Zebranky food

Posts: 14
-My news posting from The Pages of Now and Forever, thought I might give everybody here a heads up seeing as Meep-eep was nice enough to give us an update on the forth coming "Chat" -
Greetings all! Where do I start here, well I'll get to the point. With the more and more scarce appearances and updates from Chad, this site has started to fall apart, there currently is entire sections that aren't working or are missing completely. Having not be able to contact Chad through my super secret sources, I decided to contact gamespy and see if they could get a hold of Chad. Alas they were not able to, and so with the help of Chuck, a hosting manager for IGN (BIG thanks to him!), I have been given access to the site. Now I'm not sure where this leaves Chad, when and if he comes back. However I certainly would NOT be ousting him. He is after all the creator of this site.
Now on to the future of this site, I plan to change everything completely with my new found powers of galactic PNF domination!. J/K, My actual goals first off are to get all the missing content fixed and perhaps add a few things that may have been missing. I'm also thinking of removing SC3D and combining all it's content with PNF. In preparation for these tasks, I'd like all of you to e-mail me with any content you find is missing or any broken links you find. Secondly if any of you have news or new content for the site please don't hesitate to send it to me. I believe I will be receiving the e-mail via, However until I'm sure please feel free to send it to me at
Thanks and I look forward to serving the StarControl Community!