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Topic: A theory about Vux-Orz relations... (Read 3799 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 11
Yeah, I suppose... It just always struck me as interesting that the Orz highlights the VUX as one of very few of the 'current' races they have encountered (the only other I recall is the Arilou). Probably just a result of proximity; the only other nearby race is the Spathi, and they wouldn't go out of their way to provoke the Orz with questions.
A guess: The VUX likely have a lot to say about the Orz, but not to a trespassing human captain. So there's no dialogue about it from their end.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 272
Like others have said, it's like what if one of your thrall allies which was very close in proximity to where you are just suddenly stopped answering communications, you naturally check it out. The VUX arrived, discovered the Androsynth had completely as a race been eaten alive/displaced by the Orz so obviously would have demanded to find out what happened to them, as they to the VUX would be seen as a hostile race or threat to the Hierarchy which had somehow annihilated and replaced the Androsynth in a truly baffling way.
I think the whole translator thing is just VUX glorification, like "we're better than your pitiful species". For all it's worth those "superior translators" could have twisted that Captain's words into what they wanted to hear giving them a good excuse to join the war on the Ur-Quan's side knowing they couldn't live with themselves if they went to the Alliance.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 10:46:38 pm by Elerium »
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