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Author Topic: I Love Star Control 3!  (Read 21798 times)

Re: I Love Star Control 3!
« Reply #75 on: August 22, 2007, 04:24:51 pm »

Clairconctlar. "Clair", in French, means clear. "con", also in French, means stupid. "Ctlar"...well, your guess is as good as mine. Clear, Stupid...Ctlar.

Well, they're not necessarily stupid.. This sounds like what they should've named the Doog. Tongue
OOOOK, the second thread I revive today, but there's something important I've got to say about SC3 species names.
---Clair-conc-tlar clearly means "clear conc rocks" ("clear" meaning "polished" here) - the "tlar" is a plural suffix, strangely resembling the Turkish plural suffix "-lar", used for words whose last vowel is either a, o, u or |, as the case is here.
---Doog is clearly "dog" with the "o" doubled to suggest how slow they speak.
---"Harika" is another Turkish word used as a girl name, see here, meaning "beautiful" - a clear play on how ugly the Harika really are.
---"Yorn" probably originates from "yarn", seeing that the Yorn look quite textile, like some puppets or so.
---"Daktaklakpak" suggest the robotic noises that they make.
---"Vyro-Ingo" - "Vyro" probably originates from some Latin or so word for "truth", from which the word "veridic" also originates; "Ingo" is the short form of "engineered"; so "Vyro-Ingo" means "truly engineered" - indeed, they're quite an artificial race, being created by the Precursors.
---"Ploxis" originates from "plot".
---"Xchagger" is suggestive of the fact that one Xchagger is not sentient, but together the Xchagger greatly sentient! Vootie! - the "xch" can't be pronounced without "agger".
---"K'Tang" is probably a reference to the Katang people.

It is truly awe-inspiring how much thought the creators of SC3 put into the names of their species!
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