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Author Topic: Ship design revealed  (Read 8995 times)
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Ship design revealed
« on: July 09, 2007, 06:03:02 am »

I thought to share with you some of my space ships designs for my game.
Tell me if you like them or not.
(of course all rights are reserved)
This is the sonic shock space ship.
It shoots like sonic waves, its first ability are sonic waves that do damage and the second ability are sonic wave that would push the enemy or maybe even enemy shots and practically any moving object in space.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 06:05:28 am »

This one is like a snake's ship, it have regular shots from the front and creates sort of balls that are attached to it like a tail. The balls can be destroyed, so he needs to recreate them. And supposingly he would be able to hit the enemy with this balls tail or do something else with it.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 06:07:16 am »

This one is like the badass ship, it got a shot from the center for a long range, and small guided missles from its wings.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 06:10:11 am »

Well this one mught not be very original(and perhaps some of the previous as well).
I thought to make become like a gas form and that it will be able to fly through things, but then it would be like a shield and I already got one space ship with a shield. So I thought to make him go invisible and with a close range laser weapon he is very closly related to the ilwrath space ship.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 06:12:14 am »

This one have a sort of a big shot that would repeal the ship backward as a first ability and perhaps regeneration as a second ability. I know, not very original.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2007, 06:15:53 am »

The last ship has a sort of a tank with "poision gas" on it. I thought to make the tank filled according to the current energy of the ship.
It has a regular long range shot, and a gas cloud shot from behind which will perhaps paralyze the enemy ship for a few seconds(again not very original).
If you reached up until here then maybe all of this didnt bore you.
Thank you.

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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2007, 07:01:20 am »

I like your creativity. Good work! Have you ever thought about using a 3D program to streamline your designs?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2007, 08:04:10 am by Amiga_Nut » Logged

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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2007, 07:26:40 am »

Well I am using newtek's lightwave to model the ships.
I hope I will have soon a first demo to put on the web, but until then I am a bit secret about my game. Sorry about that, I know you wont steal my ideas, but still.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2007, 06:44:11 pm »

(of course all rights are reserved)

You like these ideas, don't you? And you'd love to see them used one day, don't you. Now, the chances are 1 in 100 that anyone with any say so will find your idea, but if they do that little like right there excludes them from ever being able to use it if they wanted to.

However, in this litigatious society, saying nothing still excludes any conscious developer from using it. IMHO that line should read "(These ideas are released free for public use and consumption.)"

"But I have plans for them" you say. Oh, okay. I didn't realize. When you wake up and realize that if you were truely serious about the idea you wouldn't be posting on the internets for support, then go back up and edit that line.

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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2007, 06:53:25 pm »

  • Very nice ship designs!
  • Sonic waves in space? I don't think so. Tongue
  • I liked the Hebrew notes. Cheesy

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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2007, 07:01:28 pm »

(of course all rights are reserved)

You like these ideas, don't you? And you'd love to see them used one day, don't you. Now, the chances are 1 in 100 that anyone with any say so will find your idea, but if they do that little like right there excludes them from ever being able to use it if they wanted to.

However, in this litigatious society, saying nothing still excludes any conscious developer from using it. IMHO that line should read "(These ideas are released free for public use and consumption.)"

"But I have plans for them" you say. Oh, okay. I didn't realize. When you wake up and realize that if you were truely serious about the idea you wouldn't be posting on the internets for support, then go back up and edit that line.
I dont get it, were you offended by what I wrote?
Its a bit silly to excpect that people won't "steal" my space ships, because of the very simple reason that space ships can look alike and people get ideas from other people's ideas.
I guess I wrote it just in case.
Also, I am in an advanced stage of developing my game and hope to release a demo soon so I dont think I am unmotivated, I worked on it for at least three months and  I am still planning to continue work on it.
And yes, I wanted some feadback on the design, to see if people even care about it or it bores them. Of course I could managed without the feadback but its nice to have them.
Take it easy man.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2007, 04:41:56 pm »

(of course all rights are reserved)

You like these ideas, don't you? And you'd love to see them used one day, don't you. Now, the chances are 1 in 100 that anyone with any say so will find your idea, but if they do that little like right there excludes them from ever being able to use it if they wanted to.

However, in this litigatious society, saying nothing still excludes any conscious developer from using it. IMHO that line should read "(These ideas are released free for public use and consumption.)"

"But I have plans for them" you say. Oh, okay. I didn't realize. When you wake up and realize that if you were truely serious about the idea you wouldn't be posting on the internets for support, then go back up and edit that line.
I dont get it, were you offended by what I wrote?
Its a bit silly to excpect that people won't "steal" my space ships, because of the very simple reason that space ships can look alike and people get ideas from other people's ideas.
I guess I wrote it just in case.
Also, I am in an advanced stage of developing my game and hope to release a demo soon so I dont think I am unmotivated, I worked on it for at least three months and  I am still planning to continue work on it.
And yes, I wanted some feadback on the design, to see if people even care about it or it bores them. Of course I could managed without the feadback but its nice to have them.
Take it easy man.
Sorry, I suppose I did come off as a bit terse. No, i'm not offended, and I'm sure you're modivated. However, let me clarify. In america's litegatious society one can not use ideas found on the internet if there's any chance that someone will pipe up, claim it for their own, an offer a post on some message board as proof that they, infact, had the idea first and you stole it from them. Now, it's a long shot, but if, say Fred Ford were to drop by and see your ideas. Your little (all rights reserved) effectivly prevents them from ever being used. I'm sure if you were asked you'd happily allow it, but no one's going to go back and find a post that they only half remember where they saw it to track down your idea. So you're better off letting everyone just have it in the first place.

However, since you're so modivated I'm sure you don't need any of that advice.

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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2007, 05:57:41 pm »

Hey man, I'll suport you in doing this, as I'm working on a similar project myself. I have sketches for the ships and races and whatnot, but I did that lastly. I've acually been working on the storyline before I even began to think about abilities, weapons etc. , unless they were vital to plot propulsion.

Now, I agree with guesst in that, you really shouldn't post any of it up here, where anybody can see it, copy what they want off of it, and make slight modifications to it to call it their own. I'm not saying this acti is right or wrong, because I've done similar acts (not exactly the same. I haven't stolen ships designs, but I think you, Sargon, are right in that there is no way to really create an original story. It's all based off of something, somewhere, even if it's not the same genre. And, if you're interested, I'd be willing to help you out with this project.

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2007, 06:05:01 pm »

(of course all rights are reserved)
lol... If I was to post something like this, I'd be likely to say something more along the lines of "(of course I release this all into the public domain)" Tongue

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Re: Ship design revealed
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2007, 04:33:19 am »

I too have a bunch of ships I've drawn (possibly for a future project, who knows). I have over 30 and mine are all top down, shaded and in 256 x 256 pixel .bmp format using Gimp and Paint. I think I'm ready to move on to 3D, especially  isometric rendering. But anyway...

Somthing I noticed. Just like the original star control ships, my own designs, Sargon's here, Arne's,  most of the ships in the TimeWarp project, even most commercial sci fi games and movies .. Why is there such a trend for artists to use symmetrical designs? Of course there are exceptions but it seems far more common for bilatteral equality. I've tried to draw assymetric ships but just can't seem to achieve much satisfaction within my own work.

Sargon, I look forward to trying your demo.
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