It's good. I was expecting something funny, as such would have a greater appeal, and there's something slightly funny about 1x10^6 ships lights suddenly appearing in the shadow of the moon, but it's not quite what i was looking for. But it's good.
A new game and it's code each week. Please visit Cymon's Games
In the second frame, it reads "A well know strategy". It should be "A well known strategy". I'm no comic book artist myself, and I'd like to see a close-up of one of the ships, or a battle scene.
I love seeing people contribute artwork inspired by Star Control; please don't stop. Hopefully, it will inspire others do contribute also.
I'm no comic book artist myself, and I'd like to see a close-up of one of the ships, or a battle scene.
Good things come to those who wait.
I'm too tired to actually add the text, but here is the incomplete version:
I got some new memory today. Upgrading my laptop to a full 2 gigs. And I needed it for this comic. The comic (before shrinking) was 2800X2100 with multiple layers.
EDIT: If you guys want to you are more then welcome to edit the comic to add your own text. Then you could post it on imageshack
I use Paint.Net to do all my picture editing (if you were looking for a program to use) and it is completly free.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 05:31:36 am by BioSlayer »
There are none so blind as those who will not see. — Jonathan Swift