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Author Topic: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.  (Read 53547 times)
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -2002 Ur-Quan Masters trailer?!! // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #75 on: July 29, 2007, 12:31:01 am »

Ooh, Syreen... my turn:

A Penetrator and a Cruiser are flying side by side, with some distance between them. The camera moves to face the side of the Penetrator ship facing the Cruiser.

In front of a large window stands a Syreen female, in her usual outfit. We zoom in and around her to see her from the back, with in the background the Cruiser in the window. Through various medium-sized windows we see some humans at work.

The Syreen flicks a button on a panel besides her, while keeping her face pointed towards the Cruiser. The Syreen song plays and as one all human heads immediately turn towards her.

With one move she grabs her knife and cuts the straps to her bra.

Most of the male and some of the female humans disappear from their windows, many with their mouths open. The camera begins to turn.

A short moment later some of the Cruiser's airlocks open and a stream of humans in EVA suits comes out.
At the same time, the camera moves out to show an external view of the event.
The Penetrator is on the left, the Cruiser is on the right. We're looking at their sides.

Frame 300, overlay specs.

The camera tilts a bit to show the event from the front
Suddenly an asteroid enters the frame from above and sweeps the humans away.

The camera moves down into the path of the asteroid and we see it coming towards us, with the humans spluttered on the side facing us. The asteroid hits the camera, and the screen goes to static.


“When Juffo-Wup is complete
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Davey Yungblud
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Scum? I don't think so. "Master" is more like it.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -2002 Ur-Quan Masters trailer?!! // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #76 on: July 29, 2007, 05:37:36 am »


A generic "dumpster in space" transport creeps past in the initial scene. The transport obviously has human occupants. Then, out of nowhere, a VUX Intruder warps in, relatively close to the transport, automatically shooting its Gigawatt beam. The transport zips away, being much faster than the Intruder. The Intruder uses the gravity of a nearby moon to zip past the transport, launching limpet cocoons towards it. (It zooms into the launching ports, showing the limpets being detatched from the green, glowing interior of the ship). The camera focuses on the cocoons for a moment as they hatch and clamp onto the transport's hull and engines. The Intruder moves in for the kill, then, as it opens fire (frame 300) the info and stats overlay comes down. (presumably, during the overlay, the screen will be frozen at a point where the laser is melting through the side of the transport that's facing the camera, opposite the Intruder.)

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]]
« Reply #77 on: July 29, 2007, 07:36:38 am »

Druuge Final

Meep-Eep: Ooh, Syreen... my turn:

A Penetrator and a Cruiser are flying side by side, with some distance between them. The camera moves to face the side of the Penetrator ship facing the Cruiser.

In front of a large window stands a Syreen female, in her usual outfit. We zoom in and around her to see her from the back, with in the background the Cruiser in the window. Through various medium-sized windows we see some humans at work.

The Syreen flicks a button on a panel besides her, while keeping her face pointed towards the Cruiser. The Syreen song plays and as one all human heads immediately turn towards her.

With one move she grabs her knife and cuts the straps to her bra.

Most of the male and some of the female humans disappear from their windows, many with their mouths open. The camera begins to turn.

A short moment later some of the Cruiser's airlocks open and a stream of humans in EVA suits comes out.
At the same time, the camera moves out to show an external view of the event.
The Penetrator is on the left, the Cruiser is on the right. We're looking at their sides.

Frame 300, overlay specs.

The camera tilts a bit to show the event from the front
Suddenly an asteroid enters the frame from above and sweeps the humans away.

The camera moves down into the path of the asteroid and we see it coming towards us, with the humans spluttered on the side facing us. The asteroid hits the camera, and the screen goes to static.

*Amiga_Nut applauds in tears.

                                                            Vux limpet shell test
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 03:56:55 am by Amiga_Nut » Logged

I keep my old Amiga on a flash-drive. Tongue

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #78 on: July 29, 2007, 05:46:13 pm »


An Utwig Jugger is flying in space.

