Is it possible to a faster ship to never have contact with a slower ship so the battle will never end? or is there always something for the slower ship to do?
Is it possible to a faster ship to never have contact with a slower ship so the battle will never end? or is there always something for the slower ship to do?
Gravity whips around planets are a great way to confuse the issue.
I suppose in some cases it is possible to stalemate or drag the battle on long enough to qualify as a stalemate. Usually one person will eventually run into the planet or a passing rock and give the slower ship a chance. Also, many slower ships have longer ranged weapons, so as someone mentioned before a gravity whip will do wonders.
Two Mycon ships could probably force a stalemate if one played defensively.
Is it possible to a faster ship to never have contact with a slower ship so the battle will never end? or is there always something for the slower ship to do?
Yes, there is something the slower ship can do. Pause the game and start yelling at the other player. No really, do it. This shouldn't be happening at all. The best players I've gone up against don't drag out the game because they don't need to. This issue has a some grey areas to it, but a real abuse should be immediately obvious. Let's say you bring out a Chmmr to easily clear away an Arilou and the Arilou just flips back and forth across the edge of the screen trying to get you to ram the planet. This is a very clear-cut example of foul play.
Yes, there is something the slower ship can do. Pause the game and start yelling at the other player. No really, do it. This shouldn't be happening at all.
Or, if you are playing hotseat, kick them hard on the shins.
Another technique you can use is to stop chasing the faster player around (assuming he doesn't have long-range weaponry). This works especially well in the Chmmr versus Arilou case above. Basically, you're saying "We're going to be stuck here until you decide to attack.".