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Author Topic: Wing Commander Arena  (Read 8818 times)
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Wing Commander Arena
« on: June 04, 2007, 08:29:55 am »

I don't know how many people have heard of it, but a new Wing Commander game is looming for the xbox 360: "Wing Commander Arena."

I'm actually pretty excited at the idea. It's sort of a fake 3D in that the graphics are 3D and you can move up/down, but you're also locked on a 2D plane for movement. I'm a little jealous of it, actually. I kind of wish I'd thought of that style for Xeno Versus. I think Star Control could be re-done in a similar fashion.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2007, 08:32:07 am by xenoclone » Logged

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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 11:28:03 am »

It would have been better if it wasn't Wing Commander.
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2007, 08:38:18 pm »

It would have been better if it wasn't Wing Commander.

This is blasphemy, this is madness! . . .

Introducing Cliche Commander Arena. In, Cliche Commander Arena, you attack online opponents with tired intertrends for Massive Damage. Cliche Commander Arena will retail for 599 US dollars.

Its Cliche Commander! Cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiche Commander !!!
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2007, 12:05:40 am »

I'm actually surprised by a lot of the negativity on the web for it. It seems like a fun space game to me. Is it all just because of the use of the WC label? I think XBLA could use a fun game like this.

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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2007, 12:40:14 am »

I'm actually surprised by a lot of the negativity on the web for it. It seems like a fun space game to me. Is it all just because of the use of the WC label? I think XBLA could use a fun game like this.

Usually. EA loves to use well known titles and then release crappy games over it, plus several dozen expansion packs to milk it dry. Wing Commander was always a 3D space sim game with cheesy cutscenes featuring Mark Hamill in some way or another as the great Terran Confederation hero Blair which defined our childhoods because we all loved em. Then comes in EA after taking over Origin and then releases this, which just doesn't feel like Wing Commander, I mean picking up powerups? bashing into gigantic space stations?

This game could have been done right, but it needs to feel epic and to get rid of all of those powerups. I want to see Kilrathi battleships going toe to toe with Terran battleships, and I want to see say the TCS Midway in all its glory, with hundreds upon hundreds of fighters all going at it and in these giant battles you are thrown in all this chaos trying to complete a said objective whilst trying not to screw up as it will have repercussions later on, Mark Hamill, and well, you get the idea.

I'd find such a game fun and entertaining yes, but by all means this is no Wing Commander, just an attempt to milk us for suckers, because that's EA's marketing ploys, just like they dropped more or less 75% of the C&C canon when making Tiberium Wars (such changes being going with a mineral rather than an organic lifeform for the tiberium, dropping GDI mecha and Nod subterra (plus loads of technology dropped simply because they invested more in space (not really, EA just likes tanks and 20th century weapons and going back to C&C1), and reducing Nod to a jihadist terror group) and so forth. Mike Verdu also was a big part of Legend Entertainment who made SC3, and look how that turned out.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 12:46:34 am by Elerium » Logged

Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2007, 01:09:06 am »

I'm curious as to how well a console controller lends itself to space dogfighters like Wing Commander, TIE Fighter or Freespace. If the thing took off well enough I might get an Xbox 360 for it because I'm a sucker for those games. On the other hand, it's EA we're talking about. :barf:
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2007, 01:22:41 am »

I'm actually surprised by a lot of the negativity on the web for it. It seems like a fun space game to me. Is it all just because of the use of the WC label? I think XBLA could use a fun game like this.

Usually. EA loves to use well known titles and then release crappy games over it, plus several dozen expansion packs to milk it dry. Wing Commander was always a 3D space sim game with cheesy cutscenes featuring Mark Hamill in some way or another as the great Terran Confederation hero Blair which defined our childhoods because we all loved em. Then comes in EA after taking over Origin and then releases this, which just doesn't feel like Wing Commander, I mean picking up powerups? bashing into gigantic space stations?

This game could have been done right, but it needs to feel epic and to get rid of all of those powerups. I want to see Kilrathi battleships going toe to toe with Terran battleships, and I want to see say the TCS Midway in all its glory, with hundreds upon hundreds of fighters all going at it and in these giant battles you are thrown in all this chaos trying to complete a said objective whilst trying not to screw up as it will have repercussions later on, Mark Hamill, and well, you get the idea.

I'd find such a game fun and entertaining yes, but by all means this is no Wing Commander, just an attempt to milk us for suckers, because that's EA's marketing ploys, just like they dropped more or less 75% of the C&C canon when making Tiberium Wars (such changes being going with a mineral rather than an organic lifeform for the tiberium, dropping GDI mecha and Nod subterra (plus loads of technology dropped simply because they invested more in space (not really, EA just likes tanks and 20th century weapons and going back to C&C1), and reducing Nod to a jihadist terror group) and so forth. Mike Verdu also was a big part of Legend Entertainment who made SC3, and look how that turned out.
You pretty much summed up all my feelings exactly.
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2007, 01:41:41 am »

I'm curious as to how well a console controller lends itself to space dogfighters like Wing Commander, TIE Fighter or Freespace. If the thing took off well enough I might get an Xbox 360 for it because I'm a sucker for those games. On the other hand, it's EA we're talking about. :barf:

You know, I used to wonder that about FPS games as well. But Halo really was the first one to show you can have fun gameplay in an FPS with a gamepad. I got a 360 about a half year ago. I've really enjoyed it. My laptop isn't powerful to run high-end games, so it was cheaper to get a 360 than upgrade to a better desktop. The arcade download service is turning out to be the most addictive. I've got Worms and Mad Tracks in their full versions and a slew of demos. Unless all the reviews pan it, I don't think I'll be able to pass up WC.

