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Author Topic: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck  (Read 3049 times)
Zebranky food
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can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« on: June 20, 2007, 07:38:00 am »

Well I'm actually following a walkthrough for the game...

I noticed on the map that the Orz area was gone. I flew out to seew hy, tried landing ont heir homeworld and then i go to a chat scene with me and the bad aliens (forget the name), and him syaing we wiped out everything int his part of space including your base around Earth...Then goes tot he title screen.

Eh....What happened here?
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2007, 07:42:31 am »

Yes, there's a time limit.  Looks like you found it.

Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2007, 08:40:16 am »

Why are you following the walkthrough? About 90% of the fun in this game is obtained by solving mysteries and exploring, not "go there, say that" etc..
(Also, for God's sake, turn speech off when you meet a certain race of humanoids with purple outfits. The voice is horrendously bad and completely unfit for their actual nature.)
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2007, 09:08:20 am »

Also, if you just follow a walkthrough, you'll miss a lot--because there are only a few conversations you actually have to do, to trigger game events--so you won't get a lot of the actual story and explanations behind things.
Zebranky food
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2007, 09:51:05 am »

I dont see how I could have taken too long by following a walkthrough though..

Unless i left the game running on my computer overnight while i slept..I MAY have done that.

Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2007, 02:40:39 pm »

I dont see how I could have taken too long by following a walkthrough though..

Hyperspace. That walkthrough told you not to sit around in hyperspace but you did that anyway, didn't you?
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2007, 04:29:47 pm »

(Also, for God's sake, turn speech off when you meet a certain race of humanoids with purple outfits. The voice is horrendously bad and completely unfit for their actual nature.)
I think "to Valaggar" needs a third meaning, or at least an extension of the scope of the second beyond enthusiasm. Personally, I'd save turning voice off for some of the fishier aliens (I actually preferred the voice in SC3 for them).

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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2007, 05:58:04 pm »

(Also, for God's sake, turn speech off when you meet a certain race of humanoids with purple outfits. The voice is horrendously bad and completely unfit for their actual nature.)
I think "to Valaggar" needs a third meaning, or at least an extension of the scope of the second beyond enthusiasm.
Unfortunately, I only have 20 characters left in my sig (sigh).

Quote from: Novus
Personally, I'd save turning voice off for some of the fishier aliens (I actually preferred the voice in SC3 for them).
See "The Orz voice" thread.
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2007, 06:54:44 pm »

The menace of the missing Metachron mercilessly misfortunes another!

I like to think you killed a man. It's the romantic in me.
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2007, 08:22:26 pm »

I dont see how I could have taken too long by following a walkthrough though..

I bet you spent too much time going around mining.

Unless i left the game running on my computer overnight while i slept..I MAY have done that.

I remember at one point I left it running to see what happened at the end.  I think it took a few hours (recall that time stops when you're mining or doing an encounter).  So, if you left it running overnight, it would probably already be at the title screen when you got back.
Davey Yungblud
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Scum? I don't think so. "Master" is more like it.

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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2007, 02:19:55 am »

SPOILER ALERT FOR NEWBIES! Alright, Yes, there is a time limit. If you don't get the Utwig, supox, and Thraddash to attack the Kohr-Ah fleet, then you have until precisely Febuary 14, 2159 to destroy the Sa-Matra. If you don't, the Sa-Matra disappears (at least, that's what happened when it happened to me), and the Koh-Ah start slaughtering every race they encounter until they reach the Starbase at Earth, ultimately ending the game. It usually takes about 2 weeks to 2 months for the Death March to finish. There's really nothing you can do once it's started though. No matter how many Kohr-Ah you defeat, it will still wipe out everything. Alive. Everything alive, I mean.

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2007, 02:37:23 am »

Well, actually once it's started you can still win.  But you'll be under time pressure and a few races will probably be wiped out, so it's a Pyrric victory.
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Re: can you take too long in the game and lose? I seem to be stuck
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2007, 07:46:50 am »

If you don't, the Sa-Matra disappears (at least, that's what happened when it happened to me)
Erm... right... hacked your game much?

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