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Topic: Syreen "special" encounter? (Read 12048 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, it grossed someone out because she conceived of her character as female, and here Talana was, hitting on her.
Well, I guess it fits given that Syreen are predominantly female.
But of course that raises the issue of, HOW THE HECK did that population imbalance perpetuate for more than one generation? IIRC, there were SOME male syreen survivors of Syra. So their children would be 50% male and 50% female. Unless the dominant mode of reproduction is artificial (egg-egg combinations or cloning), they're relying on those males... SO, unless Syreen gender determination is both wildly and radically different from humans' (quite believable), and species-suicidal (i.e. if no men around, produce fewer males).
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Unless something about the Syreen causes them to give birth to more females than males, there is no real reason the sexes shouldn't be more or less evened out by now.
The only reason they're not even is because FF and PR3 wanted the Syreen to be a race of psychic hotties.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 495

Lady Marauder
The only reason they're not even is because FF and PR3 wanted the Syreen to be a race of psychic hotties. 
Are they even psychic, if you don't take Star Control 3 into account? Sure they have 'psionic amplifiers' in their technology that are used in the Syreen Song, and the proper technology to keep captured crew in a docile state. It is just that I remember playing Master of Orion 2, and thinking that it had several notable copycat races. One that seemed based off the Syreen, the Humans seemed based off of Captain Picard, and one seemed based off of the Kilrathi. I was wondering if they 'always' had basic, non-technological psychic abilities, or if it was something that mushroomed from the Syreen Song, to Master of Orion 2, to Star Control 3 where they apparently are decidedly psychic.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Well... they're not psychic in the same way Professor X is or anything. I don't think they can really read minds, or anything. But it's certain that they can control people (you would think only humanoid males, but the Syreen Song works against everything from Mycon and Mrmnmhrm to other Syreen)... the Penetrator ships only amplify that ability. Considering how afraid of the Dnyarri the Ur-Quan are, it's surprising that they'd allow any part of a race with an ability similar (albeit much much much less powerful) live outside the slave shield. I mean... what if Talana had managed to build some sort of amplifier and strap it on (no pun intended ) to the starbase?
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Erm, I'm not sure I follow you. Plus, I was talking about the Syreen's starbase.
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Sorry for the double post, but that brought something else to mind...
When you ally with the Syreen, why don't they start using their starbase to synthesize fuel and stuff for you? That would be mighty convenient since they're near the center of the quadrant.
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
They make excellent sushi.
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