Topic: IRC chat with Toys for Bob on 2007-06-13 (Read 49690 times)
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
You know, I was going to make a statement, after Fred's previous post, about the fact that Fred probably wasn't soliciting for questions in this thread.
And then he goes and answers the questions in this thread. Glad edited before posting.
My only question is this: How likely is another Star Control game by TFB? Actually, I'd be happy with anything non-liscenced. Unholy Wars 2, the Horde 2 (how old is that guy who acted in that now?) or something new.
Anatomical questions: How do the Zoq-Fot-Pik move? I think that the Zoq eats rocky fungal clingers, the Fot feeds on solar and ambient energies, and the Pik on airborne zooplankton. Is that so? In your view, do the Zoq resemble more a plant or a frog? Aren't the Druuge captains' arms painful from so much clinging in chains? Is Yehat-Pkunk crossbreeding possible? I suppose that some of the Umgahs' tentacles, mouths and eyes are artificially added. If so, then how should they naturally look like?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2007, 08:38:47 pm by Valaggar »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Do we even know, which creature really is the Fot?
Posts: 580

I hope you do realise, though, that the code is non-canon in this case?
There are, in life, various things that make coding, and especially coding with multiple people on one project, difficult. One of them is not having a proper wording for variables and such. OFCOURSE, the code could say ZFP_guyinthemiddle instead of Fot, but we all know that once they decide that to the code, Fot equals ZFP_guyinthemiddle, using Fot is a lot easier. 
So, to the code, the Fot is the guy in the middle, yet to game canon or game story, we simply don't know who is the Fot. Giving that the other two guys are constantly arguing about who is the Fot, it's probably the guy in the middle, since he can't say he's the Fot!
Meep-eep's opinion is that they did make a conscious decision here (see here), and anyway it's simpler for me to name the guy on the left "Zoq", especially since Fred knows how he named it in the code, no matter that this is the canon name or not.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142

More information...
And yet, how much can you separate the code from the experience of the game? Is it not similar to separating math from physics? Or the stream from the water?
If you squint just right it's like a koan of some sort. 
But I concede that it's a valid point.
And yet, there remains a deeper and more worrying question about this issue: How, and why did they lose track? Or did they at all? Was there ever a fixed Zoq, Fot, and Pik, or have they argued about this for as long as they've been together?
ETA: And since Valaggar opened the floodgates, my anatomical questions so far, minus the ones he already brought up: Ilwrath: How big are they? Melnorme: Is what we see just the head, or the entire body? How do they move? Are they gelatinous? Orz: What is an Orz/the Orz shaped like in its home dimension, if shape is a meaningful concept there? Pkunk and Yehat: How did the Pkunk become so (physically) different from the Yehat? Just normal evolutionary divergence? How similar are the Pkunk to the Yehat? Can either of the two races fly/glide, or are the wings vestigal? Do they have legs? How are the wings really connected--or are both portrayals accurate? Spathi: What do they look like below the eyestalk? Where are their mouths? Umgah: Do they all look more or less like that? With their skill at genetic manipulation, I'd expect a pretty wide, weird variety of shapes, unless they just all really liked that one--or unless they just become that after enough manipulations. Does that happen? Are they amorphs, possibly? Because that would be really cool. Supox: How do they get around? Are they naturally mobile, or do they have to transplant themselves to their ships (or to mobile flowerpots)? Utwig: Do they have legs, or what? What about hands? Is there more below the view field, or are they just that short? VUX: Are they amphibious? It seems like a lot of their cities are in the oceans, and they look amphibious. If they are, how do they swim--do they have flippers, tails, more tentacles? What? What are those wiggly things on their heads? Zoq-Fot-Pik: They look like they're on hover-platforms; does that mean movement is slow/laborious for them? How do they hold/manipulate stuff? And of course, what did a Zebranky look like?
And unrelated to anatomy, but thought of at the same time: What is the Orz's home dimension like? Is there more than one Orz? Do we meet more than one Orz? What are *Nnngn*?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2007, 12:44:00 pm by waywardoctagon »
Ah, and... The Spathi name their youngsters "encrustlings". Does this mean that they encrust them into something for extra safety? Also... The Slylandro in the middle is fatter than the other two. Is this similar to what happens to humans or, for example, a sign of old age? (and, by the way, who is Sullen Plummet, who is Content to Hover, and who is Joyous Lifting?)
AH! AND, HOW COULD I FORGET?! Is the length of the Drahn as 6480 Earth years, as it can be calculated from Source's rotation period, canon?
Also... Are the ships at scale with each other in Super Melee? A calculation based on the size of a MX missile (using the SC1 Databank pictures) and on the intro slide showing the Vindicator has yielded size of about 223.5 metres for the Cruiser and about 270 for the Vindicator, yielding, at a resolution of 320x240, an approximate 5.8 metres as the side length of a pixel. The results fit into the scaling of the two ships in Melee.
(Also, the Mark II is supposed to be much bigger than the Vindicator, but in the ending slide it looks smaller. I suppose this was necessary for Zelnick and his nephews to be seen in the picture)
Also... In what degree do the ancestral Mycon personalities such as Dugee take hold of a Mycon? Can they "mind-control" them fully?
FUNNY RHETORICAL QUESTION: Did Mahir Çağrı draw his inspiration from the Orz language?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2007, 08:30:03 am by Valaggar »
Zebranky food

Posts: 44
Fred has cited that current games cost too much to develop to make it profitable as a career. My question would be if they have considered using Xbox Live Arcade or Wii Virtual Console as a potential platform for a future release, as I have seen many games grow into cult status on XBL.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 304

A paranoid android.
Here’s another one:
Who crews Orz Nemesis built at the Starbase? Orz or humans/Shofixti?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I've got anotehr question: Who do the Druuge get most of their slaves from?