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Topic: Starflight vs. Star Control ? (Read 6012 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Were any of the staff on the team that made Starflight also on the SC team?
Also, the captain on the space station rips directly from Starflight in saying "avoid being gruesomely killed..." which is mentioned several times in Starflight, including in the primary mission outline. :-/
I have to say that I like the ship fighting style in SC a little more, but it seems like crew are too much like fodder, rather than trained professionals... Is the "Vindicator" full of red-shirts?
I was kinda hoping there was at least some people on SC team who where on the SF team. Ah well. Maybe one day the entire genre will make a comeback.
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Some small part of me tries to find it odd that the people reminiscing over these two series on those boards are both literate *gasp* and totally devoted to their superiority over anything new (with which I whole-heartedly agree).
To think, You can STILL buy these games (allbeit from eBay)... This little piece of plastic is burning a hole in my pocket...
Sometimes I worry that things I appreciated when younger won't age well, so it would be best to leave them and reminisce, rather than revisit. But with these games, they still do much more than face up to newer games.
"An entire universe on two 360kB 5.25 floppies."
I just wish that elegant game programming were still trendy... I hate dropping 150 mB of HD space, just for a demo. Jeeze. (sorry for the rant guys)
Some games DON'T age well. I just picked up Defender of the Crown for the Game Boy Advance, which (aside from the graphics and sound enhancements) is pretty much a straight port. It's not nearly as entertaining as I remember it being. I only hope Pirates! doesn't do the same thing.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Similarly, Legend of Kage seems MUCH lamer than when it first came out.
Anybody ever get it in their head to try to jam the two series into the same continuity? I know, I know, it's hard enough trying to reconcile SC3 
Maybe I'll try it sometime, right after I marry this rosebush...
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
The only problem being, that SF was meant to occur sometime after the year 4600 or so (they had a few bad millenia in between).
Btw, if you can find an original SF 1 manual, I suggest reading it. Seriously it is the funniest game manual that will ever be written.
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