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Question: Which New Alliance race would you surrender to if you were a former Hierarchy member?
Chmmr   -5 (18.5%)
Humanity   -1 (3.7%)
Orz   -1 (3.7%)
Shofixti   -1 (3.7%)
Yehat   -2 (7.4%)
Pkunk (as part of the Yehat)   -10 (37%)
Zoq-Fot-Pik   -1 (3.7%)
Supox   -2 (7.4%)
Utwig   -1 (3.7%)
Spathi (possibly unshielded)   -1 (3.7%)
Thraddash (when not destroyed)   -0 (0%)
Syreen   -1 (3.7%)
Arilou   -1 (3.7%)
Total Voters: 26

Author Topic: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.  (Read 5345 times)
Zebranky food
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Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« on: May 12, 2007, 04:32:33 am »

The Sa-Matra has been destroyed. The Ur-Quan Kzer-Za, the only race strong enough to keep together the battle thralls, have been scattered. You are one of the remaining battle thrall races, and you try to fight against the Alliance because you fear your masters eventually regrouping, but you just lost a battle.

Who do you surrender to? Keep in mind that each of the races, while obviously having good traits, always have a darker side. Lastly, explain yourself.

(note: topic totally stolen from BioSlayer. Sorry about that, but it seemed fun to look at things from a different angle  Tongue )
« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 04:35:09 am by KanmuX » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2007, 05:22:03 am »

I'd have to surrender to The Orz, for three reasons:

1: Things with sharp beaks frighten me, and I get the feeling the Orz really know how to use theirs to establish a pecking order.

2: To get the chance to repeatedly ask the Orz about the Androsynth just to see their reaction.

3: The Orz are seriously hardcore. No other species has the ferocity to actually leave its ship, board enemy ships
    and kill the enemy inside of its own ship. That takes some serious cahones, people. They really are warriors,
    and you have to respect and fear the race you surrender to, or you'd feel like a wimp.

Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 08:16:00 am »

Which remaining hierarchy race am I surrendering as? VUX, Mycon or Umgah? Any of these adds a twist to the topic. Or am I one of those unidentified slaves from another part of the galaxy?
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2007, 10:22:30 am »

I'd have to go for these dudes. If they are part Chenjesu, then they have part a care-bone in them and will not want to take life, because it would seem illogical, although I don't know what the Mrn behavior would be, but still if you surrender to the Chmmr I'd say you'd be guaranteed to live.

Humans are a bit of a wild card. You have those branches of humanity who will kill prisoners, while the majority have to abide to prisoner of war ethics so I'd be uncertain to trust some Humans.

Orz would rather kill you in *dancing* mode I think.

Shofixti might not forget the whole ideal of the Hierarchy leading to the home-system destruction, so they'll just say 'a stinking Ur-Quan Dreadnought slave crew! You killed my father! My brothers and sisters! Kyaiiieee!!' so they might not take prisoners, although some Shofixti might I guess.

Yehat might just kill you on the spot before although the Pkunk queen might just say to go lenient on those who surrender.

Pkunk (as part of the Yehat)
Pkunks might let you live, provided you share the love of course, although sometimes they do get carried away in battle.

ZFP might just taunt you before taking prisoner, but I'd say you might just be guaranteed to live. If it's a secret scouting mission however, don't count on it.

Supox are friendly chums but still they do have an angry mode about them, rendering them almost neutral in combat I'd say if you wanted to surrender to them. If you were sworn enemies of the Utwig, they might turn you over to them to atone for your crimes, or, kill you.

Utwigs might let you live, they seem friendly enough but if you insult the Ultron, or have become a sworn enemy of them or do anything daft like that don't expect to live.

Spathi (possibly unshielded)
Probably will turn you over to the Hunams or something. Some groups might kill you out of fright.

Thraddash (when not destroyed)
Mirror images of Humans.

Fate worse than death, the least I would surrender to. How would living the rest of your life as a hypnotised slave living in happy happy Syreenland without little to no freewill sound? I sure wouldn't like it. Some Syreen might spare you from the hypnosis and you could say that if they have Human officers onboard, they can 'check up' the prisoner of war ethics to see if the Syreen aren't doing anything they shouldn't be, although I don't know if they allow this or not. Either way, you've got a better chance of surrendering to a partly Human crewed one than a fully crewed Syreen ship.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 10:36:22 am by Elerium » Logged

Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2007, 10:24:32 am »

You forgot the Arilou.
And the correct spelling is "Chmmr", not "Chmrr".

