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Topic: What Really Killed The Dinosaurs (Read 3850 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 14

That was actually quite interesting. Just spent few hours of "precious" worktime for reading it.
That theory he gives actually sounds quite logical, even explains how those gigantic dinosaurs could have been so big without been crushed by their on weight.
And yes Lukipela, we all will be killed within next 2 million years
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

This site makes me very happy. If I read it correctly, the next time the Earths magnetosphere reverses 99% of life on Earth will once again be wiped out and countless new mutations will appear. why does thsi make me happy?
1. The overpopulation problem is solved in one fell swoop. I don't have to feel guilty about bringing a child into the world one day.
2. We'll go from having ordinary boring humans to new humanoid races. That means elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls, mermen and anything else you can imagine! And when they find our old sci-fi books, they are going to think that it's actual history. Maybe Etna will become Mount Doom? Laff, for a second there I thought you were implying that elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls and mermen *don't* exist... Good one. And I hear that one of those elite fraternitys like Bush and Cheny are in, already have plans to depopulate the world so that's already covered.
As for the article. I was with "Brother John" up until the crust of the earth being thrown into space by centrifical forces. That one is hard to swallow although we do see the dramitc effects of a fast planetary spin at Saturn.
Here's a glimpse into the future of humans.
Btw Thanx moderator for moderating. Your services here are vital to this community. 
Frungy champion
Posts: 78

My major problem with this is that scientists have "recently" discovered, based on research, that the moon stabilizes Earth, and that without it, the poles would probably reverse fairly often. By that article's own admission, animals without the ability to regulate their body temperature wouldn't have been able to handle an environment that goes from generic summer temperatures to antarctic weather every 50 years.
Posts: 520

I think the dinos started using genome patents and no one could afford buying offspring licences, and the mammals were pirates so they survived, with the blessing of the FSM of course.
On the topic of spinning planets:
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