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Topic: Things you didn't notice for a long time... (Read 2164 times)
human fluid sack
Zebranky food

Posts: 14
I recently noticed that lander bolt shots are blocked by earthquakes.
Maybe not that interesting, but I've played the game through over a dozen times before I noticed it.
I didn't notice that the VUX tell you the real reason behind their hate for humans after apologizing a dozen (yes, exactly 12) times. That you can start a Yehat rebellion. Where the VUX Beast is (found it based on the fact that "Lyncis" resembles "Linch"). The Slylandro (gasbags).
HEY! I just noticed! One of the VUX apologies you make is "We would like to present a petition of 1 million signatures! Each one says, `I'm sorry!'"! Just like Alex Ness wanted a petition of 1 million signatures for the sequel! Oh my!
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