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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2007, 03:19:15 am »

I'd find such a game fun and entertaining yes, but by all means this is no Wing Commander, just an attempt to milk us for suckers, because that's EA's marketing ploys, just like they dropped more or less 75% of the C&C canon when making Tiberium Wars (such changes being going with a mineral rather than an organic lifeform for the tiberium, dropping GDI mecha and Nod subterra (plus loads of technology dropped simply because they invested more in space (not really, EA just likes tanks and 20th century weapons and going back to C&C1), and reducing Nod to a jihadist terror group) and so forth. Mike Verdu also was a big part of Legend Entertainment who made SC3, and look how that turned out.

Well to be fair, TS really sucked from most player reports that I have heard (not played it yet myself) and it really did not stay true to its predecessor at all.

Also, are you sure Tiberium wasn't actually a crystal to start with, and it just mutated carbon based life into serving it? Sort of like how Lichens are actually a fusion of fungus and protist algae. Otherwise, not sure why it would make crystals on the surface.

Tanks > Mechs Grin

Suicide Nod are kind of dumb, have to agree there.

Besides these things though, did the game play and feel like a C&C game or no?

On a similar not, I hope StarCraft II doesn't end up as a Warcraft 4, it looks more like War than Star at this point. Square siege tanks, damn someone needs to be fired.
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2007, 02:35:53 pm »

Well to be fair, TS really sucked from most player reports that I have heard (not played it yet myself) and it really did not stay true to its predecessor at all.

Also, are you sure Tiberium wasn't actually a crystal to start with, and it just mutated carbon based life into serving it? Sort of like how Lichens are actually a fusion of fungus and protist algae. Otherwise, not sure why it would make crystals on the surface.

Tanks > Mechs Grin

Suicide Nod are kind of dumb, have to agree there.

Besides these things though, did the game play and feel like a C&C game or no?

On a similar not, I hope StarCraft II doesn't end up as a Warcraft 4, it looks more like War than Star at this point. Square siege tanks, damn someone needs to be fired.

TS sucked because it was rushed by EA which meant that Westwood couldn't get TS to its maximum potential, instead relying on the common tactic by EA (which they used again with TW) to overhype it, still it was developed by Westwood and it did give off some enjoyment for its time so still it should be seen as canon.

Tiberium was not a crystal to start with, it does make crystalline structures to reproduce, but it has organic pods at the bottom which contain various resources plus a crucial unknown element. This also allowed it to spread from trees to more trees and to bind itself to animals and human civilians who would then become mutants in a few years or so.

We also had Tiberium lifeforms from the giant veinhole monster which would entangle towns and cities, huge Tiberium flora and goo, Tiberium Floaters (giant electric hovering jellyfish), Visceroids (giant living human tiberium tumors), Fiends (tiberium dogs) and Tiberium itself took over the oceans though aquatic mutations and algae. EA however simply said 'right this is a crystal like Starcraft..' and dropped all of the lifeforms to fit this as well as introducing GDI aircraft carriers when it was explicitly stated that the seas were hazardous to travel through anymore.

Tiberium Wars was roughly 14 years after TS, so why would they go back to tanks of all things. Mechs were also needed to traverse the Tiberium coated landscape, while Nod used Tick Tanks which we can gather plows through the terrain (knowing they use subterra). They even dropped Hover Tanks from GDI because 'it attracted Ion Storms', did it hell, whenever I had Ion Storms in TS my MLRS wouldn't get fragged by lightning as bad as the other units.

The game played like a Red Alert 2 clone, coupled with loads of well known names to glamorize it (and to maximise the hype), as well as saying 'zomg kane is teh back!11' despite the ignorance of recognizing previous characters in the other games such as the fate of Commander McNeil, Nod leader Slavik and Verdu explicitly stated the kill off of one of the main villains who survived in TS, the cybernetic leader CABAL because of poor sales which to me seems like a lame explanation, who cares about sales? The Scrin looked like a rip off the Covenant from Halo, the Protoss (Planetary Assault Carrier anyone?) and spliced with the Starship Troopers aliens. They also blew up GDI's space station (why couldn't they have done this anyway in TS instead of it being a final mission goal?), and also contrasted Kane's goal to fire a Tiberium terraforming missile in TS to go to another planet in TW. The Scrin also looked like lame Cthulhu ripoffs and hardly had an 'alien' interface, rather the same boring female EVA.

