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Topic: Pillow Fight! - Super Melee Newbie Tournament Vol. 3 (Read 3142 times)
Howdy doo, folks. It's time for yet another installment of Pillow Fight, the Star Control melee tournament where total amateurs fight it out! Come this sunday! fling br00ning deth OVAR INTIRNET!!!1

Date: Sunday, September 2nd, 2007 Place: #UQM-Arena on irc:// Time:
- 4 AM Sydney
- 6 AM Otaki
- 11 AM Los Angeles
- 12 PM Denver
- 1 PM Chicago
- 2 PM New York
- 7 PM London
- 8 PM Paris
- 9 PM Helsinki
Tournament structure: It's a Swiss tournament. If you lose a round, you aren't ejected from the tournament but instead play against the other beaten players. There will be three rounds, then possibly a final bout between the two top participants if a clear winner has not emerged. This, of course, assumes enough people show up to play a proper tournament.
---Game rules---
1) Maximum fleet size of 200 points. 2) Only one of each ship type is allowed in your fleet. 3) You must have your team set up before connecting to another player for melee. Do not adjust your fleet once you've connected to an opponent. 4) All ships (including Thraddash) are allowed. 5) The organizer’s decision is final on all matters. Hopefully I won't have to make any. 6) The following horrible jerks cannot participate in this tournament:
- Elvish Pillager
- Tiberian
- AngusThermopyle
- Cedric6014
- Stara
- Shiver
The current reigning champion of the pillow war is Lurker. Watch out for Amiga Nut as well.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2007, 10:03:43 pm by Shiver »
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

The Universal Migrator
This is just what I need.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

 I'm ready for you Lurker. I've been practicing.
EP: e.a.d.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2007, 12:54:39 am by Amiga_Nut »
C. Bob
Zebranky food

Posts: 43
That is very possibly one of the most tasteless images I have seen in my life.
That is very possibly one of the most tasteless images I have seen in my life.
If you honestly believe that, someone needs to send you to goatse. Goatse for the win.
Tournament Results
[1st place] Lurker -- 2 Wins, 0 Losses, 87 points
[2nd place] Amiga Nut -- 1 Win, 1 Loss, 35 points
[3rd place] Megagun -- 1 Win, 1 Loss, 14 points
[4th place] Scwyci -- 0 Wins, 1 Loss, -48 points
[5th place] NoSoup4You -- 0 Wins, 1 Loss, -88 points
Synopsis: We had a low turn-out this time. One player left early, another arrived very late. The games went over reasonably well regardless. Lurker seems to have made it to the top of the pile. Hopefully that can get fixed at some point in the future.
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