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Author Topic: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.  (Read 53526 times)
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Spathi Motion Test // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #120 on: August 08, 2007, 03:16:30 pm »

Traddash Torch: flies toward camera firing (camera makes the impression as if it is dodging the Traddash peashooter), only to turn just in front of it and leave a massive fireball/firebath. Overlay kick sin here, describing the primary and special, after the overlay, the camera is engulfed in flames.

0-8 Camera is dodging shots of Traddash peashooter
8-10 Traddash lays down firewall (I never thought I'd use that word not relating to IT)
10-12 Camera slowly gets hotter while it drifts into the fire.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -New Spathi Motion Test // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #121 on: August 08, 2007, 05:31:39 pm »

Amiga, are you planning on putting the overlay (with the ship specs) into those videos yourself, or is someone else going to be tasked with that? 

They look really great.  I like how you've built the spathi in 3d.  It's always been one ship I've had trouble seeing in 3d, but I think you captured it perfectly.  Looking forward to the rest!


Kwamp, of the Thraddash
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Spathi Motion Test // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #122 on: August 08, 2007, 05:43:25 pm »

The overlay is going to be generated by code in UQM itself, so that it can easilly be modified for translations.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] -New Spathi Motion Test // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #123 on: August 08, 2007, 09:26:00 pm »

They look really great.  I like how you've built the spathi in 3d.  It's always been one ship I've had trouble seeing in 3d, but I think you captured it perfectly.  Looking forward to the rest!


I was actually looking forward to a more 3d version of the Spathi. This one looks a bit too symmetrical for me. It'll do though, just a personal preference.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #124 on: August 16, 2007, 03:48:38 pm »

Amiga, got a sneak peek for the Chenjesu? It looks like it would be one of the hardest ships to model and I'm pretty curious how it is going to turn out.

(oh and I saw this topic drop down a bit so I was wondering if there was any development)

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #125 on: August 17, 2007, 01:50:13 pm »

Thanks for the concern Koowluh. Wink

Modeling is tough work IMHO. I spend most of my time working on architectural and landscaping CGI. It's slow going building the ships. Holding to the original look of SC has been daunting as well as educational. I still haven't received any usable model files from anyone. I may be doomed to create all this myself. Anyways….
Here’s the first WIP pic of the Illwrath.


I keep my old Amiga on a flash-drive. Tongue

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #126 on: August 19, 2007, 10:13:00 am »

Hi!  I've been working on Star Control 2 animations for many years. Not for a game but a fan animation(a retelling of the ending, and an embellished version that'd feature the fight that'd preceded it, and possibly the Yehat/shotfixti re-union, and MAYBE  the urquan showdown at delta(?) gorno).  I've been idle for a few years but I may be starting up again soon. I got a bunch of ship models already but most of them not all canon or textured. (KzerZa urquan, spathi(bridge & char), chmmr, syreen, yehat(with bridge & char), shofixti(cockpit &char), Samatra and Vindicator(final payload configuration).

Urquan Dreadnaught WIP... last worked on in 2004

Only the shofixti one is partially textured mapped so far; i want to raise the detail level of the hull some more.
The cockpit is untextured so far.

Here's a test animation of the Chmmr & satellites:
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>


Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #127 on: August 19, 2007, 10:14:01 am »

Hey Amiga!
A recent post made on the SCDB gives us someone who has some models of Star Control ships.
I also think it would be worth contacting Slylendro and Tsing for their models (why haven't they sent any?).

EDIT: Model creator just posted!
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #128 on: August 19, 2007, 10:41:24 am »

Looks like my newbie attempt at embedding a youtube video failed, so heres the link for my Chmmr test animation:

and here are anims of my interpretation of the SaMatra:

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #129 on: August 19, 2007, 11:12:14 am »

Heres my non-canon Spathi Eluder shooting off some missles:

This one is a Urquan Dreadnaught with mild embellishments. The current one is covered in nurnies:

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #130 on: August 19, 2007, 07:11:29 pm »

Your Chmmr is the most true to the game graphic version of the Chmmr that i've seen, although I always thought the blue in middle was one crystal with a bridge over the middle. But in truth I kinda like the smooth ivory whiteness to it. When you get to a final animation for it, tho, you don't need to have all it's zap sats fire at once. Stager them a bit.

Your samatra is... interesting. I like it when it's glowing, but in the light is just seems too... plastic. Not sure what I was expecting, but that wasn't it.

Your Ur-Quan, however, was dead on. I don't think I would have put that much bumpyness to the ship if I had done it, but looking at it I really like it. The only thing I'd say is film it so that you get some sense of the shere size and ominous presence that the Ur-Quan would like you to feel. I'm thinking something like Galvatron in the Transformers movie from 1987.

I'm going to ignore that spathi.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #131 on: August 19, 2007, 09:41:40 pm »

Your Chmmr is the most true to the game graphic version of the Chmmr that i've seen, although I always thought the blue in middle was one crystal with a bridge over the middle. But in truth I kinda like the smooth ivory whiteness to it. When you get to a final animation for it, tho, you don't need to have all it's zap sats fire at once. Stager them a bit.

