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Topic: ATTN Starship Captains: What ship would you captain as part of its race? (Read 6792 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 21

Starbase Commander Hayes of the Slave Planet Earth
If, however, I could be in any ship, I'd have to pick the Broodhome for early alliance, and Avatar for the later alliance. I'm safer in a big ship, and no ship alone is a match for the Avatar when its piloted right. The Kzer-Za Dreadnaught is a fair match for the Chmmr Avatar any day, as the Dreadnaught's Fusion Cannon can cause significant damage at slightly longer ranges than the Avatar's Laser. With good pilots in both and assuming the Dreadnaught does not launch any fighters (as it loses crew that will be destroyed by the ZapSats) and that the Avatar doesn't waste any power tractoring the Dreadnaught in close that could be used to power the laser, mutual destruction is extremely likely - and neither vessel will escape unscathed.
I suppose the Dreadnaught's best tactic would be to use Fusion Blasts to pick off the ZapSats, then use it's fighters to finish off the mostly-defenseless Avatar whilst keeping out of the way of that laser.
The Kohr-Ah Marauder is also a pretty good match - it can use it's FRIED to take out the ZapSats, or skim around at range and fling the homing discs at the Avatar.
I would probably pick the Mmrnmhrm Transformer, as I've grown quite attached to it's Y-Form.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 02:24:36 pm by Sheridan »
Note how Cedric phrased it: "become an actual verb". "Shiver" was already a verb, so it couldn't have become one.
Also, long live to the verb "to Valaggar". May it rise and take over the world. May its reign be glorious and everlasting.
PS: Maybe you should add "Valagger" and "Vallagar" as "common misspellings"?
This is a very Valaggary post. No it's not.
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