Hmm, imageshack doesn't seem to do direct linking anymore.. oh well, this'll work too.
EDIT: if you use the quote button Dancing, you'll see that both 0x and I used nothing more than the image tags starting with "[img]". Of course, the site where you'll be offloading your pictures need to support direct linking...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 04:52:02 pm by Koowluh »
I hate drugs. Air is the worst one. Breathe it once and you're hooked for life.
Beginning testing sequence.........standby............. Do you see my picture? Because I sure do. But it might just be my imagination. Thanks to you all for the help.
Now I will let loose the freaks of war!
What do you think?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 06:52:34 pm by Dancing Fungus »