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Question: |
Do you want/think that the Sequel(TM) has StarFlight II-style trading and minor races*?
I want it and I think it will be. |
I want it, but I think it will not be. |
I want it, but I can't say how I think it will be. |
I don't like that idea, but I think it will be like that. |
I don't like that idea and I think it will not be like that. |
I don't like that idea, but I can't say how I think it will be. |
I care not, but I think it will be like that. |
I care not, but I think it will not be like that. |
I don't care and I can't say how I think it will be. |
Topic: Poll: StarFlight II-style trading and minor races in the Sequel(TM) (Read 5556 times)
*That is, you have to land on inhabited planets and find the trade center to trade. There are a number of Standard Trade Goods, the same for all races (some may miss depending on their tech level though), and whose depends on whether the planet's economy is Inflated (which sell at higher prices, buy at lower prices), Level (moderate prices) or Depressed (which sell at lower prices, buy at higher prices) - so the better idea with standard goods is buying from a depressed economy and selling to an inflated one.
There are also Specialty Trade Goods, which can generally be sold for more money than you paid for them, and which, having much higher values than standard goods, yield much better profits. Each race has a couple of specialty goods that they want and a couple of specialty goods that they sell (and some of these specialty goods are not wanted by anyone).
Artifacts can also be bought. Most races will only sell them if you've sold them a certain specialty trade good that they like.
By minor races I mean races that have not yet attained space flight technology, so the only interaction possible with them is trading and learning interesting lore about themselves, their culture etc.
<POLL ONE ("Do you want/think that the Sequel(TM) is transitionless first-person?") leftover> *By that I mean like in Frontier: First Encounter clones (or Infinity: Quest for Earth) - you pilot the ship from the cockpit, and planet exploration and encounters take place within the same (perceived) worldspace.
Also, sorry for the strange wording in the title, I had to shorten it...  </leftover>
« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 04:20:35 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208

I really liked the Frontier Elite series, and I think it would greatly benefit from a modern revision. However, I'm not sure how well the Star Control flavoring would incorporate into that. SC2 was based loosely off of Star Flight I think. You were able to take your main ship down to most planets and mine with a surface vehicle, but it wasn’t seamless. Communication with aliens only took place in space and was rather limited. I forget…Was mining a big part of Frontier? Anyway- I disagree with most on this. I think the actual game play of a new SC COULD adopt some aspects from great games like First Encounters and also Carrier Command. CC took the whole remote vehicle idea to a new level. Perhaps the same aspect could be applied to the escort ships in the next SC? Meh… It’s all supposition anyway.
Super realistic space simulation in a seamless environment should get more interest. This is by no means a bad idea.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2007, 07:23:25 pm by Amiga_Nut »
Poll: Do you want/think that the Sequel(TM) is transitionless first-person? results:
- 5 votes for "I don't like that idea and I think it will not be like that."
- 1 vote for "I want it, but I can't say how I think it will be."
I've decided to use this thread for other SequelTM polls. Vote now for StarFlight II-style trading and minor races!!!
Before the post announcing the first poll's results, this thread dealt with seamless transition between space, planetside and battle. Now we've moved on to another design element, since I have a couple of such questions in mind and I thought it would be better if I don't clutter the forum with a lot of such polls. So I've edited this one instead.
Thus, you can ignore the posts before my poll results post for the current question.
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
So many polls! Do you plan on using this information to make your own sequel? I'm impressed Valaggar. I didn't even know you knew how to program. Could you link to your work and show us what you've done?
It would probably be a radical change of their current business plan, which wouldn't rhyme with "if it works, don't fix it."
Furthermore, I have never seen your polls attract more than 20 people (and those aren't actually about the game but a popularity contest)... that's far from enough people. So as long as you don't create it yourself, it's not going to happen. Unless you can get another 10k people responding to this thread... No, no, no, by "if enough people like them, there's quite a chance that PR3&FF also like them and are going to use them for the SequelTM" I meant that this poll is a way to divine their intentions, not influence them.
Please do not see this as a "I don't like you, shoo" post. Why would I? Do I use to do like that? I don't think so. 
far away forum of a far away game with far away people (face it, most of us are (becoming) relics of the past) I think I will direct you to this post. Or should I direct you to this post? O Great Gods Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III, guide me, for without you, my resolution falters, and my pen is still and dry, though all the seas were full of ink, and the sky my parchment of dawn!
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
I think it would be sort of fun to be able to bargain with the Melnorme and Druuge and whoever else, but it would definitely not be high on the wish list. I much prefer SF1's mining to SF2's trading.
As for seemless transitions, I don't think so. It would not happen unless the game was radically altered to be 3D, more realistically scaled (not that that is saying much, Spore's planetary scale would be enough for this) and planetary surfaces were much more interesting places (again, probably something like Spore).
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Do you think that by suggesting what you want to see you're actually limiting what you will see? I mean, in the litegatious atmosphere of America if you could say "I came up with that idea first" you could sue for a portion of the profits. So to be safe, any idea posted on the internet must be avoided.
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