Suddenly, a VUX Intruder warps in at the rear of the Utwig ship and immediately starts launching Limpet mines, with a plopping sound.

The Intruder turns towards the closest side of the Intruder, which is its rear, and starts to fire. But it is too late. The Intruder is moving in the other direction, and with every Limpet that hits, the Jugger turns more slowly, until it finally stops moving altogether.

The Intruder continues its round around the Jugger, turning around before it would get into its firing range. It's still launching Limpets. We're zoomed in pretty close now.

Screen to black, and a title card "A few minutes later".

We're back, and the Jugger is still in the same place, but coated with layer upon layer of Limpets. It's now completely green, and clearly a lot bigger than it was before.

The Intruder, almost facing the Jugger, fires a few laser shots across its bow. A faint red glow from underneath the Limpets shows that the Jugger is activating its shields.

Frame 300, overlay stats.

The Intruder thrusts at full power towards the Jugger and bashes right into it. The Jugger starts drifting away from the Intruder, and the Intruder in turn bounces back a little -- the Jugger is basically one big bouncing ball after all. A few limpets come loose at the impact.

The camera zooms out and tilts a little, revealing what the big green ball is moving towards now: a flaming sun.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 06:04:14 pm by meep-eep » Logged

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when at last there is no Void, no Non
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #79 on: July 29, 2007, 06:03:20 pm »


A Mycon Podship is flying through space. Suddenly, an Arilou Skiff teleports in front of it, just within laser range.

The skiff starts firing lasers in quick succession, at different parts of the Podship, while zigzagging right in front of it.

The Podship fires a plasma ball towards the Skiff.

Just before it could impact, the Arilou teleports to the other side of the Podship, and starts firing at it from the rear.

The Podship is turning, but the plasma ball is changing direction too.

The plasma ball hits the Podship, and the ship starts to crackle.

The skiff moves around the Podship, in the opposite direction that the Podship is turning, all the while still firing. Some fragments come off from the Mycon ship.

Then, the Podship explodes. Debris is flying in all directions.

With a large chunk of debris flying directly towards the Skiff, the screen freezes and we see the stats overlay.

The movie continues, and the Skiff teleports to off screen.

The camera then quickly pans to the new location of the Skiff, where it just powers on some sort of tractor beam. But the object it is tractoring is still off screen.

The camera moves a bit further, and we see the object. It is a cow.


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when at last there is no Void, no Non
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #80 on: July 29, 2007, 06:51:07 pm »


We're seeing a Shofixti Scout in space, next to an asteroid.

Cut to the inside the cockpit of a Shofixti scout, looking outward from the front window. The left part of the front window is obscured by an asteroid, and the rest is space.
On the window is some sort of display, showing a crosshair and various ship vitals.
The ship itself is mostly dark. There's a light glow coming from the various lights on the control panel in front, which reveals the silhouette of a pair of furry hands. In the top corner of the window some square things are hanging from above.

In the front window, something is appearing from behind the asteroid. It's the back of an Ur-Quan Dreadnought! It's still a bit away though.

The shadowy paw flicks a switch and the lights come on. The vitals in the on-screen display begin showing activity, and it appears that the furry hands belong to a Shofixti. One of the hands is holding a joystick.
The square things in the corner appear to be a pair of dice, dangling from some lever.

The Scout jolts forward and rushes at full speed towards the Dreadnought. We're still looking from the inside of the ship.

As the Scout closes in, the furry paw presses a button on top of the joystick.

A barrage of shots hits the Ur-Quan ship, but they all bounce off in various directions.

Some fighters emerge from the docking bays of the Dreadnought. The Shofixti's other paw moves towards a panel in front of him containg three switches. He flips the first one.

On the screen a MS Windows style dialog box appears. It says "Self destruct -- This will void your warranty. Are you sure?". The paw flicks the second switch.

The "yes" on the dialog box lights up for a moment, and then the dialog box disappears. The fighters move closer.