Your samatra is... interesting. I like it when it's glowing, but in the light is just seems too... plastic. Not sure what I was expecting, but that wasn't it.

Your Ur-Quan, however, was dead on. I don't think I would have put that much bumpyness to the ship if I had done it, but looking at it I really like it. The only thing I'd say is film it so that you get some sense of the shere size and ominous presence that the Ur-Quan would like you to feel. I'm thinking something like Galvatron in the Transformers movie from 1987.

I'm going to ignore that spathi.

Thanks! and thanks for the feedback!

Good point about the simultaneous firing of the sats; i'll have to try out the various combos to see what i like. And best of all  we got youtube now... no more bandwith concerns as far as these short test animations are concerned. Now I wont restrict myself to stuff under 10 seconds long, but then again tests tend to be short regardless.

Yup! plasticy... Going to change that very likely. I am aiming to make the ship look bigger than I had previously planned and that requires working on the visual cues for scale and shiney plastic is probably not in the mix.

I thought the dreadnaught was analogous to the battlestar galactica(original one) with some trek thrown in, it had to be bumpy. So I made the runes be the bumpy parts. But the version you see in the video is the older one. The newer is REALLY covered in "stuff". I still haven't determined if it's going to work out better that way.

I based mine to look kinda like a jumping jack, which i assumed the design is based on originally. Some of ships i build are based on what I interpret from how they look from the sprites themselves. The Urquan Dreadnaught is an amalgam of all the urquan sprites; thats why it looks like all 2or3 versions. The Kohr-Ah I will be building will be based on the drawing i made based on what the sprite looked like to me and not the one in the manual.

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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #132 on: August 20, 2007, 04:12:49 pm »

Good point about the simultaneous firing of the sats; i'll have to try out the various combos to see what i like. And best of all  we got youtube now... no more bandwith concerns as far as these short test animations are concerned. Now I wont restrict myself to stuff under 10 seconds long, but then again tests tend to be short regardless.

Yup! plasticy... Going to change that very likely. I am aiming to make the ship look bigger than I had previously planned and that requires working on the visual cues for scale and shiney plastic is probably not in the mix.

I thought the dreadnaught was analogous to the battlestar galactica(original one) with some trek thrown in, it had to be bumpy. So I made the runes be the bumpy parts. But the version you see in the video is the older one. The newer is REALLY covered in "stuff". I still haven't determined if it's going to work out better that way.

I based mine to look kinda like a jumping jack, which i assumed the design is based on originally. Some of ships i build are based on what I interpret from how they look from the sprites themselves. The Urquan Dreadnaught is an amalgam of all the urquan sprites; thats why it looks like all 2or3 versions. The Kohr-Ah I will be building will be based on the drawing i made based on what the sprite looked like to me and not the one in the manual.

I don't know what Guesst's issue was with the Spathi (the spinchter releasing the missles?), but I thought all those videos rocked.  Maybe I'm just not "in the know" as far as how easy it is to produce renderings like these, but it's pretty awesome to see the ships in 3D like this.

I'm not sure if this was ever addressed or not, but were PRR3 or FF consulted on the ship designs for SC3?  With the '3/4' view it may be possible to discern the shape of ships better than the media from SC2 alone, if they were accurate converted within the artists original intention.

Can't wait to see what else you guys come up with!



Kwamp, of the Thraddash

Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #133 on: August 20, 2007, 05:02:32 pm »

I'm not sure if this was ever addressed or not, but were PRR3 or FF consulted on the ship designs for SC3?
I'm 100% certain that they were not, as even in top-down view, those ships barely resembled SC2 ships (especially the Dreadnought, the Eluder and the Jugger).
Zebranky food
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Re: [[CGI for UQM]] - Please send model files. // Submit your animation idea.
« Reply #134 on: August 21, 2007, 07:49:52 am »

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed them! As for the difficulty of making them, I intend to someday eventually make a cartoon with own story/characters and making fan art is a good way to practice and learn 3D animation to gain more experience without working in a shop. It also has the advantage of being stuff I can show others while I continue development of personal projects or working under secrecy on other peoples projects.

As for game play, I think it should be 3D EVEN if it's strictly top down view. There are a lot cool effects possible with 3d games. Also, the ships can do all kinds of cool stuff that is harder to do in 2D than 3D, like eject 3d debris, billowing smoke trails, engine thrusters, manuvuering jets etc.

As for what else I am doing with Star Control related stuff, here are some more old animations( Sorry... been idle for last few years):

I don't know what Guesst's issue was with the Spathi (the spinchter releasing the missles?), but I thought all those videos rocked.  Maybe I'm just not "in the know" as far as how easy it is to produce renderings like these, but it's pretty awesome to see the ships in 3D like this.

I'm not sure if this was ever addressed or not, but were PRR3 or FF consulted on the ship designs for SC3?  With the '3/4' view it may be possible to discern the shape of ships better than the media from SC2 alone, if they were accurate converted within the artists original intention.

Can't wait to see what else you guys come up with!



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