Topic: stupid argument (Read 18945 times)
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Religion does not need to be entirely based on faith. The only reason we think that is because all reasons but faith for believing have been pulverized by the tremendous weight of science.
Nutty Buddy
My interpretation of Greek mythology says that the gods did not come from the world, but from Chaos (which did have unformed elements of sorts) but then the world was created.
Greek Creation Myths 1)In the beginning there was an empty darkness. The only thing in this void was Nyx, a bird with black wings. With the wind she laid a golden egg and for ages she sat upon this egg. Finally life began to stir in the egg and out of it rose Eros, the god of love. One half of the shell rose into the air and became the sky and the other became the Earth. Eros named the sky Uranus and the Earth he named Gaia. Then Eros made them fall in love.
2)In the beginning, Chaos, an amorphous, gaping void encompassing the entire universe, and surrounded by an unending stream of water ruled by the god Oceanus, was the domain of a goddess named Eurynome, which means "far-ruling" or "wide-wandering". She was the Goddess of All Things, and desired to make order out of the Chaos. By coupling with a huge and powerful snake, Ophion, or as some legends say, coupling with the North Wind, she gave birth to Eros, god of Love, also known as Protagonus, the "firstborn". Eurynome separated the sky from the sea by dancing on the waves of Oceanus. In this manner, she created great lands upon which she might wander, a veritable universe, populating it with exotic creatures such as Nymphs, Furies, and Charites as well as with countless beasts and monsters.
3)In the beginning, there was only Chaos and Eros. Gaea, the earth, Erebus, the underworld, and Night emerged from the mixing of these two, and Gaea gave birth to Uranus, the heavens, who then became her mate, and Oceanus, the oceans.
It seems to me that there are a lot of different myths for Greek creation.
Do you have a different story?
Also -Most Sunday Schools, of course, would not teach greek mythology. I take your comment as an attempted stab at my belief system. Do you think you're morally superior because you don't go to church? Do you think that your beliefs are anymore valid than mine? Maybe if I took the time to GRACE you with the beauty of my beliefs you'd actually be able to answer that. Are you acting like a donkey because I called you on your feigned ignorance of what a god is, or are you really just a donkey?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 05:44:00 am by Nutty Buddy »
Are you acting like a donkey because I called you on your feigned ignorance of what a god is, or are you really just a donkey? Deus_Siddis is always like that. In another thread he was trying to explain how the US Supreme Court is "the most overpowered branch of government".
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Do you have a different story? No, just the part you left out. The Greek Gods of Olympus were not great creators of the universe as you said a god was defined as. And yet they are considered gods and were worshipped as such.
Also -Most Sunday Schools, of course, would not teach greek mythology. I take your comment as an attempted stab at my belief system. Do you think you're morally superior because you don't go to church? No, just perhaps intellectually superior through the absence of a religious arrogance that rewrites history and creates definitions solely from its own teachings.
Do you think that your beliefs are anymore valid than mine? Depends on the belief I would guess. Your definition of a god seems shaky and narrow, so there I would say less valid.
Maybe if I took the time to GRACE you with the beauty of my beliefs you'd actually be able to answer that. I suppose I am not worthy of such beauty. But even in this state of ignorance you have left me in, I do not doubt this beauty, for such is the case with dreams that they can be purely so, while the things of undisputed reality are victim to natural flaws and forces.
If you did bestow the beauty of your mindset upon me however, I might be able paint a world of even greater majesty. But that wouldn't make it any more real.
Are you acting like a donkey because I called you on your feigned ignorance of what a god is, or are you really just a donkey? Well I'm typing, so that would be no small trick for a hooved animal.
But what about you, are you a dog or do you just pretend to be one?
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Deus makes a good point, albeit in a highly amusing fashion. If you feel offended, keep in mind that he only gives as he receives. Ares, Hera and the likes are certainly considered gods, and they didn't create anything (except trouble for Hercules). The same would go for Tor, Tyr and most other Valhallan gods. Besides, the stories you cite don't really paint anyone as the creator of the universe. there was already Chaos and water, or some such thing where the ur-gods resided. Unless you're making the argument that the gods come from a different universe, and created this and stepped in. 'd say your definition fits monotheistic religions well, but polytheistic much less so.
EDIT: Wayward posted while i was writing. Yes, certainly the idea doesn't have to give something a purpose. The Fire God could just be driving for fun. It would be spiritual in most cases though. Do we know of any old time explanations for things that didn't include a spiritual/supernatural/whatevernotphyscial element?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 06:43:11 am by Lukipela »
What's up doc?