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Author Topic: Design your own ship  (Read 10771 times)
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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2003, 01:11:43 am »

Yeah, but does Star Fleet Battles have 'mechs? I doubt it. Wink
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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2003, 04:46:07 am »

and winning a copyright battle is all about "habeas mechus"
Dave Morse

Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2003, 11:00:53 am »

Your simple minded logic has shown me a whole new world of intellectual pain!  I yield!  Mercy!  Henceforth the conjectural race once called "the Lyrans" will be known as "the Growchipuzzie".
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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2003, 09:54:00 pm »

Wasn't trying to say naming them Lyrans was a bad idea, just saying what was on my mind  Tongue  I actually like your new name, it has more "pizzazz" Wink

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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2003, 07:58:36 pm »

My illness also spurred me to think of a new special weapon idea: biospores.

Biospores infect the crew, not killing them, but making them less effective.

Commands to the ship are delayed by a number of frames equal to the one half of the square root of the number of spores on the ship, rounded down.
Whenever energy would be regenerated, there is a 0.98^(#spores) probability of success.
Whenever the ship takes damage, each spore has a 1/3 chance of killing a crew member and itself dying (freeing the ship of its negative effects!!)

Biospores would 'fat' bullets using the distinction above.

Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2003, 08:30:44 am »

The Cincae Foresight (shrug) As for points, I'd guess 15 to 20.
Mildly maneuverable. I'd say approximately Androsynth accelleration, Earthling turning, and Arilou speed.
Primary: Long-range, somewhat Druuge-ish shot dealing maybe 4 damage. 6 or so feul, acceptable (Arilou) recharge.
Secondary: Timewarp. Press special, batt starts draining at maybe Andro Cometmode speed. Once special is released, everything either 'rewinds' or 'jumps' to the position occupied when the special started being pressed, except the Foresight itself. Any crew that were killed on the Foresight appear as Syreen-ish crew, at the position they were killed, working their way slowly to the Foresight.
Strategy: The timewarp can be used to either line up the perfect shot, provide 'insurance' for a risky move, or aid in flight.

Race: The Cincae (SIN-cay) are basically a large writhing mass of supple, muscular tendrils. There is probably a 'node' in the middle from where most of the tendrils emerge, but it is possible that all neccesary organs are maintained in the mass of tendrils. The Cincae are naturally slightly unstable in the space-time contimuum, and as such are able to leave microscopic 'bits' of themselves in the past. At any time they wish, as long as the bit has not dissipated, they can 'snap back' to the bit in question, maintaning position with relation to the nearest planetary-sized object. Once this is done, the copy from *present-currently-present* dissolves, and the copy from *past-currently-future* remains. Asterices are required around any phrase reffering to time-travel, english is poor at communticating such things. The Cincae are fairly friendly.

Strange idea. I like it though.
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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2003, 12:12:46 am »

I take it that things don't revert if the battery runs out?
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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2003, 10:03:44 pm »

*peers at this thread, and ponders*

I had always envisioned some sort of race that evolved from a single-celled organism, and never actually managed to make the jump to multi-celled. A race of evolved procaryotes, so to speak. Though I'm sure it probably rings familiar with the *rolls eyes* Xchaggers, from what I hear of SC3. In any event, I had thought that like amoebas, they evolve by filtering genetic information from absorbing/consuming and digesting other life forms. Their ships could be some sort of amorphous amoeba, their actual race members look like some sort of gigantic paramecium with cilia that have evolved into tentacles, and through those tentacles they operate their ships controls. The ship could have some sort of enfold attack in which it would engulf and absorb some of an enemy ship's crew into fuel/battery power. The engulf attack would only be effective in short range, much like the Zot Fot Pik's Tongue Attack. It could also use a full battery in the manner of a Mycon podship to create another ameoba ship, but it would be in the form of a DOGI-like bud that would be (only slightly?) susceptible to damage and wander around the battlefield. Upon destruction of your original ship, the bud would become a full grown ameoba ship that would only have as much crew as you had at the moment you originally created the bud. (a ressurection effect similar to that of a Pkunk fury, but you would actually be able to manipulate the frequency of the occurence.) After a successful engulf attack, it would be able to launch a limited (perhaps one?) number of metallic powerful projectiles at the enemy ship (and perhaps be unable to reproduce until it did so, so that you'd not need more keys to operate this ship than usual) which would be composed of the compacted and undigestible 'waste' materials left from eating away at the enemy ship.

(Oye, just recycling one old idea after another, aren't I? How many race ships do we have here... Zoq-Fot-Pik, Druuge, Pkunk, Androsynth (well, digesting would involve acid I imagine), Chenjesu, Mycon, Vux (tentacles to manipulate controls), Syreen, Slylandro...)

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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2003, 12:02:52 am »

Would the ship be susceptible to being shot while engulfing??

I also like the idea of a shot whose damage is not constant.

For example:
1) A psychic shot whose damage is proportional to current crew on board
2) damage proportional to the damage dealt to this ship
3) damage proportional to battery level on board (so if you fire more often the effect goes down)

The amoeba could make very nice use of a variable damage or other variable-effect system?
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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2003, 12:13:39 am »

Would the ship be susceptible to being shot while engulfing??

*shrugs* Depends on if it is an issue of game balance.

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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2003, 03:51:35 am »

I think everyone's had their own ideas to design a unique ship.  My favourite design involved a bat race.  They're a race with 6 eyes, but they're blind and like most bats, use sound to find their way around.  However, because sound doesn't travel in space, their bodies are highly sensitive to higher forms of radiation, able to bounce waves off of objects to figure out where they're going.

The ship was a very unique design, resembling a TIE Fighter in origin.  I called it the Echo for naming purposes.  It has two wing-like sections on either side, the two connected by a main cockpit section.  The ship's winged sides have shields that defend 90 degrees of damage on both sides, meaning 180 degreses on the sides will be protected from small to medium damage.  These shields are long, extending at least 3 tiles from the body of the ship, acting as weapons similar to the Umgah's anti-matter cone.  The main tactic of this ship is to fly in and sideswipe the enemy with these side-shields.  The ship is highly manoeuverable and has good acceleration, like a bat.  The special ability is a sonar-like pulse of radiation that disables enemy's secondary abilities for a small period of time.  By letting out this small pulse, if it hits the enemy ship, it turns a nice shade of red.  Only when the pulse is bounced back to the Echo will the ship's second ability be disabled for some time.  

To prevent the problem of constantly holding up the ship's side shields, it can only use its primary ability when the battery is at full charge.  Letting go means you have to wait for the batteries to replenish before hitting the enemy again.  Anyways, that was just one of my old ideas for a ship back in the day.  There are so many others, but look at the time... lol.

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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2003, 04:01:51 am »

Chamberlain Bird of Prey
Giagantic and bulky, like an old time British battleship without the artillery made completely of space-age material. Looks like a giant claw. Has two huge rotating ion cannons in the front that fire much like the Druuge Molar, only twice the force.
Slow, but powerful, like Bowser in Mario Cart.
Special Ability is to jettison one crew into the burner to give it an extra boost of speed.
Can manuver cannons to your liking
Crew: 45 members


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Re: Design your own ship
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2003, 04:04:06 am »

Crew -> Speed has been done. Harika/Yorn. Just letting you know...
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