Chmmr - a quick, unceremonious execution will surely await me. Those things do not have feelings.
Humanity - NO! I don't want to linger in a prison for the rest of my life! Or be tortured or who knows what those devious humans have prepared for me...
Orz - Orz is thinking *silly cow* are want to *dance*. Doesn't seem to accept surrendering.
Shofixti - They can't possibly be so gentle with you after Kyabetsu and nearly all their species have been destroyed; fast samurai-ish execution, probably.
Yehat - After the assimilation of the Pkunk, they are more gentle beings probably, but I don't think they'd spare me.
Pkunk - The most likely choice. After all, if they bear the Ilwrath no ill will, why would they bear to anyone else? And their assimilation into the Yehat culture was more like the assimilation of the Yehat into the Pkunk culture, even if they don't want to admit this.
Zoq-Fot-Pik - I bet they are a bit angry after Buppo and all others, coupled with a lot of their beautiful ecosystems, have been lost.
Supox - They would give me to the Utwig.
Utwig - After some sort of week-long ceremonies, I would be killed. Maybe even tortured slowly and elegantly.
Spathi - IF they'd accept my surrender (which I doubt), they would anyway surrender me to their superiors, i.e. Humans/Chmmr. No way.
Thraddash - VERY gentle, peaceful and... ARGH! species. No way.
Syreen - Hey, this isn't a bad idea! But I hate being hypnotized.
Arilou - They wouldn't care too much about me. They'd simply kill me to get rid of a potential problem.

If I am:
(NOTE: IF they would surrender, most of them wouldn't.)
Ur-Quan Kzer-Za - Pkunk.
Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah (though not in the Hierarchy) - Pkunk.
Mycon - Pkunk.
Androsynth (though they are no more) - Pkunk.
VUX - Pkunk.
Ilwrath - Not Pkunk, because they would fear a bad fate, thinking that others are as cruel as themselves. Probably Utwig, due to sado-masochism.
Umgah - Thraddash. Stupid and Good for pranks.
Thraddash (if Culture 20 was not founded) - I can't surrender to the Thraddash, so... to the Pkunk. After all, they're so weak that I would think I can easily escape.
Unidentified race - Pkunk of course.
Elvish Pillager
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2007, 02:44:02 pm »

I voted for Yehat; to my mind, the Pkunk and Yehat are basically the same option. I think they would offer quite reasonable terms of surrender to any former Hierarchy race, for various reasons.

The rest... not so much.

Chmmr, Human, Syreen, Thraddash, Zoq-Fot, Spathi: All too risky. Any of them might simply execute me, in some cases torturing me beforehand.
Arilou, Orz: It might turn out well, but I might end up randomly disappearing later.
Shofixti: They're really violent against all things Ur-Quan-related (Tanaka attacks you for a long time when you don't fire any weapons? Sheesh!)
Supox, Utwig: We don't know enough about them.

My team of four Androsynth and three Chmmr is the most unfair team ever!
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2007, 04:33:52 pm »

You forgot the Arilou.
And the correct spelling is "Chmmr", not "Chmrr".

Oops, sorry. Fixed.  Grin
C. Bob
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2007, 06:21:06 pm »

I think everyone underestimates the Chmmr. They are, as a whole, not amazingly different from the Chenjesu; indeed, they seem to behave more or less as they *are* still the Chenjesu. The Chmmr would likely choose the best option for all parties concerned, which is either quick, low-energy, painless execution, or a long sentence to some sort of confinement.

The end result is likely going to be akin to the Chmmr, but with a lot more trouble getting there, and with much more pain along the way. Still probably a good runner-up.

Assuming that you even can surrender to the Orz, and that they won't just vaporize the *sad animals*, then you have basically two options -- either they'll turn you over to the *Happy Campers* (Zelnick), which means that you're with either the Chmmr or the Humans, or they'll whisk you away to some strange fate. Worth trying, if only to see what happens.

I wouldn't expect much other than a quick death. Why should they care if you die; after all, their entire species was pretty much destroyed by your masters only a few years ago.

Same as the Shofixti, but with a bit more deliberating. There's the off-chance that the Pkunk might intervene and manage to save you, but I wouldn't count on it; old birds don't tend to learn new tricks very well.

A good option, if only because of all their love and peace jazz.

...on the other hand, it's been seen that they can be swayed into violence, and even if you do live, by the time you've heard enough of their hippyism, you might just be willing to do yourself in.

You'll probably get carted off to the Chmmr or the humans, eventually, but with a lot of derision. I wouldn't expect much more from them.

There isn't a whole lot that we know about the Supox, but I find it most likely that they wouldn't make a decision about it at all, and instead send you over to the Utwig for judgement.

They consult the Ultron to decide what should be done; the end result depends upon too many factors, and is thus an unknown.

They freak out and vaporize you.

Alternatively, they call for reinforcements, and as either the Chmmr or the humans will probably take precedence over the other races in this matter, you end up getting stuck with one of them. Again.

They decide that their great Teacher doesn't really need to know about one pathetic enemy, and kill you. Slowly.

Either you get the same treatment as the humans/Chmmr would give you, or you end up hypnotized by their wiles.

Which, while it sounds pretty awful from the "free will" point of view, clearly isn't all that bad for the people who are.

The Arilou are an unknown factor. We don't really know enough about them to determine what they would do about anything. Following from their observed nonchalantness about non-human races, they'll probably just kick you over to them and be done with it.

