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Topic: Games that inspired you, and you'd like to pass on... (Read 8539 times)
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
So after the IRC chat I thought it odd that TFB was so behind on their gaming. I didn't mean to say that they need to be playing more Halo, or any other of a million FPSs out there. More, I was thinking of the myriad of games that inspired me and I thought contained features I would love to see in more games, potenally even a Stgar Control sequel.
So I thought I'd suggest a few games that I'd like to recommend to Fred Ford and Paul Reich III and I thought I'd open it up to you all what you'd recommend to, since I'd surely miss a few. My thoughts are:
StarScape - A fantasic homage to Star Control. Not so much for inspiration, but to see that others love the gameplay. [url]Timewarp[/url] - I'm sure they've heard of this one. There's some good ships in there, if you're willing to wade through a ton of less than exemplry ones. Wierd Worlds - The creators of this one stated it's inspired by StarControl. Wing Commander Arena - Realizing the bad blood between SC and WC, at least Wing Commander is still getting games added to the series. This one almost goes back to StarControl type melee, 2d gameplay, but with 3d graphics and angles. Worth checking out. Advance Wars - Speaking only about AW1&2, as I haven't played Dual Strike. This is for Paul Reiche III, who like me holds a special place in his heart for Archon tyle gameplay. AW does a good job with their CO abilities on the field of battle, something I'd love to see in a StarControl sequel. Imagine Fwiffo giving all BSS ships in battle a bonus, or Talina causing all colonies to automaticly recrew any ships in orbit. If you don't have a gameboy and are morally opposed to emulation (as well you should be) there is an online version of the game, but it missed the "punch" of the original.
So what do you think? Is there any that I've missed?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2007, 08:17:09 pm by guesst »
Zebranky food

Posts: 21

Starbase Commander Hayes of the Slave Planet Earth
I'd recommend the Space Empires series for it's strategy aspects. I'm not so keen on #5 due to the UI, but I love #4 and it's probably one of my oldest games that I still play.
WARNING! POTENTIALLY VALAGGARY POST AHEAD! Actual games I'd recommend: Critical Mass (for its in part turn-based in part real-time dogfighting system), the upcoming Sins of a Solar Empire (or Imperium Galactica 1/2 till then) as a sort of model for a grander SC1, Space Rangers 1&2 (while we're on the SC2 style)... and, of course, when it comes out, Spore, for its procedural generation technology (it's proprietary, but at least its effects are awesome).
About TimeWarp, I've got only one thing to say: More than 16 facings is bad. OK, maybe more than one thing - some of the ships aren't bad, indeed (for example the Sefy Nautilus and that ship with two bending lasers), but the colorless graphics and the "advanced" melee system are horrible.
Space Empires - well, Star Control II and SCTrue3 are not 4X games, and not even SC1 is, though it has some elements.
WC Arena - the 2.5D gameplay would work really well for Star Control, and it would make multiship battles to look much better.
And if we're on suggestions for UltraSuperExtraHyperMegaMelee, I'd have a seemingly insignificant, though rather relevant, thing - which is, use the actual race voices for sounds like "Moron Jerk Dummy etc.", "GO!" and "Launch - Fighters!" (i.e. like I did in my Enhanced Melee Sounds), and, I'd say, add some taunts and stuff like that in Melee: when an Utwig energy spear near misses, the Utwig captain whines "AH! This shows how meaningless our existence really is!" or something like that; when an Orz ship is cornered, the captain goes "*FRUMPLE*!!!". The Kohr-Ah don't taunt, of course (but the Kzer-Za do: "Renegade creature, your punishment will be death!"). Just not too many taunts, it gets like in those RTSs when you continually get, "Yes?", "Adun Toridas!", "En Taro Adun!", "Adun Toridas!", "I do this for Aiur!" (i.e. I make two steps for Aiur) etc., you get the idea.
I wouldn't add background eye candy, though, as seems to be the current fashion; keep the background (semi-)realistic (dubiously close stars, yes, keep them, but no nebulae, or very thin ones and only in certain places).
Maybe (if it doesn't make the gameplay too unStarControlly), asteroids should come in different sizes and types (i.e. "standard" wanderer asteroids, "realistic" big and heavy asteroids packed together, "space dust" - small meteorite clouds which damage ships passing through). The planet should differ in gravity and size (in fact, it should behave exactly as the scan data of the planet you're orbiting would tell you) and have satellites (with their own gravity wells).
I'd really like a sort of RTT Melee version, that is, it's a multiship battle where you can command the ships kinda like in Weird Worlds (eventually in 3D, in which case it has to be with formations of ships, but I'm not sure if a good 3D Melee RTT would be easy to do).
Now, planetside suggestions: StarFlight planetside always gets me. Cultures in different stages of development would be nice. Other things to consider are PvPing with alien lifeforms (by using different abilities to attack them, for example, you assume a "cautious" stance and target the creature's left arm with a flamethrower; or maybe like Interceptor vs UFO fights in X-COM) and choosing the best path to the minerals you're mining (in a vertical puzzle-like minigame). Here I'd really like some eye-candy, good 3D graphics, since those planets really fire up my space explorer alter-ego. I'd also love to see some minor interesting stuff on planets - Precursor Knowledge Tablets and even unique natural wonders such as the firefalls of Nalnar and the servants of Mali (by the way, I've pinpointed the servants of Mali to Gamma Leporis VII and the firefalls of Nalnar to Theta Hyades I).
« Last Edit: June 16, 2007, 09:07:38 pm by Valaggar »
Zebranky food