A moment later, a second dialog box appears. "Self destruct -- Performance may be degraded. Are you really very sure?"
The paw flicks the third switch. The fighters move closer.

The "yes" on the dialog box lights up again, and then the viewscreen turns blue. Some letters at the top seem to read "Page fault".

Then everything goes bright white.

Cut to the outside. This Shofixti ship is a rapidly expanding ball of debris.

Frame 300. Overlay ship statistics. All lines from the overlay point to unidentifiable parts of ship debris.

The explosion continues, ripping apart various fighters and tearing off the rear of the Dreadnought. The rest of the dreadnought starts spinning uncontrollably.


“When Juffo-Wup is complete
when at last there is no Void, no Non
when the Creators return
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #81 on: July 29, 2007, 11:03:39 pm »

Cruiser (sorry if that has been done on the previous page. I'm feeling lazy. Smiley ):

A field of debris and tiny asteroid fragments is being shown, the camera moving slowly to the right, and being pretty focused on the field of debris near the camera. The background is pretty blurry, and presumably contains a large asteroid of sorts. One particularly large piece of metal (debris) enters the screen from the right side, tumbling slowly, but it is dark due to the shadows cast onto it by nearby, larger asteroid chunks. Clearly, this debris field is very fresh, which can be seen by the relative density of the asteroid chunks.

Slowly, an Earthling Cruiser enters the screen from the right side zapping small debris with its point defense laser as it moves along.

Suddenly, on top of the cruiser, a relatively little stick emerges from the ship body, and a bright white searching light on top of this stick is being lit, slowly, the light is being pointed at various pieces of debris. The beam of light isn't turning eraticly, instead it turns rather smoothly.

A bit faster than before, the light is being turned towards the larger piece of debris, and once it 'hits' it, it can be seen that Ceres Base is painted in large black letters on it.

The cruiser's searching light fades out, and the stick retracts back into the ship's hull. Slowly, a part of the background fades into a bright green, as if a bright green object just appeared from behind the severely blurred asteroid in the background. The background music/sound gets louder in volume. Think bad horror movie..

Suddenly, the camera changes focus to the asteroid and green object in the background, in the same style as "The Prophecy" (a demo) by Conspiracy has a transition from foreground to background at 2 minutes 50 seconds (this includes the excessive zoom and camera wobblyness) and it is revealed that an Ur-Quan Dreadnought has just emerged from behind the asteroid.. it faces to the left, and after having launched four fighters, it slowly begins turning towards the Cruiser.

Camera follows focus on these fighters, and it can be seen that both of them get destroyed by the cruiser's point defense.

Camera fades to black.

An alarm signal is heard, and slowly the camera fades from black to a large hall, in which plenty of intercontinental ballistic missiles can be seen, and a large crane that lifts these from the stack to a missile loader kind of device (think Millitary sub torpedo hatch). The room is being lit solely by a few red, rotating 'alarm lights' (the ones you see on fire trucks).. One missile is being loaded and a large hatch being closed... Seven red lights positioned around the hatch begin pulsating, and a whoosh can be heard. Pretty soon after that, another missile is being loaded..

..the camera fades to black again.
..the camera fades back to the 'outside' scene. Missiles are rapidly being launched from the Cruiser (say, 5 of them), and whilst they all hit the Dreadnought, it is becoming clear that the Dreadnought is facing the Cruiser... Slowly, the dreadnought slows its spin, the cruiser stops firing (cue dramatic effect!)..
...few seconds pass...
The Dreadnought rapidly fires a few fusion blasts. They all hit the Cruiser, and just before the last one hits the Cruiser, it launches a missile.

..The screen freezes just before the final blast hits the Cruiser. On the screen, you can see the cruiser, one missile, and the point defense being activated on a piece of debris. Stats are being shown...

..the screen unpauses, and the Cruiser is being obliterated..

