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Topic: stupid argument (Read 18947 times)
So it's alright for you to post criticisms, but when I do it I'm much too overbearing? I'm not trying to diss you in any way, I'm simply trying to understand. I am breaking away from my natural tendency and trying to squeeze an admission out of you because I've now gotten far too deep into this thread. You could call that overbearing. If you read every other topic on the forum you will note that when we do clash, it's most definitely you critiquing me and maybe I'll taunt you over it or some such. That is me using what you find annoying to respond to what I find annyoing. This can stop quite easily, if you're willing to sometimes restrain yourself from doing that.
You find what intrusive and rude? That i criticise flaming in a similar way that you criticise Deus brashness and annoying habits?
I don't appreciate you acting like a parental figure to me, which you do.
Certianly. you tell me in which way I'm being overbearing that you are not, and I shall certainly endevaour to lessen that behaviour.
Nanny behavior. In a topic I say something, you arrive and correct me like I am a child. I do not do this to anyone much, if at all.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
I am breaking away from my natural tendency and trying to squeeze an admission out of you because I've now gotten far too deep into this thread. You could call that overbearing. If you read every other topic on the forum you will note that when we do clash, it's most definitely you critiquing me and maybe I'll taunt you over it or some such. That is me using what you find annoying to respond to what I find annyoing. This can stop quite easily, if you're willing to sometimes restrain yourself from doing that.
Er, I think you may be blowing this just a tad out of proportion. I can't recall us clashing in any topics, other than a very old one about conscription armies (where you were right and I made a mistake as I stated). Out of curiosity, could you link me to some of these clashes? If nothing else, it'd be instructive for me to see what you consider a clash.
I don't appreciate you acting like a parental figure to me, which you do.
This is getting really weird. However, I will endeavour to not act parentally towards you again. Be sure to call me on it if I do, because I really hadn't noticed this.
Nanny behavior. In a topic I say something, you arrive and correct me like I am a child. I do not do this to anyone much, if at all.
Isn't that what we do? If someone makes an incorrect/untrue/faulty/stupid statement someone else challenges it? I doubt very many people enjoy getting flamed either, but I suppose that's a very different thing somehow. anyhow, i shall endeavour to not correct you like a child, but rather like an adult. Pointers would be appreciated. perhaps we should also take this to PM's, as it really serves no purpose in the topic...
What's up doc?
This is getting really weird. However, I will endeavour to not act parentally towards you again. Be sure to call me on it if I do, because I really hadn't noticed this.
Isn't that what we do? If someone makes an incorrect/untrue/faulty/stupid statement someone else challenges it? I doubt very many people enjoy getting flamed either, but I suppose that's a very different thing somehow. anyhow, i shall endeavour to not correct you like a child, but rather like an adult. Pointers would be appreciated. perhaps we should also take this to PM's, as it really serves no purpose in the topic...
Yeah so I don't really care what you do. If I'm flaming someone for shitting up my beloved Star Control forum, you go right ahead and preach. Don't care, won't be listening. I just wanted to wrench a concession out of you because you so obviously didn't want to budge. Cheers.
Er, I think you may be blowing this just a tad out of proportion. I can't recall us clashing in any topics, other than a very old one about conscription armies (where you were right and I made a mistake as I stated). Shit, really? I don't even remember that much. To be honest, conscript armies could be pretty awesome if they came from a society that all felt a common bond as well as enough bitterness to collectively go off to war with each other. Post World War I Germany and probably most of today's middle east could spit out some great conscript armies. Cheap troops with a lot of zeal. The western world today just doesn't have the fire in their lungs to pull something like that off with any effect.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
So I'm confused. Is it a moral victory because I asked you for advice on something I was unaware of, or because I conceded a point? If the latter, then you really should read the forum more closely (And maybe SCDB as well), that happens quite a bit. If the former, I'm still waiting for advice. We cannot evolve unless we learn.
Yeah so I don't really care what you do. If I'm flaming someone for shitting up my beloved Star Control forum, you go right ahead and preach. Don't care, won't be listening. I just wanted to wrench a concession out of you because you so obviously didn't want to budge. Cheers.
Fair enough. If i'm preaching to someone shitting up my beloved forum, you go right ahead and flame. I'll care and will be listening. Also, I think you may still have a tad screwed up preconceptions about me. Not that it matters really. Still, I'll try to not be as patronising as you seem to think I am.
Shit, really? I don't even remember that much. To be honest, conscript armies could be pretty awesome if they came from a society that all felt a common bond as well as enough bitterness to collectively go off to war with each other. Post World War I Germany and probably most of today's middle east could spit out some great conscript armies. Cheap troops with a lot of zeal. The western world today just doesn't have the fire in their lungs to pull something like that off with any effect.
I remember it because I made quite a huge mistake. I forgot to take into account that not everyone i nthe US can be conscripted the way we do in tiny countries. i was arguing a point about volunteer armies having more of "the wrong sorts of people". It's in one or other old Iraq/Bush thread.
What's up doc?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

OMG! You guys made my GF delete her account! I should have warned her to take what people say here with a grain of salt. Please don't flame me. I don't care about it all that much.
I know I don't have the authority to do this, but I'm going to try anyway.
}}}========================IRON CURTAIN=========================={{{
Big Gay Anus
Maybe it’s not about thin skin… but about no one having enough insight on the subject to spot and properly chastise prejudice. –Nutty Buddy
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

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