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Topic: IRC chat with Toys for Bob on 2007-06-13 (Read 49713 times)
Valaggar: Get over the Utwig voice already. I think this fragment was specifically shameful:
23:02 <+PR3> Starflight was the big daddy. Greg Johnson is a design god. 23:02 < Valaggar> Down with Greg Johnson and his Utwig voice! What were you thinking? What was the purpose of this remark? You just wanted to let TFB know that you disliked their choice for the Utwig voice, using even harsher tones than before? What did you think would happen? Did you expect TFB to reply "You are right, we were wrong. We're going to do it over right after the chat?"
[/quote] OK, OK. I just got overly excited with that voice before the chat, you know. I actually regretted that remark immediately after I made it (in fact, I had also confused <+PR3> with another name, so I didn't know that I was replying to Paul). I don't have any problem with Johnson, in fact - not even in terms of voice acting (except the Utwig voice, of course).
Zebranky food

Posts: 14
Thanks for the logs Meep-eep. I was able to log in, but work kept me from catching most of it - I caught only glimpses of the chat. And in true neophyte fashion, I didn't figure out the log feature of the chat program until later. So thanks again, and thanks especially to the guys over at TFB!
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Post chat reflections follow: Well, no Star Control sequel. I think that maybe the chat re-focused them on the possibility, but it's no sure thing...yet.
I was disapointed to find out that TFB is so behind on their videogame consumption. I mean, I understand liking Super Bomberman still (who doesnt) but to never have heard of Starscape. I almost want to e-mail them a list of suggestions to check out: Starscape, wierd worlds, Timewarp, the new wing commander on XBL. You'd think for someone who made a living making videogames they'd know what the competition was up to a bit more. They're up on their sci-fi tho, and that's good.
I was pleased that they considered the Star Control posters (my idea). Seriously, this franchise is so merchandisable.
It was awesome to participate in this one.
If I may say something... (read: ============If I may say something============)
I think it's good that they don't play (too many? ) newer games, since these are very (stereo)typical and bound to a certain formula (such as RTS, RPG, 4X, FPS) so they would negatively influence the originality of the sequel. However, they DO need to play some more serious games (besides Bomberman) or the sequel will end up like a sort of Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure in space. (No, don't worry, it won't; they seem to have come to hate that game: 23:36 <+PR3> No sequel to Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure?  23:37 <@Meep-Eep> Is that the sequel you are working on now? 23:37 <+PR3> NO! What about the balance of story vs. melee? Which fires you up more?) - emphasis added
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142

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Oh, yeah, thanks for the posters comment! I want some posters SO BAD now. Especially an Orz one. I know just where I'd put it up.
(I mean, I guess I could always paint one myself, but... official merch! Official merch!!!!)
I agree, I should have said "<Lukipela> <<question>>", not just "<<question>>".
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