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Topic: stupid argument (Read 18912 times)
Firstly, RTyp06 does indeed sound like a fool.
Secondly, we've had a converastion on this before. A person is either athiest, agnostic or religous. Denying that you are all three (which you, Elvish Pillager, have done) is just as idiotic as what he's doing. Rejecting labels will not change the fact that everyone else uses them. I too am a non-believer but the labels people use to categorize faith are still of use to me.
So.. you've never contemplated the meaning of life, why are we here and so on.. ? Pondering over life does not instantly equate to religion. As the topic name says, "stupid argument".
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
Firstly, RTyp06 does indeed sound like a fool.
Secondly, we've had a converastion on this before. A person is either athiest, agnostic or religous. Denying that you are all three (which you, Elvish Pillager, have done) is just as idiotic as what he's doing. Rejecting labels will not change the fact that everyone else uses them. I too am a non-believer but the labels people use to categorize faith are still of use to me.
I'd say you're missing "Other," someone who acknowledges the belief of an afterlife, etc, but does not worship any religion in order to attain "points for the afterlife." That means not worshiping any Bibles, Scriptures, or any figure heads, but saying that yes, there must be something after death.
Personally, I loathe it when Atheists and Religious people try firing warheads at one another over the internet, as neither can decide whether or not there is something after Death. It feels like the two are just kicking a cow to death, because you can't really say "this is how it is and that's final" because you can't, the "String Theory" relies on an alternate Dimension, which could be just as implausible as the theory of "God." It's something you can't actually prove yet, despite the fact that it supposedly is there and affects the laws of Physics, etc, etc, etc.
Plus you make Pkunks sad.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 02:08:04 am by Neonlare »
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
I'd say you're missing "Other," someone who acknowledges the belief of an afterlife, etc, but does not worship any religion in order to attain "points for the afterlife." That means not worshiping any Bibles, Scriptures, or any figure heads, but saying that yes, there must be something after death.
That's an agnostic. You're telling me you've never heard the term before?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 277

Nut Case for Star Control
I'd say you're missing "Other," someone who acknowledges the belief of an afterlife, etc, but does not worship any religion in order to attain "points for the afterlife." That means not worshiping any Bibles, Scriptures, or any figure heads, but saying that yes, there must be something after death.
That's an agnostic. You're telling me you've never heard the term before? I have, but not usually used in that term, I've usually heard it for someone who basically doesn't know whether or not there is a God, etc. Besides, that wasn't my only point <_<.
"would newton's law theory actually work if a Chmmr Avatar did a backwards pelvic thrust towards a planet and would this constitute an X=Y-0 in the part it ran straight into a Supox Blade and lasted long enough to survive?" - Elerium (as Valaggar)
Posts: 701

Yeah, I consider myself agnostic. I really don't know if there is an afterlife or not. If there is I hope they have Star Control and Cadbury Black Forest chocolate
That's an agnostic. You're telling me you've never heard the term before?
Agnostics believe that it can't be determined whether there's an afterlife. What Neonlare is describing is a person who believes in an afterlife, but doesn't subscribe to any organized religion. I'd consider that person religious. From the sound of it he's overcomplicating an issue unnecessarily, but if that distinction is important then I suppose "religious, unaligned" can be a better summary of his perspective. I do not wish to pick apart minutiae any further, so I will depart from this topic (if I can help it).
Elvish Pillager
Posts: 625

Secondly, we've had a converastion on this before. A person is either athiest, agnostic or religous. Denying that you are all three (which you, Elvish Pillager, have done) is just as idiotic as what he's doing. Rejecting labels will not change the fact that everyone else uses them. That would be all well and good if the labels applied to me in any way whatsoever. I could honestly say that I am any of the three, but equally, for each of the three, I could honestly deny being such, which I prefer doing - opposing overused labels seems much more right than going along with them. (yeah, I really don't look religious, but that's because I don't show the more religious side of myself online.)
My team of four Androsynth and three Chmmr is the most unfair team ever! My mod
Resh Aleph
*Smell* controller
Posts: 319

Rottem Tomatoes
You have an idea of how us humans fit into this universe which is esentially what religion is .
You seem to be rather uneducated about this matter. Evolution is definitely not religious: while religion is, of course, a cultural/psychological/artistic phenomenon (which better suits Ilwrath than humans), evolution is a logical, rational, scientifical concept with enough evidence to prove it beyond reasonable doubt.
Although nothing could be claimed to be 100% true (philosophically), "believing" in evolution based on evidence makes much sense; believing in some absolute-power beings that are obsessed with humans, based on some superstitious old fairy tales, is not. Sorry.
Why should I trust old human writings, instead of my senses and simple logic (a.k.a. science)? How do I know that christianity is the true religion? How exactly is the Bible more real than the Koran?
Here's what I think. I think your parents/environment have brainwashed you when you were a child, that this stuff is a fundamental part of life. You were fascinated by the idea, because human psychology loves absolute righteous powers. That's what makes people admire strong fathers and leaders. And so you accepted it as absolute truth.
I also think you will regard everything I just said as nonsense without even considering it.
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So.. you've never contemplated the meaning of life, why are we here and so on.. ?
Well, we're here because Earth can support life, so life--including us--evolved on it.
There was a Calvin and Hobbes strip on this.
Also, the OED disagrees with your definition of religion:
Religion 1. A state of life bound by religious vows; the condition of belonging to a religious order, esp. in the Roman Catholic Church. ME. 2. A particular monastic or religious order or rule. Now rare. ME. 3. Belief in or sensing of some superhuman controlling power or powers, entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship, or in a system defining a code of living, esp. as a means to achieve spiritual or material improvement; acceptance of such belief (esp. as represented by an organized Church) as a standard of spiritual and practical life; the expression of this in worship etc. Also (now rare), action or conduct indicating such belief; in pl., religious rites. ME. 4. A particular system of such belief. ME. 5. Devotion, fidelity; consciousness; pious attachment. L16-L17. 6. The sanction or obligation of an oath etc. E17-E18. Why are you trying to muddy our fine language by making up your own definitions for words? Don't you realize that that diminishes the usefulness of language?
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