The end result that's best is the Pkunk, due to the fact that you're probably not going to get killed, but the second-best is probably the Syreen -- the Chmmr are a nice third. Then the humans, and after that, there's no particular order. The races that would kill you are at the bottom, of course.

Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2007, 08:44:42 pm »

I never thought about it like that, but I like Elerium's take on the Syreen that they would be the worst race to surrender to. If the captain surrendering happens to be VUX or Mycon, I'd bet that the Syreen would have no qualms about turning them all into mindless slaves. They probably wouldn't even tell the other Alliance races what happened. For other battle thralls that haven't commited horrible attrocities upon the Syreen, I think they would probably be a lot more sympathetic. Remember that star base commander Talana held the Ur-Quan in high regard.

Yehat would be a very bad choice. They'll just blow you away as soon as they see you. Pkunk are a bad choice as well since you're just as likely to run into the Yehat if you try to seek them out. Remember that Yehat and Pkunk space are the same by the end of the game.

I personally would surrender to the Chmmr. It's the safest bet.
Elvish Pillager
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2007, 11:57:45 pm »

Why does everyone think the Yehat would just kill you? I'd have an argument against it if I had any idea what your basis was.

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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2007, 05:57:28 am »

Kinda a tough decision. I mean, I imagine the Chmmr and the Humans would likely treat you the most civily, but you still would'nt like it. The Syreen, Yehat and Shofixti would just be pissed off at you and likely want your death. The Utwig would make you wear some 'mask of imprisonment', while the Orz, Arilou, and ZFP wouldnt know what to do with you and would likely *dance* with you, leave you floating around in quasispace, and make you watch "Frungys Worst Moments 7" respecivly. Really just don't know enough about the Supox to comment properly.

So ultimately I would pick the Pkunk, and just have lots of spiritual discussions.

ed: Oops, forgot about the Spathi. They would prolly just chain me down in a pit somewhere, with lots of baskets of perfectly sized rocks at hand to chuck at me, should I look dangerous (which, I imagine, would be all the time)

I like to think you killed a man. It's the romantic in me.

Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2007, 08:06:26 am »

Quote from: Elvish Pillager
Why does everyone think the Yehat would just kill you? I'd have an argument against it if I had any idea what your basis was.
I think you should start with your argument, since your point of view is the exception, but anyway...

- You are either 1) the slave of the evil Ur-Quan (in which case, indeed, you have chances of being spared, especially the VUX - as worthy enemies - and the Spathi - as enemies too unworthy to be executed)
2) OR the evil Ur-Quan themselves (in which case you WILL be punished. Especially after inflicting grievous damage on the Yehat culture - by transforming them into battle thralls, which they don't like - "HISS!!! BRAK!! NO! WE ARE NOT SLAVES!! WE ARE!... We are!... we are... battle thralls." - and after forcing the Shofixti to destroy their entire homeworld and nearly entire race.).

- The Yehat assimilation in the Pkunk culture may or may not be strong enough to make them much gentler beings, but it seems more logical that they won't abandon their own culture so quickly, instead they will just take something from the Pkunk culture with which to enrich their own culture.
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2007, 08:55:54 am »

Well, if I am a battle thrall race surrendering, the last thing I would want is for it to lead to my race's eventual extinction. This rules out the Orz, since they apparently completely destroyed the Androsynth. If my race were destined to be destroyed, however, I would at least like to be remembered. Again, surrender to the Orz would be horrible since they wont even talk about it afterwards. The Pkunk on the other hand are very verbose, and more likely to talk about the battle thrall race that surrendered to them. The Yehat also keep detailed histories their monarchs and wars, and so its also likely that if the Pkunk are part of the Yehat then my race's surrender will be recorded, and we will be remembered for the honor with which we fought. Its also much less likely with the Pkunk that my race will destroyed. Most likely we would become part of the Alliance after surrender to the Pkunk.

My close second would be the Humans. I doubt they would be as forgiving as the Pkunk.
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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2007, 10:17:50 pm »

Well, Valaggar, it seems that your 'why I disagree with EP'  post ended up being 'which 3/4 of the time I agree with EP'.

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Re: Terms of surrender: The New Alliance.
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2007, 10:19:15 pm »

I think the Pkunk would be the best option, followed by humans.

Pkunk appear to be the most enlightened race in this part of the galaxy and would back themselves to make any captive “see the light” and therefore not resort to execution or torture, and in time you may not even be imprisoned.  This is assuming that their rule of law is not superseded by the Yehat’s system – in which case I would expect execution or imprisonment – depending whether I was a party to war crimes or not.

As for humans, I wouldn’t choose humans circa 2007, but the 2161 variety seem far more civilised and worth a shot

The Chmmr I don’t think are the same beast as the Chenjesu. The Chmmr are an unknown quantity and appear to be somewhat cold and hard (but fair perhaps). I might expect execution with these guys.

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