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Topic: How do I stop friendly aliens from chasing me down and mobbing me (Read 3110 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3
When i first entered pkunk territory, before i could land at this star system, i had to endure like 6 cut scenes of talking to the pkunks, because that's how many of their ships were trying to chase me down and annoy the hell out of me. I'd finish one, then I'd have no choice but to go right onto the next because they were stacked on top of me. This is really stupid. ANY workaround patch for this kind of alien behavior?
human fluid sack
Zebranky food

Posts: 14
You should be able to out run them. You really shouldn't get caught in pileups like that. That's once you've got all your thrusters of course.
Besides they might tell you something interesting.
Posts: 1044

Better a friendly pileup that you can talk your way out of, than the usual ones I get caught in; mobs of both 'Quans catching up to me because I needed to actually enter a star system for something. That's always an ugly mess.
Zebranky food

Posts: 15
Those pileups can get pretty annoying after a while. I remember making trips to get Furies in my no-starbase game. Seemed to take forever sometimes. Although not as bad as trekking through Mycon space for egg case fragments.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 142

More information...
Save frequently (you've got fifty slots or so; it's a simple matter to leapfrog them) and go back to a previous save when you get into that situation. The spawns are probability-based, so if you try again (even taking the exact same path) it'll be different.
What I did, though, is adopt a relaxed attitude towards this. It's not like it takes long (there should be a key that advances a bit of dialog quickly... I think spacebar makes it skip to the end and shows the dialog options) and you can just say goodbye right away.
ETA: And if it really bothers you, you should be able to find the bit in the code that determines the spawn probabilities, tweak it, and compile your own version. It's right here--starting at line 374. I think there's something in here that talks about it, although there seem to be more files there than I remember, so it may have been somewhere else. (I haven't tried this, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work.)
« Last Edit: June 20, 2007, 02:24:15 am by waywardoctagon »
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
how unlikely would it be to see hyperspace encounters treated lik in-system encounters in that once you finish one you have a few moments to run before you can be tagged again?
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