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Topic: Dictator Bush? (Read 9290 times)
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Posts: 104
Maybe I'm crazy, but can someone tell me how this does not sound scary?
"The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government"
"a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President..."
It seems a little vague. So when the president declares an emergency, he leads activities to fight the emergency, and only "coordinates" the branches. But he doesn't have to listen to them since he's the lead?
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Posts: 104
I know the parallels have been tossed around before, but what I've linked to was just signed by GW within the last couple of weeks! 
It's just getting worse and worse...
Can you explain the context to that? I mean, it looks like something congress will just laugh at before they vote it down.
Posts: 817
I have a "what if" scenario that me and my wife have discussed to some length.
Let's say sometime between now and when Bush's term is up that something horrible happens on American soil, be it a nuke, biological or some other mass kill agent. It would give Bush the power to suspend normal government, put him in complete control of the military and enable him to carry out any command without any checks to his power.
I see a very real possibility that could happen whether it a real terrorist act or one that is set in motion by our own president so he can take over.
I know what your thinking... get the tin foil hats it's another conspiracy theory. Really it's not paranoia when you KNOW there out to get you. And being intelligent we can see some serious things going on in America that truly scares the hell out of me. Let's hope I'm wrong...for all our sakes.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 02:14:38 am by DEFIANT »
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Posts: 104
It's just a lot of little things. Did you know that Ashscroft wanted to add more power to the PATRIOT Act? It included things like the government arresting people and not releasing a list of who they've taken.. i.e. it would have been legal for them to abduct people and tell no one.
I think when they all add up, you just start to suspect. It's not necessarily Bush that could be corrupt and abuse what he's put in place. But there's no guarantee someone in the future might not.
Sorry xeno, I don't like President Bush either but you really need to put down more substance if you're going to bash him. Hear-say just doesn't cut it.
For example, take this mile-long list of scandals the white house is involved in with multiple sources backing everything up: (The page shows a dogpile of ads to anyone that isn't registered, sorry for this in advance)
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Posts: 104
No source? It's a web forum, lol.
Patriot act II was real:
Is a good list, though not the official document I admit. Seriously, I don't even see how anyone can defend him at times. And I'm definitely not a flaming liberal. Heck, my fiancee is a registered republican. Sometimes you just gotta think for yourself above political lines, ya know?
Oh boy, this is going to be a fun topic. 
Patriot act II was real I know. Old news. Remember how that thing didn't come anywhere near becoming law because even the Bush adminstration knew how over the top that was?
No source? It's a web forum, lol. What you're saying is essentially an enormous cop-out. "I don't have to actually put any thought into my posts because I'm on TEH INTATNIT." Don't be a fool. Also, I did just give you a treasure trove of all the dirt on Bush that's being investigated, thanks for ignoring it.
Why should his actions be defended? Every single accusation I seen leveled at him have range from peoples’ misunderstanding of the law to unsubstantiated claims to incoherent ravings of lunatics and even outright lies. I have not seen anyone actually have proof of a crime. And you know if there was any proof of actual wrong doing congress would have already started the impeachment process (since it is controlled by the democrats). You are right. They should not be defended under any circumstances. Leave immediately.
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Posts: 104
Well I didn't think sources were necessary since I wasn't trying to spark a big debate. Though in retrospect looking at the topic I'd definitely say I'm not sure why I didn't expect a debate.
Ya, Patriot Act II is old news. But I was just making the point that there's a lot of little "attempts" at undermining freedom in this administration that it just gets old. I mean, I think we can all agree it's just sad that A: anyone suspects an American government of trying to reduce freedoms and B: there's actually some decent evidence that it's tried. (See the list you linked to.)
The new NSPD that I linked to at the beginning just bugs me because there seems to be a lot of apathy. I don't care if Bush or Clinton or Whoever writes something up like that. It's like Americans are so worn out with terrorist scares, Iraq concerns, Iranian nuclear ambition, etc.. that when something goofy like this gets signed, we all just shrug and say, "Meh, is that it?"
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