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Topic: Super Melee with Paul Reiche III (Read 2590 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Well, when I joined #uqm-tfb I had no idea that I would be able to play one of the creators. As soon as I noticed discussion about starting a game; I just posted my IP and waited for a connection. LOW AND BEHOLD... BANG! And at the moment PR3 said: “I am connected” - I knew. .. It was a 180 point (or so) game. I won with 40+ points left. I did take it easy a bit. I am sure it was an enjoyable game. “PR3: Man, I am shakin -- that was really fun! Thanks!” ---I am sorry I was not ready to record the match… Like I said, I wasn’t expecting this.
Yeah yeah, I knew I'd hear you braggin' about this sooner or later. I got to play a TFB staffer at least. Did anyone else play someone out of Toys For Bob after I left?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

First, let me say that it is not my intention to brag. I almost never post on the forum and thought people might want to know what happened. I did not mean to “cut in line”. Keeping in mind that I am an intermediate player compared to the titanic skills of other #uqm-arena patrons; I knew it would be a fun match for Paul. Far better than pasting his entire fleet with one ship! If it peeved EP a little, well that’s just an added bonus in my book. It was PR3’s decision to use my IP. ---Details of the match I can remember: PR3 used Pkunk, Yehat, Kor-AH, Thraddash and Androsynth. (All I can remember) Things I did to “Take it easy”… In playing Ur-Quan vs. his Yehat; I didn’t use fighters. In general: I tried not to run away, and rather kept moving behind his line of fire. I avoided “cheesing” at all costs. It was a fun match! I do love you guys! So if you’re jealous, eat your heart out!
« Last Edit: June 14, 2007, 11:51:06 pm by Amiga_Nut »
Posts: 701

Yeah EP was a bit disappointed. Unfortunately he can't host I dont think so it may have been easier for Paul too hook up with an ip address if one was offered, rather than figuring out how to host.
Oh well! with any luck we may see Paul and other TFB guys randonmly turning up to #uqm-arena, and we'll all get a chance. Don't be surprised if they use psuedomyms though, I can imagine them being sneaky enough to do that. In which case everyone needs to be nice and civil to EVERYone else - just in case its actually Paul Reiche.
In fact, I am Paul Reiche! have you ever seen us in the same room?
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