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Question: Do you want/think that the Sequel(TM) has StarFlight II-style trading and minor races*?
I want it and I think it will be.
I want it, but I think it will not be.
I want it, but I can't say how I think it will be.
I don't like that idea, but I think it will be like that.
I don't like that idea and I think it will not be like that.
I don't like that idea, but I can't say how I think it will be.
I care not, but I think it will be like that.
I care not, but I think it will not be like that.
I don't care and I can't say how I think it will be.

Author Topic: Poll: StarFlight II-style trading and minor races in the Sequel(TM)  (Read 5547 times)

Re: Poll: StarFlight II-style trading and minor races in the Sequel(TM)
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2007, 05:38:39 pm »

Do you think that by suggesting what you want to see you're actually limiting what you will see? I mean, in the litegatious atmosphere of America if you could say "I came up with that idea first" you could sue for a portion of the profits. So to be safe, any idea posted on the internet must be avoided.
(I'm assuming you're talking to me) Are you sure? What about the suggestion threads on so many gaming forums? Besides, these here aren't my ideas anyway - as you can see, they're stolen from other titles (I'll get sued...  Shocked). Also, wouldn't this apply to speculation as well? "It was me who first publicized that Orz=Them, not PR3!" (may Paul Reiche III - Blessed Be His Holy Name - forgive me for this blasphemy)
These ideas aren't quite detailed enough, and actually I've seen more detailed ideas on other forums about which nobody raised this issue.
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Re: Poll: StarFlight II-style trading and minor races in the Sequel(TM)
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2007, 11:46:42 am »

It really depends on how big the suggestion/idea is. if it's revolutionary, you'll probably have to sign an non-disclosure agreement or another piece of paper saying that you distance yourself from this idea, just to make sure that you won't come back to haunt them later.

That is, if we're talking about gentleman (or women) taking up your suggestion. If you want to tie someone up in court about an idea "you posted on a developper's forum", my case (if I were the developper) against you would be to prove that it was really you who posted on that forum. You'd have to request (by legal order) my server logs to see if it was actually you connecting (and you'd still only have an IP address with which you now have to prove that it was actually you on that IP address), and well, my system manager is not one of the fastest guys you know, ever since he had that horrible accident when his fingers got stuk in a tapedrive... So it might take a few months to get those logs... a year tops.... Joe, be careful with that cup of coffee in the server room...

Oh my... drifting away from the topic again...

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Re: Poll: StarFlight II-style trading and minor races in the Sequel(TM)
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2007, 01:49:59 pm »

IANAL, but afaik (in the USA) you do not have copyright on ideas in themselves, only as part of a story.

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Re: Poll: StarFlight II-style trading and minor races in the Sequel(TM)
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2007, 04:15:05 pm »

As long as they make the universe feel plausible I'm fine. However, it's quite possible that a poorly made feature will only detract from the experience. If you go for realism, then the player will start expecting other things and the universe can actually feel more shallow and superficial. I remember playing HL2 and whilst being able to stack crates to make improvised stairs, it didn't allow me to jump over a fence. I could shoot sawblades into the walls, but not use them as a ladder, and I could shoot people, but not important people.

I think if you set up proper rules and as a game designer work within those, you'll end up with a plausible universe, even if it isn't realistic. If trading is included, I think it should make sense within the universe and not just be a slap on feature.

We're doing a bit of open development with Cortex Command, but we really had most of the ideas ourselves during the beginning of the development (we're just refraining from implementation until our production/asset pipeline is up). I guess open development is a bit like... convergent brainstorming: certain ideas keeps popping up, and that can nudge our choices in the end.

Dwarf Fortress guy is doing a bit of open development too. From a legal PoV, maybe it's more feasible process in the indie game community.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 04:18:08 pm by Arne » Logged
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