The camera moves towards the Dreadnought, which then somehow is being depicted as being the winner of this short battle. Not sure how this is being done, but I bet there's some way of doing it..

Few seconds pass, and suddenly one missile smashes into the Dreadnought, explodes, causing the entire Dreadnought to explode..

..fade to black.. end of movie!
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -2002 Ur-Quan Masters trailer?!! // Submit your animation id
« Reply #82 on: July 29, 2007, 11:13:20 pm »

Ooh, Syreen... my turn:

A Penetrator and a Cruiser are flying side by side, with some distance between them. The camera moves to face the side of the Penetrator ship facing the Cruiser.

In front of a large window stands a Syreen female, in her usual outfit. We zoom in and around her to see her from the back, with in the background the Cruiser in the window. Through various medium-sized windows we see some humans at work.

The Syreen flicks a button on a panel besides her, while keeping her face pointed towards the Cruiser. The Syreen song plays and as one all human heads immediately turn towards her.

With one move she grabs her knife and cuts the straps to her bra.

Most of the male and some of the female humans disappear from their windows, many with their mouths open. The camera begins to turn.

A short moment later some of the Cruiser's airlocks open and a stream of humans in EVA suits comes out.
At the same time, the camera moves out to show an external view of the event.
The Penetrator is on the left, the Cruiser is on the right. We're looking at their sides.

Frame 300, overlay specs.

The camera tilts a bit to show the event from the front
Suddenly an asteroid enters the frame from above and sweeps the humans away.

The camera moves down into the path of the asteroid and we see it coming towards us, with the humans spluttered on the side facing us. The asteroid hits the camera, and the screen goes to static.

Nice.. Smiley

Just some random idea: it'd be best to show most of the in-ship Syreen commander stuff with the same camera position/placement as in the following image:
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]]
« Reply #83 on: July 29, 2007, 11:42:25 pm »

Vux limpet shell test
Is that a Limpet, or is there a ship in there?

“When Juffo-Wup is complete
when at last there is no Void, no Non
when the Creators return
then we can finally rest.”
Davey Yungblud
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Scum? I don't think so. "Master" is more like it.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #84 on: July 30, 2007, 12:54:24 am »

Am I correct in assuming that the environments and ships and such will be CG, whereas the characters will al be drawn traditionally? I really think this will work if it isn't the case. I'm even willing to do the 2D animation in flash myself.

Also, Megagun, keep in mind that these animations are only 12-13 seconds long.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 12:56:54 am by Davey Yungblud » Logged

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #85 on: July 30, 2007, 02:43:46 pm »


Show the Avatar, along with the 3 Zapsats which are orbiting the Avatar coming through space from the right side of the screen coming towards the audience and then pan the camera behind the Chmmr, to reveal what it's coming up against, an Ur-Quan Dreadnought. The Dreadnought sees this and begins to launch fighters. The Chmmr is unmoved and continues to move around the side of the Dreadnought, and as the fighters come into range, each of the Zapsats in a turn-taking rotary motion turn to face the fighters, each one firing brief split-second ion-cannons (Homeworld Cataclysm style) which destroys all of the fighters (Sound effects: Graviton Beam from Master of Orion 2 or Homeworld 2 Pulsar). The Ur-Quan stops launching fighters and then turns to face the Avatar, by now the  Ur-Quan can't turn fast enough to get a full frontal face on it while the Chmmr is at the side. Close up on the Chmmr wings, the tips of the wings at the front are actually Tractor Beam emmiters and a borg-style blue tractor beam (Sound effects: Chmmr Tractor) hauls the Dreadnought to the front of the Chmmr, with that it's too late, and the Avatar uses it's laser (Normal Chmmr laser except modified to sound more epic?).