Posts: 21

Starbase Commander Hayes of the Slave Planet Earth
About TimeWarp, I've got only one thing to say: More than 16 facings is bad. OK, maybe more than one thing - some of the ships aren't bad, indeed (for example the Sefy Nautilus and that ship with two bending lasers), but the colorless graphics and the "advanced" melee system are horrible. I like the fact there's multiple facings myself, but I have to agree that some of the ships could be a lot better, and some are just purely unbalanced. The "Tau Missile Cruiser", for example, is practically invincible to light craft - very few vessels stand a chance of taking down this behemoth - namely the Alary Battlecruiser (it's MIRV warhead can overload and penetrate the MC's shielding and it's own shielding, armour and crew count can withstand multiple hits from the MC's nuke missile if the turrets can't manage to shoot the missiles down) and another Missile Cruiser. Also, the missiles are far too dark and it's very hard to aim the rocket turret properly. Finally, the missile is ridiculously overpowered to the point where it can destroy most ships in two shots, some of the smaller ships in one.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Without a doubt: Frontier Elite (series) is at the top of the list. Unfortunately almost all the games had graphics to poor to attract any new generation players. However, a new and better PC port is available “First Encounters” Http:// about the game: This is still one of the most robust space simulation games ever created. The player has total environmental freedom to seamlessly fly around, land on almost anything and explore the galaxy. You can upgrade equipment on your ship, or buy a different one. I have a special copy of this game, (not available online) that I will share with anyone really REALLY interested. (Amiga_Nut’s TOP games) First Encounters UQM Zelda / All Carrier Command Lords Of Chaos Dungeon Master M.A.M.E.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2007, 06:41:45 am by Amiga_Nut »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

"inspired" ? Not sure what that means. Thouroughly enjoyed? Most played?
4 years Sub Space aka Continuum Silent Death Starships Unlimited Space Empires 1 thru 5 Strange Adventures in Infinite Space / Weird Worlds StarControl 1, 2 and 3
Admitted space game fetish here..
Zebranky food

Posts: 40

Sir Donsalot
I'm currently on a pretty big Heroes 3, Prey and Oblivion kick.
I'm loving these games
I guess I can name a few highlights.
Star Control 2 X-Com Darklands TIE Fighter Freespace 2 Master of Orion Master of Magic Dungeon Keeper Myth II
Ninja Gaiden (The new one) Super Metroid Metroid Prime Okami Silent Hill 2 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
X-Com Enemy Unknown, X-Com Terror From the Deep, X-Com Apocalypse Star Control 1&2 Master of Orion 1&2 (I prefer the first more though) Civilization 1&2 Master of Magic Imperium Galactica 1&2 (I prefer the original more) Warlords Battlecry 1&2 also were fun games, I've also heard Warlords is a classic. Homeworld & Homeworld Cataclysm Baldur's Gate 1, 2 & Throne of Bhaal X-Beyond the Frontier Command and Conquer, Tiberian Sun and Firestorm Red Alert 1,2 and Yuri's Revenge Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Disciples 1&2 were also fun games. Unreal Tournament, UT 2004, Quake 2 Freespace 2 Dungeon Keeper 1&2 Ascendancy Perimeter (you might also want to check out Maelstrom) Galactic Civlizations 2 Earth 2140 & 2150: Escape from the Blue Planet Colonization
Snes- Secret of Mana (and the unofficial fansubbed Seiken Densetsu 3 which is supposed to be its sequel only available for PC due to download). Super Bomberman Super Strike Gunners
Might have missed some out but I'll update it when I can.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 03:22:34 pm by Elerium »
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