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Author Topic: What race fits you most?  (Read 7341 times)

What race fits you most?
« on: June 15, 2007, 10:19:45 pm »

So, the Star Control races have widely varied personalities, and many of us could expect to find some of his traits mirrored in the nature of one or more of the races.
So I've made this thread in a glimpse of true genius. It is meant to host posts about what traits of which races are characteristic for you. You can structure your post as you want, but if you're out of inspiration, you can use my example's layout.

I start:
I seem to be mostly similar to the Utwig, as I'm constantly whining about their voice - but this is an exception; that voice has wounded me deeply. This shouldn't be considered natural for me.
Another trait I share with the Utwig is the tendency to exaggerate certain things (just like they exaggerate the Ultron's powers and the Bomb's blast radius) - or otherwise said the Utwig and I both are constantly Valaggaring.
I also resemble the Arilou/Slylandro in a limited degree, as I too am rather curious. And the Kohr-Ah in their single-mindedness and intransigency/stubbornness.
What I do NOT resemble in any way is the Thraddash race. I mean, I have no respect for force whatsoever, plus I hate smoking and cigars.

Your turn!
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 10:48:59 pm »



Slylandro! Yes, their personality is most like my own from the SC races. I share their endless curiosity towards the universe. I would so like to go out to explore the galaxy, or at least the nearest objects like Mars. I am a little depressed by the fact that I might never be able to get off this boring old rock  due to our primitive technology. Doesn't ruin my life, though. I can sit here and wonder about things as I read about the latest astronomical discoveries. At least my situation is a little better than Slylandros'. If I happened to get rich, in the future, I might be able to visit the orbit before my death. Not very likely, though.

Where is the planet when you need it? Straight in front of you. *Crash*

Also, I hate asteroids.
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2007, 12:14:03 am »

I was surprised, upon going through the list of races, to decide that I was most like the Arilou.

Now I'll rank YOU guys!

Valaggar: Spathi
meep-eep: Chenjesu
Shiver: Syreen

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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2007, 12:39:17 am »

You know, I'm sensing a theme with these posts. Wink

I'm going to go with Slylandro, too, with how curious and bright they are towards everything.  That's just like me in full fan mode.
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2007, 02:08:27 am »


Yes, all 3 of them. 

Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2007, 03:22:38 am »

I'm gonna try and do every Star Control alien race with actual dialogue. Here goes!

Arilou: Meep-Eep - This guy has been there. He knows, but will not divulge the whole story.

Chmmr: Death999 - Helps out the small and helpless while kicking ass in fifteen different directions. Tends to be a bit humorless.

Druuge: Accolade?

Dnyarri: Electronic Arts?

Ilwrath: Derek Smart?

Kohr-Ah: Tiberian - Tiberian leaves a burning trail of death and destruction in his wake and doesn't give two craps about it.

Melnorme: Cedric - One of the older races originating from the opposite end of the galaxy (New Zealand, LOL). This guy is all business.

Mmrnmhrm: Stara - This guy has no distinct personality whatsoever but is really good at melee.

Mycon: Valaggar - Rambles without making much sense. Probably comes back to life after sustaining fatal injuries.

Orz: Zanthius - No one else is nearly insane or hilarious enough to play the role of the Orz but this guy.

Pkunk: OxD3C0DE - Smart, witty and easy-going. Maybe a bit of a goof sometimes.

Shofixti: Amiga_Nut - Pretty cool, but a bit tempermental. This guy totally hates Elvish Pillager, but I have no idea why. Maybe he should get his sensors fixed.

Slylandro: Lukipela - Very smart and stable but also naive. Talks too frickin' much (see his post count).

Spathi - Don't know. This needs someone sissy-like and funny, I guess.

Supox: Arne - This guy is totally chillax (relax + chill) all the time and just does whatever. You tend not to see a lot of him, maybe he'll get a bigger part in the sequel.

Syreen: Shiver - This guy totally chillaxes (relax + chill) almost all the time. He likes to kick back, put his feet up, throw on sunglasses and just do whatever, mang. But every once in a while, someone or something gets under his skin and he absolutely flips out and goes ballistic. Whatever causes this outburst can sometimes be dire, but is more often trivial and irrelevant.

Thraddash: ConsulBob - Takes highly illogical stances at a whim and suddenly becomes fanatical over them. Will go on and on about minutiae, then spontaneously change the subject. Very argumentative and often frustrating to deal with. Someone suggested I use RType06 instead, but I must confess I haven't paid attention to his posts enough to pass judgement.

