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Author Topic: Replacing Sound Effects.  (Read 4167 times)

Replacing Sound Effects.
« on: May 23, 2007, 04:15:51 am »

Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but I'm not a total fan of the sound effects. If anybody can give me inquiry on how I can modify the melee Sound Effects if possible, that'd be great.

If it's not possible without spending a huge amount of money on programs and other modification programs, then... Uhh... I don't know.

Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 07:29:18 am »

The melee sounds are some .wav files found in the content package (The Ur-Quan Masters\content\packages\uqm-0.6.2-content.uqm, which is in fact a .zip archive).
More specifically, there are files like primary.wav, secondary.wav, intruder.wav etc. in the folders named after races (ilwrath, arilou etc.) and (IMPORTANT!) the boomXY.wav files in the \lbm folder in the content package (where X and Y are two numbers, such as boom23.wav). They are used for the impact sounds for weapons dealing X damage or Y damage (e.g. boom23.wav is used for weapons that kill 2 or 3 crew in one shot, such as the Orz Nemesis primary weapon).

To simplify the process, you only need to extract the files somewhere (including pathnames), and after modifying them, zip them (keeping the same pathnames). Name the .zip as you want and make a The Ur-Quan Masters\content\packages\addons\uqmremix folder in which you must put the .zip. To make The Ur-Quan Masters use the .zip, you need to alter its command line parameters by adding --addon uqmremix. (if you're on Windows, this is made by making a shortcut, then in its Properties window, in the Target field, put everything in brackets (i.e. " and ") if it isn't already and add --addon uqmremix after the brackets; always use the shortcut to launch UQM if you want to use the addon.

There's, for example, Audacity (freeware, download here). Be sure to download the LADSPA plug-ins too (freeware, download here) and install them.

You can modify the existing sounds or, better, record new sounds and modify them a bit if necessary.
Ah, and by the way, I also have an "Enhanced Melee Sounds" pack, download here. Note that it doesn't change all sounds.

The background music can be changed by making, in the same way as above, a zip with a new lbm\battle.ogg or lbm\battle.mp3 file. There is a new battle.mp3 available at the PRECURSORS site, here.

Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2007, 07:06:10 am »

I ended up replacing all the sound effects of ships present in Melee, and the melee battle theme. If anyone is interested in my results, download and addon this folder:

Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2007, 10:42:55 am »

I don't like some of the new sounds, so I deleted some, modified others and merged with some sounds in my pack, and I've got this thing.
The music is not so good as the PRECURSORS remix - it is too loud and too intrusive.
PS: Your zip is not an addon, it is an ordinary zip containing two add-ons inside ( and

Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2007, 06:03:35 pm »

Well, we got different opinions on things, so I'll let the downloaders decide which they want to get. You at least kept some of the sounds I thought fit better in with the ships.

From what I got, an addon is basically a folder that has zips in it with replacement game files in it.

That zip on the net... Is... Basically a folder that has two zips in it with replacement game files in it!


Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2007, 06:06:54 pm »

From what I got, an addon is basically a folder that has zips in it with replacement game files in it.

That zip on the net... Is... Basically a folder that has two zips in it with replacement game files in it!
No, an add-on is a zip with replacement game files in it. That zip on the net is an ordinary zip containing two add-ons.
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Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2007, 07:44:32 pm »

Some interesting choices; some work very well, but some others don't.
Some which don't work:
- The Avatar secondary doesn't repeat well when you hold down the button
- The Avatar primary, Trader primary and the Intruder primary go on for too long after you release the button
- The Torch primary is almost inaudible
While there's nothing wrong with the battle music in itself, it doesn't have the same sense of tension as the original.

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Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2007, 08:48:19 pm »

From what I got, an addon is basically a folder that has zips in it with replacement game files in it.

That zip on the net... Is... Basically a folder that has two zips in it with replacement game files in it!
No, an add-on is a zip with replacement game files in it. That zip on the net is an ordinary zip containing two add-ons.
Well, since the --addon option takes as an argument the name of a directory from which all .uqm files, the add-on packages, are added to the game content files, you could argue that this directory is one add-on that may consist of several packages.

I imagine the reason for allowing multiple add-on packages per add-on is to make it easier to download add-ons in parts, much like UQM itself has optional content like music and speech in separate packages. Of course, you could still treat each part as a separate add-on.

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Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2007, 08:53:33 pm »

I really like his Mmrnmhrm transformation, Pkunk reincarnation, Ilwrath cloak and decloak. The Slylandro attack is awesome but does not flow very well in game.

On the whole I this new sound set doesn't really work, although I'd love to see more attempts at this in the future.

Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2007, 10:00:12 pm »

Quote from: Yoda
What a better sound is in Melee very subjective is. Each better his own add-on makes, for each other view on what fit is has.

Re: Replacing Sound Effects.
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2007, 01:36:50 am »

Kay. Made a slight update to the pack. Here's the changes:

Kohr Ah - Changed the Metal Disc Sound effect.
Chmmr - Shortened laser sound effect.
Melnorme - Shortened laser charge sound effect.
Thraddash - Afterburner sound effect turned up.
VUX - Laser sound changed. - 2.87MB
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