Topic: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea. (Read 53550 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

I’m loving these ideas. Please try not to make your suggestions so technically complex. If your idea is simple, and shows an implicit appreciation of the timing constraints; it is much more likely I will use it. Also, keep in mind that the appearance of other ships in the animations will be rare. (To demonstrate an attribute mostly)
400 frames at 30fps Pause at 300 (for ship info) Eventful ending++

« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 02:54:19 am by Amiga_Nut »
Posts: 627

Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep.
Druuge Final I haven't read the entire thread, but:
The Druuge's vessel is meant to resemble a sniper rifle. This means the green bump is either a laser-targetter or night-vision equipment (though I don't support the latter claim). Either case being, I recommend that you make the metallic net around the green ball much thinner and the ball itself much more radiant and vibrant. As it is now, it simply looks like a tennis ball. Or a lemon. Also, the backside of the Mauler - that red 'thingy' should also be much more radiant (like the Mycon plasma effect). It's not a tail light, it's a reactor exhaust (haven't seen the animation yet, but it should not simply be lighted up like a red bulb).
Other than that, great work. I especially liked the Androsynth bubbles, though I would add a much much longer, stronger and bigger 'comet tail' when it accelerates away - it's supposed to resemble a comet after all, and comets have those characteristic tails.
"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid? Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
Orz Nemesis sheep spin video:
We see a Nemesis coming towards us (we're above it, to the left of it, it's flying towards the bottom-left corner and it's slightly tilted like this: --_), and seven Marines are flying with it, carrying big chainsaws and shouting, "For the Great Father and the Emperor!". (for extra effect, add a chorused and echoed "GO!" here)
The camera turns to the right and we see a Dreadnought passing by; Orz cannon shells are hitting it with brutality and the Marines are charging in with the chainsaw-holding arms outstretched forwards; they burst through the Eterna-tech hull as if it were butter and exit through the other side of the Ur-Quan ship.
Another shell hits the command chamber and the Dreadnought self-destructs. The Orz Nemesis flies through the explosion, the Marines burst out of it then sprint towards the Nemesis. (The overlay pause ensues in the cloud of hot plasma and debris, with the Marines nearing the Nemesis)
______________________________________________ VARIANT TWO (if you don't mind having multiple Nemeses) ______________________________________________ A swarm of Marines (~50) are charging through a formation of Dreadnoughts, chainsaw arms outstretched. The camera switches focus frantically from a Marine to another as they burst through the Dreadnoughts (already overwhelmed by the support fire from the Nemeses) and their fighters, leaving none alive.
Then they turn 360 degrees and return to their motherships. The original Orz theme ensues while the Nemesis formation gently passes by, above the camera.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 07:08:33 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One »
Davey Yungblud
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 111

Scum? I don't think so. "Master" is more like it.
Not to flame your idea *prepares his Ilwrath Inferno Cannon* but I gotta say...that sounds more like Disney "magic"...
My Nemesis Idea:
A group of Arilous Skiffs are flying through an asteroid field. (Don't ask me why they're there -- maybe they felt like doing some Xtreme racing...I dunno) Suddenly, there's a flash of green light, and a lone Nemesis zips past the Skiffs, launching marines (complete with an emphasized "GO!" with each one that pops out. Maybe 4 marines? or one for each Skiff that you put in.) at the Skiffs. The Marines enter the Skiffs and the Nemesis comes around to make another pass. Most of the Skiffs explode and the marines that were inside escape before they do, but a single Skiff survives (The marine that entered it unfortunately died...somehow....), and as it tries to retreat, the Nemesis turns its turret towards it and fires. At the precise moment that the Shell is about to destroy the Skiff, the info overlay comes down. After the overlay is gone, the Skiff explodes and the Nemesis returns to Quasispace.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 08:57:12 pm by Davey Yungblud »
"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day -- it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
Here's a better Orz idea:
A Nemesis moves past the camera, with the camera turning to follow it, so you see the front of the ship first, then turn and see the back of it moving away. At that point, a Marine jumps out of a hatch and moves towards you.
It's an Orz in a space suit. It moves right in front of the camera and waves. Then it reaches out towards the camera, as if the space suit wasn't in the way, and its flippers cover your view completely -
(pause to overlay ship data)
- and then when the flippers move away, the camera is looking at a giant party, with lots of smiling, dancing Orz and Androsynth.
This would be good for a "race intro" video for the Orz. The idea is, when the first encounter with a race ensues (before the screen showing how many ships their battle group has), you get to see a short video descriptive of the race's nature (or of the way you've met them etc.). I've compiled a list of suggestions (not complete) here.
Posts: 580

A lone nemesis flies around in space, when suddenly a Yehat Terminator enters the area, and begins firing at the Nemesis.
The Nemesis turns it cannon around and fires, whilst launching 7 or so Marines..
Fade to black, and then fade towards the inside of the Terminator. 5 Marines are standing near a corner of sorts, one of them is crouching behind a barrel. A gaping hole can be seen above the marines, and you can see the stars through the opening of that hole. The marines are clearly discussing with eachother how to handle the situation. They're flapping with their fins, you see.. (inside the fishbowl that is on the vac-suit that is)
A visual representation of the situation (yay MSpaint):
 Suddenly, one marine enters the Terminator through the hole, looks around, and runs past the barrel and the marine behind it, one weapon held high in the air, as it runs towards the left edge of the screen and beyond. During the time it is onscreen, you can clearly see that it's nickname (hey, Orz marines have nicknames too!) which is shown in black print on the shoulder of the Vac-Suit facing the camera is "*Leeroy Jenkins*"...
The other marines see this, suddenly stop flappering their fins, wait a second, and then all rush in, following *Leeroy Jenkins*, whilst firing weapons..
Fade to black and back to space. The terminator explodes, marines plus debris on the left, Nemesis on the right. The Nemesis shoots at a particularly large piece of debris that is threatening the Marines.
Ship statistics...
The piece of debris shatters and wipes out all of the Marines..
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 11:00:40 pm by Megagun »