Topic: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea. (Read 53484 times)
Resh Aleph
*Smell* controller
Posts: 319

Rottem Tomatoes
General suggestion about turning in space: since there's no air, changing directions doesn't need to be graceful as with jets. For example, when a spaceship needs to go leftwards, it would just rotate on the X plane and thrust. No lifting the left side of the ship or anything. Another example: to turn back, the ship would rotate on the Z plane and thrust. No "circular" movement.
But then again, I guess that's boring (and even looks unrealistic to the "naked eye", especially since many ships resemble jets).
Hmm, suggestions for scenes? Here's one for the Pkunk Fury.
The camera follows it as it flies from a pretty close range (showing its front), but then it makes a fast sequence of right and left movements and the camera struggles to follow it. Then it moves "past" the camera, and the camera moves to show it flying away from it.
Then it does a Death Blossom, caught exactly at frame 300.  Then, ah, it turns to the direction of the camera and flies flies right into it.
Marines on Maulers and limpets on Earthlings / Bright Podship plasma and warm Kohr-Ah death rings / Shofixti Scouts doing gravity whips / These are a few of my favorite ships! © meep-eep
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
From the bottom left, a Druuge Mauler comes into view, moving to the top right, and away from us, turning clockwise. We zoom out so that there's quite a bit of empty space ahead and particularly behind the Mauler. The mauler quickly fires three shots and gets propelled backward. It moves towards the left edge of the screen, the front pointing to 2 o'clock. The camera slowly pans to the left so that the Mauler nears the left edge of the screen, but as the camera is accelerating the Mauler stays into view. At the same time, we zoom in so we get a close up view of the Mauler. You hear a loud screaming and bright red flames can be seen flaring up through the portholes of the Mauler. Frame 300, overlay ship data. The ship keeps moving backward, but the camera is panning more quickly now and is catching up. The Mauler, without changing speed, turns towards the camera, while we zoom in a bit more. We're looking right down the barrel of the Mauler, right in the center of the screen. At the deep end of the barrel, you see a violent mass of flames, while you hear the sound of heavy machinery, whips and screaming. We zoom in a bit into the barrel. A rumbling sound begins to rise. The screen fades to black. After half a second (a bit longer if there is the time), a violent BOOM.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
My storyboard was a bit longer. Say about 2 minutes with character animation, holds, drama, etc.
300 frames, by the way, is only about 10 seconds at 30 fps which is standard for most digital mediums and what i'm going to guess these animations are at. (If you use 24fps, standard for film and american hand drawn animation, you get 12.5 seconds).
For a good example from a (now) professional animator of a ship flying in space, click here, scroll down, and check out Zero-G. It's by Victor Navone, creator of the famous Alien Song who now works for Pixar.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 08:02:16 pm by guesst »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

Let's not forget that George Lucas, creator of the Sci-Fi cornerstone; “Star Wars”, was never hampered by silly details like: (Sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

 Final texture test.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 07:33:03 pm by Amiga_Nut »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 146
It looks good... but I've always wondered what the green caps is there.
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Okay, here's my lofty, 10 second idea. The numbers are time index: 1: Sultry lips are pursed. 2: A hand (alien) is gloved. (<1 second) 3-4: A silky leg is raised, held, and bought down 5-6: View the side of an undetermined ship as:
- an airlock opens (1 second)
- a body in a space suit hurls out from it
7: turn pan from previous shot to the syreen ship, showing where the astronaut is headed. 8-9.5: continue pan past the ships cockpit where for an instant (5-7 frames) a smug syreen captian can be seen) before resting on a magestic shot of the syreen ship from above where we can see: 9.5-10: the Syreen ship being approached by a dozen floating space men.
If you'd be willing to continue the shot a few seconds I'd add a quick shot of an engine flash and the syreen pealing out leaving her thronging public free-floating. Maybe even make 2 of them from opposite sides crash into each other (off center of the shot).
I was going to draw pictures of this, doing a proper storyboard and all, but my one son is climbing into my lap as I type this, begging me to let him color, the other one is disturbing the baby, and we've got a birthday party to go to in 5 minutes. I somehow doubt I'll find the time later. I hope this will satisfy as is. I thought about all of the character stuff once i realized you'd have Eric Schwartz to help out, but most of it can still be done CG. (Everything in from second 5 on, except the 5-7 frames of the captian.)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 09:30:25 pm by guesst »
Posts: 817
I really like this trailer. Simpile and to the point. Kinda hooks you in with a little mystery thrown in. ie whats that ship and why is it headed for earth? Defintaly has atmosphere to it. My 2 cents.