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Topic: A strange question... (Read 1852 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 31
How many legs do VUX have?
What are their legs? Are they legs or tentacles?
Yeah, that's it. Jus' wanna know what VUX might look out from behind that... Table they're at.
Their head is rigid, anyway: Now if you don't mind, stop nodding your head like that. We VUX do not share this range of motion and it appears as though your neck is broken and you are a jabbering corpse. Ugh.
Their legs... err, they would be comical with rigid legs and normal with normal legs. The legs are almost certainly snake-like, with only a spinal cord-like structure to sustain the legs, so that they are very flexible. At this point, you can start naming them "tentacles", as legs generally do not have this range of motion.
Zebranky food

Posts: 31

Ridiculous conjecture aside, tentacles are different from arms and legs in that they are only used for eating, feeling or grasping. For example, an octopus has 8 arms, but a squid has 8 arms and 2 tentacles.
That said, I can't think of a single animal with arms like that of an octopus that has internal skeletal support for those arms. The arms of an octopus (and related animals) is completely muscular, with no endoskeletal or cartilaginous support. Looking at the arms of the VUX I cannot see any reason to think they would be different.
Anyway I highly doubt they would be called "bipedal" if they did not have two legs of a more familiar type. They certainly would not be called humanoid anyway.
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