Close up of the Avatar using it's laser then pan to the right with a close up of the Dreadnought's hull which we see a bright with magical dust? effect laser ripping through and tearing through the outer and inner plating of the Dreadnought with ease, slicing corridors and decks, with crews of Spathi, VUX, Umgah and Thraddash being sucked out into cold space, with all manner of torn metals ejected and the levels of decks themselves visible. By now the Zapsats will also begin to work, constantly pounding and blasting what remains of the hull leaving large craters which drastically increase in number with a constant barrage of ion cannons. The Dreadnought attempts to escape and the Zapsats target the engine nacelles of the Dreadnought, rendering it immobile (close up on the engines to see it pulsate before power and the drive becomes offline) We see slave crew attempting to escape in fighters (close up on Ur-Quan hangar deck), with some going for the Chmmr while some desperately try to get as far away as possible from the carnage. The fighters that engage the Chmmr are destroyed instantly by the rapid firing ion cannons of the Zapsats, and some of the fighters that escape are unlucky to be destroyed on the Zapsats return trip from pounding the Dreadnought hull, however some of the fighters do escape.

The Chmmr then moves to a safe distance above the battered Dreadnought, and with a focused beam laser to it's warp core, it explodes in a fireball, with the front part of the Dreadnought cartwheeling slowly through space. Pieces of debris from the wreckage that fly towards the Avatar are blasted out of the way by the continuous ion barrage of the Zapsats to move them out of the way of collision. The Chmmr then opens up a hyperspace portal and leaves. We cut to the fighters that escaped, their engines have run out of fuel, and now are drifting, all we can hear from them close up are various screams, then cut to black, and the viewer is left with the revelation that the ones who did die from the Chmmr are the lucky ones.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 02:46:33 pm by Elerium » Logged
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #86 on: July 30, 2007, 03:58:44 pm »


Yep, I wrote a little cruiser story being chased by a dreadnought/other ship, only to have it turn fast and shoot off a nuke.

And for another one: Yehat Terminator:

A fleet of terminators flying steady into space, only to have one of them shot at ( the shields flashing up temporarily) and the Terminator breaking formation, going off to attack it's assailant (sp?). While the camera follows this terminator, the overlay comes in at a moment that the Terminator is shot at (and firing shots itself), continuing the chase after the overlay.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]]
« Reply #87 on: July 30, 2007, 04:34:03 pm »

Meep-Eep: Ooh, Syreen... my turn:

*Amiga_Nut applauds in tears.
Oh sure, I post a Syreen idea first, complete with timing, and it get's nothing because it's at the bottom of the page. Meep-eep posts his at the top of the page and Amiga_Nut is probably going to use it. No, that's okay, I understand. I see how it is. That's cool guys.

I'll bet you'd have loved it if I had drawn the story board out like I was going to. Sooooory for being a family guy.
[/mock hurt]

The base sphere on your limpet is visible. That can be fixed by making the sphere invisible if the bumpyness persists, or by texturing the sphere to reduce it's visibility.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #88 on: July 31, 2007, 07:46:44 pm »

Ilwrath, short and simple: Umgah drone minding its business, flying from left side of the screen to the right side, only to be overwhelmed by a decloaking Ilwrath. Overlay comes over when the decloaking Ilwrath is still partially cloaked and firing it's flamethrower. In the last few seconds after the overlay, the Ilwrath recloaks while the Umgah goes up in flames.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -Model files wanted. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #89 on: July 31, 2007, 11:00:58 pm »

Ilwrath, short and simple: Umgah drone minding its business, flying from left side of the screen to the right side, only to be overwhelmed by a decloaking Ilwrath. Overlay comes over when the decloaking Ilwrath is still partially cloaked and firing it's flamethrower. In the last few seconds after the overlay, the Ilwrath recloaks while the Umgah goes up in flames.
Sounds like you want to make the last frame before data overlay like the info screen from SC1 and you'd have something awesome.

I'd lengthen it a bit by alternating cuts of the ship to cuts of the ship being aproaced from a low angle, ala jaws. Possibly even intersperce a spider-like appendage flipping a switch or pulling a lever now and again. Story board it our proper and time it to the jaws theme.

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