Couldn't care less for Starcraft, I hate it. Micromanagement is not strategy I keep saying, yet everyone says it is.
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2007, 05:23:29 pm »

TS sucked because it was rushed by EA which meant that Westwood couldn't get TS to its maximum potential, instead relying on the common tactic by EA (which they used again with TW) to overhype it, still it was developed by Westwood and it did give off some enjoyment for its time so still it should be seen as canon.

I hate to be Mr. Nitpicky, but NO. Westwood wasn't bought out by EA until quite a few years later, and had no impact on TS at all. According to the wiki (and I have no doubt it's correct, considering I remember hearing about TS's development cycle soon after the original), TS spent over 4 years in development. I would hardly call that a rushed game.

And more generally:

However, I have no doubt that the folks at EA had little compunction about raping C&C continuity (haven't played TW yet). Nobody said that TS is or should be non-canon, and in the grand scheme of things, ignoring it is pretty silly, considering it was basically about the entire world being engulfed by the Tiberium apocolypse. But that's typical EA; do the absolute minimum background research possible for the new installment of the continuing series, and then whip the slaves until they get into a nice annual sequel pace, regardless of actual quality. After all, plenty of suckers are going to buy, no matter how crappy it is.

EA Games: Challenge Mediocrity  Roll Eyes
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2007, 07:04:55 pm »

How about game balance, how does TW do against its predecessors on this? (After the recent patches of course.) How was its balance vs Generals?
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2007, 07:19:06 pm »

I hate to be Mr. Nitpicky, but NO. Westwood wasn't bought out by EA until quite a few years later, and had no impact on TS at all. According to the wiki (and I have no doubt it's correct, considering I remember hearing about TS's development cycle soon after the original), TS spent over 4 years in development. I would hardly call that a rushed game.

EA bought Westwood while they were working on TS, and it only took years because of delays, but still EA rushed the job by releasing it early. Warcraft 3 took even longer, and still it looked cruddy.

How about game balance, how does TW do against its predecessors on this? (After the recent patches of course.) How was its balance vs Generals?

Generals had really stupid balance, and many bugs which EA refused to fix because EA are like that, one being a superweapon for the GLA could be fired again and again without the 10 minute wait. TW I've heard has a bad balance in that infantry are next to useless, so you might as well just make tanks instead. If the Scrin get to Tier 3, well you lose basically due to superior firepower and armament although the Scrin's earlier units are mediocre at best. GDI is your normal Tank flush army with the big guns provided you flatten the enemy to a stage where you can finish the rest, Nod is your jihadists relying on fanatics, cheap tanks and batman lookalikes while the Scrin are your stereotypical aliens which get motherships. One thing about this game is super units can't be killed once they enter battle, rather they become 'corpses' which you can 'capture' using an engineer to give you that super unit.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 07:21:00 pm by Elerium » Logged
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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2007, 04:18:57 am »

I'm actually pretty excited at the idea. It's sort of a fake 3D in that the graphics are 3D and you can move up/down, but you're also locked on a 2D plane for movement. I'm a little jealous of it, actually. I kind of wish I'd thought of that style for Xeno Versus. I think Star Control could be re-done in a similar fashion.
So back on topic, a while back I had a similar idea, inspired by a game I played on my PDA.

My thought was this could be taken a step further by plaing on the surface of a sphere a fixed distance above the surface of a planet. You can still gravity whip with orbiting planetoids, and you get the "keep going in a straight line and eventually you'll run into your enemy" aspect of melee.

Part of the problem of using this in a StarControl setting is what happens with rear facing weapons like the Spathi? Perhaps a persepctive can be worked up that would allow it to work, maybe fixing the camera rotation so the ship rotates, not the whole view.

Unfortunately, until someone in the star control community starts programing wing commander gets the cool melee updates.

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Re: Wing Commander Arena
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2007, 11:34:15 am »

My thought was this could be taken a step further by plaing on the surface of a sphere a fixed distance above the surface of a planet. You can still gravity whip with orbiting planetoids, and you get the "keep going in a straight line and eventually you'll run into your enemy" aspect of melee.
Interesting... about the "fake" 3D thingy, an idea would be to have only the ships move in a restricted plane of movement (the sphere), while being able to rotate freely (acceleration while facing a bit upwards/downwards would be slower, as if it were some friction with an invisible wall); the projectiles and the asteroids would move freely in 3D. So a Cruiser could shoot its nuke horizontally (so it remains, most of the time, in the plane of movement) or vertically (so it passes through the plane of movement in one position).

Part of the problem of using this in a StarControl setting is what happens with rear facing weapons like the Spathi? Perhaps a persepctive can be worked up that would allow it to work, maybe fixing the camera rotation so the ship rotates, not the whole view.
Why not have a rear-facing camera as a HUD element? Or view from a position perpendicular to the line joining the two ships (and opposite to the planet/sphere centre). Or keep a key pressed to look behind. I think I prefer the first variant, it's more stylish (and manages to give a lot of information, also). The second variant doesn't look so good, but it's very practical. It could also be an option to choose between the two solutions.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2007, 11:38:24 am by Valaggar » Logged
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