Umgah: Deus_Siddis - Very sideways-thinking. Says a lot of strange stuff. Most of it is drivel that should be disregarded immediately, but a small fraction of what he says is either hilarious or genius.

Utwig: Someone who whines too much about their personal life to the point that everyone finds them annoying. I don't think I've ever seen anyone do this even in Off Topic so this race is staying blank for now.

Ur-Quan: Elvish Pillager - He battles Tiberian (Kohr-Ah) for supremacy in the Doctrinal War, a war that will inevitably repeat itself into infinity as they struggle for dominance. EP tends to strategize and ponder more than his cold and murderous cousin. He also rubs a lot of people the wrong way. May or may not have good intentions.

VUX: NEMT - if anyone remembers him. Conceited snob and total jerk extraordinaire.

Yehat: AngusThermopyle - A man of few words. He has integrity and fights the good fight as best he can. Also, he should lighten the hell up once in a while and goof off like everyone else is doing.

Zoq-Fot-Pik: ZFP are intergalactic n00bs. I nominate human fluid sack, because who the heck is that n00blet and what is he up to?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2007, 04:39:26 am by Shiver » Logged

Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2007, 07:58:22 am »

I was surprised, upon going through the list of races, to decide that I was most like the Arilou.

Now I'll rank YOU guys!

Valaggar: Spathi
Spathi? When did I last panic and flown away?

Mycon: Valaggar - Rambles without making much sense. Probably comes back to life after sustaining fatal injuries.
Now this really makes a lot more sense! I also act like possessed sometimes, honest. Plus sometimes (often?) I go on with what I'm saying without paying any attention to what my interlocutor says.
(PS: Mycon ramblings make sense; they're just not linked in any way to whatever you're saying to them)

Shiver: Good work with the Tiberian-Elvish_Pillager-Amiga_Nut trio.

EDIT: Where are the Androsynth, the Chenjesu, the Taalo, the Burvixese, the Zebranky, the Precursors, the Keel-Verezy (this one has to be Lurker)?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2007, 08:32:59 am by Valaggar » Logged
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2007, 11:35:27 am »

Shiver: Good work with the Tiberian-Elvish_Pillager-Amiga_Nut trio.
EDIT: Where are the Androsynth, the Chenjesu, the Taalo, the Burvixese, the Zebranky, the Precursors, the Keel-Verezy (this one has to be Lurker)?

Quote from: Shiver
I'm gonna try and do every Star Control alien race with actual dialogue. Here goes!


What's up doc?
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2007, 01:03:55 pm »

I'd have to say... no one race does the trick, but each of them has something;

Orz, due to their innocent-but-ever-so-sinister nature and general wackiness ("Yes! We do! Goodbye is the *Game*. Hello!! I am only joke.") at the same time.

Chmmr, because I do occasionally help people, but only if they show that they're willing to accept this help and aren't complete asshats. Also due to favouring of heavy offensive and defensive systems over propulsion systems for craft. Grin

Slylandro, unsurprisingly, due to the curiousity. But not the innocence. Definitely the forgetfulness as well.

The Mycon, because I often go off on little rants and rambles, although I don't get possessed by my ancestors very often. If at all. Much. Honestly!

Maybe the Umgah, because I have a bad sense of humour too.

Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2007, 01:52:39 pm »

Shiver: Good work with the Tiberian-Elvish_Pillager-Amiga_Nut trio.
EDIT: Where are the Androsynth, the Chenjesu, the Taalo, the Burvixese, the Zebranky, the Precursors, the Keel-Verezy (this one has to be Lurker)?

Quote from: Shiver
I'm gonna try and do every Star Control alien race with actual dialogue. Here goes!

Fine. So he has intentionally left them out. However, why leave them out? They're Fas-Cinating!
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2007, 11:09:35 pm »

Umgah I'm told (=just rumored) to be funny Smiley
But then, I actually ain't.

Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2007, 10:13:21 pm »

I've got a really good candidate for Spathi:
Terminator. Just look at this thread of him.
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2007, 11:26:09 pm »

I've got a really good candidate for Spathi:
Terminator. Just look at this thread of him.
Spathi aren't that stupid.

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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2007, 06:45:26 am »

Arilou - I know things that others do not... Muahahahahaaaa!!

Well, Okay, but I've been all over the place. Making games, Playing MMORPGs, Solving tech problems, Discussing ridiculous things like Pokemon Cards and Soul Calibur...
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 06:47:32 am by Bluhman » Logged
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Re: What race fits you most?
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2007, 07:28:19 am »

Oh hey, I just thought of something.

So, a close #2 would be Umgah, but I'm not saying why. Cheesy
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