just curious to see CeeVee's (and others') qualms. Only the Utwig are intolerable. The others are passable, indeed.
Zebranky food

Posts: 34

Very Ugly Xenoform
The only voices I really liked were for the VUX, the Mycon, and both Ur-Quan.
The worst i've heard, however, was not the Utwig, not the Orz, but rather the Dnyarri. I played the first time through without voices on, and after I turned them on, I expected something sinister or evil sounding.. all I got was something that sounded like a truck driver was skimming through some lines. Oh well.
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